Author Archives: admin

Surrey Neighbourhood Watch – Warning of A Scam Regarding Covid Vaccination Bookings

Notification from Surrey neighbourhood Watch

Dear Surrey resident

Covid vaccinations are being carried out across Surrey and some of you will have already been called for your first vaccination. For those waiting, please be aware that there is a scam whereby people are receiving texts that appear to be from the NHS and ask for personal and bank details to pay for the vaccination. These are scams.

The Covid vaccination is free and you will be contacted via a text (usually from your GP practice), a letter from the NHS, or possibly a phone call from your GP if short notice. All these methods will allow you to choose a venue and a time. You are not applying for the vaccination – you are being invited to attend one of the vaccination centres. At no time will you be asked for any other personal or financial details (but you may need to provide date of birth as a security measure).
The link below downloads a poster from the government giving details of what a scam invitation will look like.

Keep safe and well
Martin Stilwell
Surrey Neighbourhood Watch

Surrey Highways: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order Farnham Lane, Haslemere

Subject: Reference: ME-925591 – Surrey Highways: TRO Farnham Lane (D134) Haslemere


The Surrey County Council Farnham Lane (D134) Haslemere Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2021

Surrey County Council (“The Council”) Propose to make the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act (“The Act”) 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of Farnham Lane (D134) Haslemere as extends from its junction with (X83021) The Avenue to a point approximately 20 metres south along (D134) Farnham Lane. There is no applicable diversion route.

The Order is required to allow critical water mains repair works to be carried out by, or on behalf of Morrisons Utility Services within the length of road described in this notice. These works are anticipated to be carried out over 2 nights between the hours of 8pm and 5am within the 12 month period of operation of the Temporary Order that commences on 09 February 2021. Advanced warning signs will be displayed, and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access for residents, the emergency services, pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times

Dated 14 January 2021
Authorising Officer: Richard Bolton
Local Highway Services Group Manager
Enquiries to:- Traffic Regulation Orders Team, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7BQ
Telephone: 0300 200 1003

Volunteers for Guildford & Waverley Covid-19 Vaccination Centres

Several people have asked about volunteering at vaccination centres. Here is a response that I have received:

If people want to register to volunteer for marshalling, etc., at the Guildford & Waverley Covid-19 Vaccination Centres, they can go to the Voluntary Action South West Surrey website and there will be a link generated when it’s active, but there is nothing available at the moment because the first month of shifts/roles has been filled. So, the advice is to keep checking! Once open again, the different roles can be accessed by going to our website (, clicking on “View local volunteering opportunities” and scrolling down to ‘NHS Volunteers’ and clicking into it.

Emergency utility works on Bell Road, Haslemere

Dear Councillor,

For your information can I advise you of emergency works being carried out on Bell Road, Haslemere (Jct with Midhurst Road).

SGN need to repair a gas escape. The traffic management that is placed is Multi-Way Signals and the estimated end date is the 25/01/2021.

We have requested manual control between 07:00-09:30 & 16:00-18:30 to minimise disruption as much as possible.

Kind Regards,

Network Coordinator – Waverley

Streetworks Team

Surrey Highways

For more information about what we do, please visit our Surrey Highways website

You can follow on twitter too @Surreytravel

Covid-19 Vaccination Programme – Briefing Update from Surrey Heartlands

I received this update from Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership:

Our vaccination programme scaled up considerably this week with the launch of our large vaccination centre at Epsom Racecourse on Monday (11 January). This site is also shared with some of our GP-led vaccination services. It means significantly more people can be vaccinated and is initially focusing on people over 80 years of age and health and care workers.

Secretary of State for Health and Care, Matt Hancock and Professor Stephen Powis, National Medical Director also visited the launch to hear from staff and patients about the progress being made. National, regional and local media followed the action and you can see some of the highlights from BBC, Sky News, ITV, Surrey Live and over on our Twitter feed.

89 year old Moira Edwards from Epsom was first to receive her vaccine and said it was “extremely important” to get it.

We also now have all our planned GP-led services up and running and the first pharmacy vaccination site open in Guildford.

The full list of services is:

We are starting to receive more supplies of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine. As this is easier to transport it means significant progress is also being made with vaccinating care home residents and staff.

