Author Archives: admin

Question to full council about a lasting legacy of greener, safer transport

I have submitted a question to The Leader of Surrey County Council’s ahead of full council next week.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has had a terrible impact on the lives and health of many Surrey residents, as well as severe economic consequences. But one of the consequences of the lock down also presents a rare opportunity to move towards our ambitious Climate Change target for transport of a reduction of in 60% emissions in the transport sector by 2035.

During the lock down, the quieter and less polluted streets have encouraged our residents to walk and given many who have never cycled before, a new confidence to get on their bikes.  Over several weeks, the lockdown has resulted in a level of behaviour change that most transport strategies can only dream of.

The recent Surrey Climate Change Strategy states that to achieve our goal of net zero carbon by 2050, we must act today to reduce our carbon emissions.  The strategy identifies the reduction in our transport emissions asfundamental to achieving this goal, stating the county will promote an integrated, accessible, affordable and reliable public and active (walking or cycling) transport system.

A shift to more agile working, the need to socially distance when travelling to work and the appreciation of the health benefits of cycling and walking indicate that this change in travel behaviour could be long term.  Many of my residents in Haslemere are very keen that this once in a lifetime opportunity is not missed.

Please could the Leader please explain how this council intends to ensure Surrey’s transport network support the recovery from the COVID-19 emergency to provide a lasting legacy of greener, safer transport?

Could the Leader outline how the Highways team are responding to new guidelines under the Traffic Management Act 2004, and the recent statement by Grant Shapps which expects local authorities to make significant changes to their road layouts to give more space to cyclists and pedestrians. Such changes will help embed altered behaviours and demonstrate the positive effects of active travel.’

Surrey’s Community Recycling Centres

This is the first video Surrey County Councillors have been sent to communicate with residents. More communications will be sent out in the coming days.

Keeping Haslemere healthy: Prescription delivery service helps 100 homes a week

Article in this week’s Haslemere Herald:

A VOLUNTEER-run prescription delivery service is helping to keep Haslemere healthy, by delivering vital medication to more than 100 homes a week.

The service was instigated by online support group Haslemere Help, after queues at the town’s health centre meant wait times of more than an hour.

Town and county councillor Nikki Barton collaborated with Haslemere Town Council and Haslemere Help volunteers to create the system.

Read full article here.

Watts Gallery’s Great British Art Quiz

This week, on Thursday, The Great British Art Quiz in The Guardian had its questions set by the team at Watts Gallery:

Do also take a look at their digital resources (including bedtime stories, creative activities, collections tours, and wellness activities in our Watts At Home programme) via 

Information on their Art for All community partnerships can be found here too:

Scotland Lane, Haslemere – Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order


SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) and (7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to: a) prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of Scotland Lane (D5524), Haslemere that extends from its junction with Blackdown Lane (D5527), to its junction with Old Haslemere Road (D5526); b) suspend “THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL SCOTLAND LANE (D5524), HASLEMERE TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC ORDER 2020” in its entirety; and c) suspend “THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL CHASE LANE (D5527), TENNYSONS LANE (D5527) AND SCOTLAND LANE (D5524), HASLEMERE TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC ORDER 2019” in its entirety.

This Traffic Order is required to enable SGN to carry out gas mains replacement works. These works are anticipated to be carried out within 13 weeks of the 12 month period of operation of this Temporary Order that commences on 18 May 2020. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure which is anticipated will be required for 24 hours each day, will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access for pedestrians will be maintained at all times.

Access for residents and businesses on the affected length of Scotland Lane, including access for emergency services to such properties, and access for cyclists and equestrians, will be maintained at all times via the vehicular diversion route which will be: Old Haslemere, Museum Hill, Petworth Road and Haste Hill.

Request For Donations On Behalf Of Haslemere Food Bank

I have received a list of items that is urgently needed by The Haslemere Food Bank.

Donations can be left at either Tesco or Waitrose in Haslemere or at CeeGees in Fernhurst. Or donations can be dropped at the Methodist Church on a Wednesday and Friday morning from 10AM – 12PM.

Please note, the food bank will be open this Bank Holiday Friday for referrals.

Haslemere Food Bank, request for donations.

Phased reopening of most of Surrey’s community recycling centres (CRC) from Monday 11 May

There will be a phased reopening of most of Surrey’s community recycling centres (CRC) from Monday 11 May. To make sure that each facility can operate in line with Public Health England guidelines, and to protect the safety of our staff and our residents, there will be restrictions in place.

