Category Archives: Haslemere first

A3 Hindhead Tunnel – Improvements to Technology – Overnight Closure on Saturday 6 June

Dear Stakeholder,

A3 Hindhead Tunnel – Improvements to Technology – Overnight Closure on Saturday 6 June

As part of the ongoing work to upgrade the technology within the Hindhead Tunnel, we will be closing the Tunnel (in both directions) overnight this weekend.

The closure will be in place from 9pm on Saturday 6 June through to 9am on Sunday 7 June 2020.

During the closure a signed diversion will be in place via the A31 and A325.

Please be aware that due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic, all our works are subject to change due to available resource by our Supply Chain, as well as possible adverse weather conditions – please check the yellow signs placed in advance for confirmation of the closures dates/timings.

We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience or disruption during our work. If you have any questions, or if you’d like you know more about our work please email us at or call us on 0300 123 5000.

Yours faithfully

Area 3 Communications Coordinator

South East Region

COVID 19 Testing at Haslemere Leisure Centre car park – 3 & 4 June

Dear councillors and town and parish clerks,

Please be aware that a mobile coronavirus testing facility is being established in the Haslemere Leisure Centre car park on Wednesday 3 June and Thursday 4 June.

Permission to use the car park has been given by the council, in support of the government’s COVID19 testing programme.

Testing via the programme is available to all those with COVID 19 symptoms, but must be pre-booked online via one of the following websites:

·        Residents should book on the national testing portal:

·        Key workers should book on the Surrey Testing Hub:

Those who attend without an appointment will not be able to be tested and will be asked to book online and return on another occasion. Children can be tested however those under the age of five must have two parents or guardians with them.

Those without transport can walk into the testing centre, but the same rules apply on having a pre-booked appointment.

The above information will be available on the council’s website and also shared via our social media channels.

Kind regards,

Communications and Engagement Officer

Waverley Borough Council

Tel: 01483 523130

Haslemere dementia charity raises concerns of increase in symptoms during lockdown

PRESS RELEASE on behalf The Hunter Centre

A dementia charity – The Hunter Centre – based out of Haslemere has raised concerns that more elderly people might be experiencing dementia symptoms during lockdown.

The Hunter Centre has said that without the stimulation of seeing people face-to-face, more elderly people could be susceptible to suffering from the illness.

One of many activities at The Hunter Centre

Laura Palmer from the charity explained:

“Loneliness and a lack of social interaction, paired with a change of routine is always a worry for elderly people.

“The TV is of course no replacement for meeting friends and family where normal friendly banter uses memory and language.

“If you normally go to the garden centre every Wednesday for lunch and now you can’t, it breaks the normal.

“Our concern is also for the carer, whether it’s the husband, wife, son or daughter, where they experience in their loved one a sudden decline and can’t understand why there is a personality change.”

Laure also has shared information about the main symptoms to look for:

“You should be concerned if you see the following: difficulty in performing familiar tasks; problems with words as opposed to forgetting; disorientation with time or place – for example if you ate your lunch a couple of hours ago and ask when it’s lunch time.

“Constantly misplacing things and noticeable changes in mood and behaviour, so someone who is naturally easy to be with getting angry frequently.

“All of these can be helped, but not always cured.”

Laura had this final message for those with concerns:

“We’re here to support you during lockdown, so please call our helpline on 07482464322 or visit us online.”

You can find a link to The Hunter Centre website by clicking here.

Follow The Hunter Centre on Instagram.

Follow The Hunter Centre on Facebook.

Read The Hunter Centre’s FAQs here.

The Haslemere Challice Community Fund seeks to support Haslemere community organisations through the Coronavirus pandemic.

PRESS RELEASE: The Haslemere Challice Community Fund seeks to support Haslemere community organisations through the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Haslemere Challice Community Fund offers financial support for not-for-profit community organisations, that serve Haslemere and the surrounding area. It is particularly keen to support those in need of funds to maintain or expand their services during the Covid-19 restrictions. The fund is managed by the Community Foundation for Surrey and applications for grants of up to £5,000  can be made quickly and simply via the link: Applications for core/administrative funding will be considered.

Fund Chairman, Bryan Farley, said:

“Many charities and voluntary organisations are experiencing serious loss of income as national and local fundraising events are cancelled as a result of the Covid 19 restrictions. Applications are invited from any community organisations serving the Haslemere area and we are particularly keen to reach smaller local organisations that we have not supported before.”