We have also been vaccinating at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford and Surrey and Sussex Hospitals in Redhill. Other NHS staff hubs will join shortly to cover all frontline health and care staff across the county. As more vaccine becomes available, we will move – where possible – to providing services 12 hours/day, 7 days/week.

Booking a vaccination

If you are aged over 80 you may have received a letter from NHS England inviting you for a vaccine at a larger vaccination centre which is located up to 45 minutes from your home. This is part of the national booking system. On receipt of this letter an appointment can be made online or by calling 119. Find out more. You may also be contacted by your local GP Network. These appointments will be available in a community setting and could be closer to home. We would recommend that you take an appointment as soon as possible – this may be at a local GP-led service.

Those over 80s who haven’t been contacted yet will be invited soon; they won’t be missed out.

We will then expand the programme to further cohorts, starting with the over 75s. All vaccination sites will keep you safe from COVID-19 through a range of measures including cleaning and disinfecting and having social distancing in waiting areas.

Please also wear a face covering to your appointment.

Help us to help you :

  • Please do not contact your GP practice or the wider NHS to seek a vaccine, we will contact you (if you haven’t heard yet, we haven’t forgotten you)
  • When we do contact you, please attend your booked appointments
  • Please do not arrive too early for your vaccination appointment to help us maintain social distancing measures

New support centre to manage enquiries

We have set up a dedicated mailbox and telephone line to manage enquiries – the email address is:

The phone number will go live on Monday and details will be published on our website ( and in our next update.

Footway and carriageway patching works Upper Mount, Grayswood

From: Works Communication Team/EAI/SCC
Sent: 15 January 2021 13:28
To: Nikki Barton <>
Subject: Delays possible on Upper Mount, Grayswood – Footway and carriageway patching

Good afternoon,

Please find attached the leaflet for the footway and carriageway patching works Upper Mount, Grayswood. The leaflets will be delivered to local residents and businesses over the next few working days.

Delays possible

25 January

7am – 5.30pm

For 8 days

Mon – Fri only

Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions

The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.

Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.

We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit

Sometimes our plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.

You and your residents can also find up to date details and receive updates of the works on

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email

Kind regards

Works Communication Officer

Works Communication Team

Surrey Highways

Reminder: Local Plan Part 2 Consultation

From: “Waverley Borough Council Consultations (do not reply)”
Date: 14 January 2021 at 5:29:05 pm GMT
To: Nikki Barton

Message from Waverley Borough Council Consultations

Waverley Borough Council
Council Offices, The Burys,
Godalming, Surrey

Dear  Sir/ Madam,


Thank you if you have already responded to the above consultation. If you have not, I am writing to remind you that the consultation will be closing at 11.59pm on Friday 29 January 2021.

Where can I view the documents?

The Waverley Borough Council Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocation and Development Management Policies and other supporting documents are available at:

Due to the national lockdown we are currently unable to make hard copies of documents available for viewing at the Council Offices or any other locations. However, other suitable arrangements will be made for those who are not able to view the documents electronically. Anyone wishing to make such arrangements, please contact us on 01483 523291 as soon as possible to ensure that we can help you well in advance of the deadline for the consultation

How can I make representations?

If you prefer to write or email, please reference your correspondence with the relevant paragraph or policy number. Please note that representations will be publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential, although address, telephone and email details will not be published.

Please see our privacy notice for further details: If you need a hard copy of the privacy notice, please contact us on 01483 523291.

Representations may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specified address of any of the following:

i) The Local Plan Part 2 has been submitted for independent examination;

ii) The publication of the Inspector’s report; and

iii) The adoption of the Local Plan Part 2.

For more information or assistance on this consultation please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01483 523291 or email

Yours faithfully,

Graham Parrott

Planning Policy Manager

Advice from The Rotary Club of Haslemere regarding Vaccination

I am sharing this checklist produced by The Rotary Club Of Haslemere regarding the vaccination programme.

There is so much confusion about the vaccination process and far too many scams happening right now. Although there is no definite process in place we thought to share some important points to consider. They suggest this list which should be used as a guideline. Check if in doubt.