However, there are limits to the numbers of people on each site, changes to what materials are accepted and revised opening hours. Due to the fewer numbers of people who can safely be on site and the impact of potential queuing on surrounding roads, our smaller sites in Bagshot, Caterham, Cranleigh, Dorking and Warlingham will remain closed.

Residents should only use the CRCs if they absolutely need to, and must check for the latest information before they travel at or by calling 03456 009 009 as these arrangements are subject to change.

As outlined in DEFRA guidance, journeys to waste sites are only allowed under the lockdown restrictions if the waste materials cannot be stored at home without causing risk of injury or harm to health. Please see the Government’s guidance about essential travel (GOV.UK)

Covid-19 Testing in Surrey

As you will be aware, there has been a significant focus on COVID-19 swab testing in line with national guidance. This has been developing and progressing swiftly at a local level and in response to the guidance and the requirement to expand the testing capability quickly, a core group of system partners from Health and Care Partners has been set up. This group will co-ordinate the delivery of coronavirus testing to all eligible people across Surrey.


The team is working hard to review and target priority areas first, with a view on using all the options available to build resource to meet the demand. The council is aware that this approach needs to be urgently stepped up and will be updating you as we continue to develop plans for achieving this target.

Who is eligible for a test?

Essential workers living or working in Surrey, who are self-isolating either because they have symptoms or someone in their household has symptoms, are eligible to register with Surrey’s testing hub.

Essential workers are those outlined in the Government’s list of essential workers prioritised for testing. We continue to expand our testing capacity to include new groups as part of the Government’s phased approach.

These new groups eligible for testing are:

  • anyone over 65 with symptoms
  • anyone with symptoms whose work cannot be done from home (for example, construction workers, shop workers, emergency plumbers and delivery drivers)
  • anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus and lives with any of those identified above

Anyone who falls into one of the new groups eligible for testing should use the self-referral portal for now.

We are building up the testing capacity to ensure that all care home residents and staff with symptoms are being tested. This will be rolled out shortly to include all care home residents and staff, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not.


The safety of residents and patients is our priority and we are working at pace to ensure we can meet the local need. We will update on progress. In the meantime if you have any specific comments or queries, please do email –

Surrey County Council’s Climate Change Strategy

On Tuesday this week, Surrey County Council’s Cabinet endorsed Surrey’s Climate Change Strategy.

I was part of the members scrutiny group that worked on the report.  I believe it’s a very positive step forward, although I had hoped the strategy would include more specific targets, for example, on modal shift to less polluting transport modes.

The shared ambition of Surrey’s 12 local authorities is that our residents live in clean, safe and green communities, where people and organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities. In support of this ambition – and the council’s commitment to the county achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – Surrey’s Climate Change Strategy sets out a collective approach to do our part to tackle climate change. You can read here the Summary: Surrey’s Climate Change Strategy.

Some Surrey County Council updates

If you are feeling low or isolated

Surrey County Council has launched a Surrey wide campaign aimed at offering advice and support for those struggling or feeling low during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you or someone you care about is struggling, there’s lots of mental wellbeing support available. For information on free local services in Surrey and self-help resources visit:

Confidential Helpline Phone: 0808 802 5000 24 hours, 7 days a week

SMS Text: 07537 432411 Staffed Monday to Friday 9am-2pm

Jenrick to ask councils to reopen Household Waste Recycling Centres in coming weeks

Robert Jenrick, the Secretary for Housing, Communities and Local Government, has said that local authorities will be asked to “plan the organised opening” of Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) in the coming weeks.

Speaking in the House of Commons yesterday (28 April), Jenrick stated: “Today I can announce that I am asking councils to plan the organised opening of household waste collection sites. I expect this to happen over the coming weeks, and I will be publishing amended guidance shortly.”

Surrey County Council and the wider Surrey Environment Partnership are keen to see our services getting back to normal as soon as possible and we are working with our contractor to develop a plan to re-open our Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRCs) as soon as it is safe and practical to do so.

The current government advice is clear that the public should Stay Home and only make essential journeys at this time. This will protect the NHS and save lives. While restrictions remain in place and travelling to a CRC is not deemed to be an essential journey, the CRC’s need to remain closed. We understand that this is inconvenient, and Surrey County Council is committed to extending CRC opening hours once the current restrictions are lifted.