Author Archives: admin

Emergency Utility Works; Highercombe Road, Haslemere

From: Network Coordinator – Waverley
Sent: 05 December 2019
To: Nikki Barton <>
Subject: Emergency Utility Works; Highercombe Road, Haslemere

Dear Councillor Barton,

For your information can I advise you of emergency works being carried out on Highercombe Road, Haslemere (outside the property called ‘South Grays’).

Thames Water need to repair a leaking water pipe in the carriageway. The traffic management that is placed is a Road Closure and the estimated end date is the 11/12/2019.

I hope you find this information useful.

Kind Regards,


Network Coordinator – Waverley

Network Coordination Team

Network and Asset Management Group

Surrey Highways

MASS UNWRAP @ TESCO Haslemere (Sat 18 Jan 2020 10am – 11:50am)

Subject: MASS UNWRAP @ TESCO Haslemere Sat 18 Jan 2020 10am – 11:50am

From: Gary Lloyd, Green Councillor, Haslemere Town Council

Dear Haslemere Climate Collective and friends,

In case you haven’t already heard about this, we finally have agreement from Tesco for Love Haslemere Hate Waste to host a “great unwrap” outside the Haslemere store to raise awareness of the scale of our plastic waste problem.

We’ll be doing this for 2 hours from 10am until midday on Saturday 18th Jan. We would be really grateful if you could spread word of this event with your friends and connections.

We are also looking for volunteers to help us on the day! Precise roles are yet to be defined but are likely to include: setting up, briefing customers on their way in (and also in the till queues if Tesco allow it), assisting with unwrapping outside the store, collecting/managing all plastic, and the final cleanup. We’re likely to have press there and it should be a whole load of fun – as well as possibly a bit shocking.

Do please let Tause of LoveHaslemereHateWaste or Gary ( know if you might be willing to volunteer. It’s a great cause – a positive drive to reduce waste by any one of the major retailers has a good chance of triggering a “chain reaction” among the others, but only if there is visible public pressure – and the more supporters we can get along to it the better.

Thanks and kind regards,


Emergency Utility Works; Petworth Road, Haslemere

To: Nikki Barton
Subject: Emergency Utility Works; Petworth Road, Haslemere

Dear Councillor,

For your information can I advise you of emergency works being carried out on Petworth Road, Haslemere (approximately 85m west of the junction with Blackdown Lane).

SGN need to repair a gas escape. The traffic management that is placed is Two-Way Signals and the estimated end date is the 09/12/2019.

We have requested manual control between 06:30-09:30 & 16:00-18:30 to minimise disruption as much as possible.

I hope you find this information useful.

Kind Regards,


Network Coordinator – Waverley

Network Coordination Team

Network and Asset Management Group

Surrey Highways

Temporary Closure of Public Bridleway 48 (Haslemere)

From: Countryside Access Assistant
Sent: 25 November 2019 11:24:51
To: Nikki Barton <>
Subject: Temporary Closure of Public Bridleway 48 (Haslemere)

Dear Interested parties,

The Surrey County Council Public Bridleway 48 (Haslemere)

Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2019

Please see attachments relating to the temporary closure of a public bridleway located to the east of Prestwick Lane, Grayswood – Public Brideway 48 (Haslemere).

The closure is necessary on the grounds of public safety, due to a damaged bridleway bridge. An emergency closure has been in place since 4 October 2019.

The closure Order will be in place from 3 December 2019 until 12 May 2020, or until the completion of any remedial works, if earlier. The Secretary of State for Transport may extend the closure if necessary.

The replacement timber has been ordered by the County Council, and repair works will take place once the timber has been received and a contractor appointed.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Tom Jenkins
Countryside Access Assistant
01737 737675

Surrey County Council
Whitebeam Lodge
Merrow Depot
Merrow Lane
Surrey GU4 7BQ

More here and here.

South Western Railway Strike Update

Today, I received this update from South Western Railway regarding proposed strike action.

From: Andy Mellors
Date: 21 November 2019 at 4:15:04 pm GMT
To: Nikki Barton
Subject: South Western Railway Update

Dear Cllr Barton,

I am contacting you regarding the prospect of industrial action taking place on the South Western Railway network and the impact this could have on passengers in your local area.

The RMT union has called 28 days of strike action which will disrupt our train services throughout December. The action is due to commence on 2 December and last until the New Year.

I very much hope we can avoid the strikes happening at all and we’re still open to discussions with the RMT.

However, we are working very hard planning for how we keep our passengers moving if the strikes do go ahead. 

This dispute centres around the role of guards on SWR’s trains.  We have publicly promised that there will always be guards on our trains, helping deliver the train service passengers need and want, and that our guards will have a safety critical role.

All we’re asking is that our guards work with us to bring in our new trains, which our estimates show could mean over 10 million more passenger journeys arrive on-time in peak hours every year.

We still hope these promises will help avoid strike action. However, we are putting plans in place to keep as many passengers as possible moving throughout the strike should it proceed:

  • By early next week we will publish downloadable, detailed timetables for services that will still be running during the strike, once these have been finalised. We will also be publishing some frequently asked questions to help passengers plan their journey
  • We are working with other transport providers so as many tickets as possible can be accepted on other rail and bus networks
  • We are committed to doing everything we can to provide people, business, councils, community groups and other organisations with the most detailed and up-to-date information we have and will be providing the latest travel information on our website

I don’t want this strike to happen. It doesn’t need to happen, and I hope the promises we’ve made to our guards will help reassure them that the strike is unnecessary.