1. Do not ring your GP, hospital or the NHS for an appointment. Everyone is on their database and should be offered an appointment, by post or phone, to go to a vaccination hub or their GP when their “number” comes up. If you would find it difficult to get to a vaccination Hub you may request that you have an appointment with your GP or somewhere more local.

2. Write your NHS number on a piece of paper and keep it by your phone. You could be asked for this when you respond to their initial contact. If you don’t know your NHS number it can be found on any documentation you will have received previously from your GP (e.g. prescription), hospital or the NHS.

3. When you visit for your appointment wear clothing which gives you easy access to the shoulder you prefer the injection to be in. This is to avoid queues forming e.g. whilst people struggle with multiple layers of tight fitting clothing.

4. Very few people have any adverse reaction to the injection, except for a small pin prick from the needle and maybe a slight warm feeling. You will be required to sit quietly for 15 minutes after the injection whilst the staff observe you to ensure there is no adverse reaction.

5. The whole procedure from check-in on arrival to departure after the 15 minute observation should take about 30 minutes, but be prepared for delays if people arrive unprepared.

6. If you have an adverse reaction when you get home it is probably best to phone 111 letting them know what you have just experienced following a recent vaccination.

7. Only phone your GP Surgery about a Covid vaccination if you hear via the media/press that your age group has been fully vaccinated, but you haven’t.

8. More detailed information will be given to you during your appointment.

UPDATE – A3 Hindhead Tunnel Improvements to Technology – Planned Closures

From: Area 3 Communications
Sent: 13 January 2021 15:17
Cc: Area 3 Communications
Subject: UPDATE – A3 Hindhead Tunnel Improvements to Technology – Planned Closures

Dear Customer

UPDATE: A3 Hindhead Tunnel Improvements to Technology – Planned Closures

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances our planned full closure for 9 January did not take place, therefore there will be a full overnight closure of the tunnel in both directions on Saturday 16 January 2021 between the hours 9pm – 6am – a clearly signed diversion will be in place, traffic will be diverted via A31 Hogs back, the A31, B3004 and the A325.

As part of the ongoing work to upgrade the technology within the Hindhead Tunnel, we will have the below closures in place commencing Monday 18 January 2021.

  • 15, 17, 18, January 2021 the northbound tunnel will be closed with contraflow in place on the southbound tunnel between the hours 9pm to 6am.
  • Tuesday 19 January 2021 for four nights the southbound tunnel will be closed with contraflow in place on the northbound tunnel between the hours 9pm to 6am.

Please note we have future closures planned and will update you weekly, and that the works may be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. We’ll advertise closure on yellow signs placed in advance alongside the road.

We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience or disruption you may experience during these closures.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to know about our work, please contact us on 0300 123 5000 or email Or you can visit our website at where you can find a weekly report of all full closures across the network.

Yours faithfully

Area 3 Communications Team

An update on South Western Railway timetable – January 2021

From: SWR Stakeholders
Date: 8 January 2021 at 5:06:54 pm GMT
Subject: An update on South Western Railway timetable – January 2021

Dear Nikki,

As you will know, throughout this pandemic, our priority has been to provide safe and reliable train services for all those key workers who are keeping our country running through this difficult time.

As we enter a third national lockdown this commitment hasn’t changed.

However, as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, we, like many other businesses are feeling the effects.

More of our colleagues are testing positive for COVID-19 or self-isolating. We also have a number of colleagues that are shielding due to being Clinically Extremely Vulnerable.

Alongside this, with further restrictions in place, we have again seen a reduction in the number of customers travelling with us.

Therefore, in order to continue to provide a reliable service for those who need it, from Monday 11 January 2021 we will be reducing the number of weekday services we will be running.

Our journey planners for next week have been updated, and PDF timetables are available on our website at:

However, further changes to timetables may need to be made at short notice, so we strongly recommend customers  check their journey closer to the time of travel at

We’ll continue to keep this position under review so that we can again increase services when it’s appropriate to do so, taking account of Government policy and customer demand, and we’ll continue to keep you updated.

If you do have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself or my team by emailing

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Senior Regional Development Manager.
South Western Railway