However, if the strike does go ahead we will be doing everything we can to get our passengers to where they need to go in the run-up to Christmas and New Year.

We will provide you with regular updates as and when new information is available.

You can find the latest information at 

Kind regards

Andy Mellors
Managing Director
South Western Railway

Update – Planned works on Chase Lane and Tennyson’s Lane Haslemere Postponed

A week ago, I wrote about planned SGN works affecting Chase Lane and Tennyson’s Lane here.

Please see below an update from SGN explaining that these works are now postponed.

From: SGN Stakeholder and Community Manager

To: Nikki Barton <>

Subject: Planned works on Chase Lane and Tennyson’s Lane Haslemere

Hello Nikki,

Firstly I would like to thank you for your support in arranging a drop in event at the town hall.  Have to say with such short notice we had a good turnout providing valuable feedback and most importantly local knowledge.  

Following on from the town hall meeting, the team have taken on the feedback given and reached a decision to postpone the replacement work on Chase Lane and Tennyson’s Lane until the spring 2020.  We agree the diversion route could potentially be challenging during the winter months, the residents and road users safety is our priority.    

We would like to thank residents/businesses for their input, support and also their understanding that this work will be re-planned next year.   Please can I ask for your help in sending this email/update to residents you have on your distribution list,  I will also draft a letter to be sent out as soon as possible to all residents who would have been directly affected.

Again thank you for your help, speak soon  

Kindest regards

Stakeholder and Community Manager

Surrey Climate Commission event on 4th December

To: Nikki Barton <>
Subject: Surrey Climate Commission event on 4th December

Dear Nikki

Come and hear from the Surrey Climate Commission:

The Challenge Ahead (What we know already !)

Wednesday 4 December 2019, 16:30 – 19:30

At WWF Living Planet Centre, Brewery Road, Woking

Since our Launch in June we have been working hard towards creating a workable but ambitious pathway towards tackling the climate challenge that we all face.

In September this year we secured funding from Surrey University to start a Baseline Study aiming to provide robust evidence of where Surrey lies in relation to its targets now.

We now have interim results from this Study, as well as feedback from our recent Forums, so come and hear what these are telling us


Richard Essex

Chair of Surrey Climate Commission

Woking SWR stakeholder conference

Yesterday, I attended the South Western Railways Stakeholder conference in Woking.

Some slides:

Guard will be retained but strikes are still scheduled for December 2019
Additional early evening services for Haslemere

Acknowledgement by CEO Andrew Haines that Network Rail didn’t understand consequences of changing the layout at Waterloo station on the travelling public and didn’t liaise with SWR on impact on timetables. New approach – Putting Passengers First – following Holden Recommendations identified many improvements needed.

Big stress of increasing passenger numbers, 230 million/year on Wessex Route, Waterloo is the busiest station in the country.

Andy Mellors, Managing Director SWR, celebrating recent successful launch of Surrey Hills to South Downs CRP at conference.

Chase Lane, Tennyson’s Lane and Scotland Lane – Haslemere Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order

Sent: 14 November 2019 14:33:04
Subject: Reference: ME-730218 – Surrey Highways: TRO CHASE LANE (D5527), TENNYSON’S LANE (D5527) AND SCOTLAND LANE (D5524), HASLEMERE

Chase Lane (D5527), Tennyson’s Lane (D5527) and Scotland Lane (D5524), HASLEMERE – TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC ORDER 2019

Dear Sirs

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in:

a) The entire length of Chase Lane (D5527), Haslemere.

b) That length of Tennyson’s Lane (D5527), Haslemere that extends from its junction with Chase Lane (D5527), to its junction with Scotland Lane (D5524); the vehicular diversion for traffic will be via Tennyson’s Lane, Blackdown Lane, Petworth Road, Jobsons Lane, Jays Lane and Tennyson’s Lane.

c) That length of Scotland Lane (D5524), that extends from its junction with Tennysons Lane (D5527), to its junction with Denbigh Road (D5526); the vehicular diversion for eastbound traffic will be via – Midhurst Road, Shepherds Hill, Lower Street, Haslemere High Street (around Town Hall), Petworth Road, and Haste Hill; and for westbound traffic – Haste Hill, Petworth Road, Lower Street, Shepherds Hill, Midhurst Road.

This Traffic Order is required to enable SGN to carry out a gas mains replacement works.

These works are anticipated to be carried out on:

Part a) 26/11/19 to 17/12/19

Part b) 06/01/20 to 24/01/20

Part c) 27/01/20 to 14/02/20

within phases of the 12 month period of operation of this Temporary Order that commences on 26 November 2019.

Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure which is anticipated will be required for 24 hours each day will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access for emergency services, residents, businesses, pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians will be maintained at all times.

Chase Lane Diversion

Scotland Lane Diversion

Tennyson’s Lane Diversion

Scotland Lane Information Pack

Tennyson’s Lane Information Pack

Proposed amendments to some late night & early morning train services from December 2020

From: Andrew Harrowell
Date: 30 October 2019 at 7:52:00 am GMT
Subject: Proposed amendments to some late night & early morning services from December 2020

Dear Community Rail Partnerships

I am writing to you to let you know about our current consultation on the proposed amendments to some services from 13th December 2020.

The attached letter from Andy Mellors, Managing Director of South Western Railway, and Mark Killick, Route Director of Wessex of Network Rail, details why we are proposing these amendments. You can view the full consultation at:

I would appreciate it if you could share this with you steering groups and stakeholders.

Many thanks

Andy Harrowell

Community Rail Manager

South Western Railway