The Haslemere Challice Community Fund was set up in 2008 when management of the assets of the Challice Trust, established in 1962 as a generous bequest to Haslemere in the will of Ruth Challice Bush, was transferred to the Community Foundation for Surrey. The fund has continued to grow and has benefited from additional donations and further legacies, resulting in a permanent source of funding for Haslemere. Since the transfer to the Community Foundation for Surrey, the fund has awarded over 100 grants totalling more than £275,000. Recipients include, Haslemere Citizens Advice, A Place to Be Youth Group, 3 Counties Money Advice, Haslewey,  Crossway Counselling Service, Skillway Workshops, Haslemere Scout Group and Haslemere Educational Museum.  

The Haslemere Challice Fund is open for donations and bequests large and small. T make a donation go to:

Notes to Editors

  1. The Community Foundation for Surrey is an independent charitable trust established to inspire local giving for local needs. The Community Foundation works with donors who want to give something back to their local communities and voluntary groups providing vital services for local people and disadvantaged individuals. Companies, individuals, families and trusts can establish a fund with the Foundation, which supports a growing programme of grant-making to communities. The Community Foundation for Surrey is part of a national network of 46 Community Foundations, one of the fastest growing philanthropic movements in the UK.
  2. The Community Foundation for Surrey last year awarded over 300 grants totalling more than £1.2million to community groups across Surrey.
  3. The Haslemere Challice Fund transferred to the care of the Community Foundation for Surrey in 2008, retaining a panel of local community members who previously served as Trustees of the Trust. These panel members make decisions as to where to allocate funding, with support, in sourcing and assessing projects, from the Community Foundation for Surrey.

Kings Road Closure in Haslemere – Diversions will be in place


SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above-mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) and (7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of which is to temporarily prohibit all vehicles from entering or proceeding along that length of Kings Road (D5520) Haslemere, as extends from its junction with Sturt Road to the eastern property boundary of No. 123 Kings Road.

The Order is required to facilitate gas main replacement works on behalf of Southern Gas Networks. These works are anticipated to be carried out within 2 weeks, during the 12-month period of operation of this Order, which commences on 16 June 2020.

The closure will stay in force at all times whilst the work is in progress and will not be lifted. Advanced warning signs will be displayed, and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed (during which time, The Surrey County Council Kings Road (D5520) Haslemere Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2020 will be suspended to the extent that it relates to any length of Kings Road specified herein).

Access for pedestrians will be maintained at all times as will vehicular access for residents.

All other vehicles will use the alternative route, namely via Sturt Road, Midhurst Road and Shepherds Hill (eastbound), or Lower Street, High Street, Shepherds Hill, Midhurst Road and Sturt Road (westbound).

Date: 21 May 2020

R Bolton – Local Highway Services Group Manager

Enquiries to: Traffic Regulation Orders Team, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ, Tel: 0300 200 1003

Response to my Question at Full Council regarding greener, safer transport

I shared last week that I had submitted a question to The Leader of Surrey County Council for full council. This meeting took place this week online as an informal meeting.

My question was about a lasting legacy of greener, safer transport.

Here is the response from Cllr Matt Furniss, Cabinet Member for Highways:

These have and continue to be very challenging times and as a necessity established behaviours have been forced to change. It is correct that the statement from Government expresses a desire to make changes to road layouts to support the Covid-19 recovery and cycling/walking. The County Council takes the whole green agenda very seriously and prior to the Covid-19 crisis the direction was to increase sustainable modes of transport. With the changes caused by the crisis and the need to socially isolate, this has become even more important.

An Officer group has been established and tasked to consider what our appropriate response to meet these challenges could be. Members will be kept updated.

In this document you can read the questions and responses from this week’s full council here.

PRESS RELEASE: Launch of Haslemere Community Store


A new initiative, the Haslemere Community Store, launches this Thursday May 21st. in Haslemere Hall.

The Community Store is a temporary volunteer-run community project, operating out of Haslemere Hall two mornings each week. It has been set up to help residents that find themselves in need of food and household supplies during the Covid 19 emergency – and is open to anyone also using the Food Bank who has additional need.  The Store will secure some supplies through the FareShare scheme, thereby reducing food waste and provide support in Haslemere and surrounding villages.

Haslemere’s Surrey County Councillor, Nikki Barton has been working in collaboration with Haslemere Hall, Haslemere Community Kitchen, Haslemere Help and the Food Bank, with the support of Haslemere Town Council to launch the store.   

Cllr Barton told the Haslemere Herald:

“The Haslemere Community Store is intended to complement the invaluable work of the Haslemere Food Bank. The Food Bank continues to provide vital support for the vulnerable and those experiencing hardship. I understand there has been a significant increase in referrals to the Food Bank during the Covid-19 crisis. There has also been a surge in donations from Haslemere’s extremely generous residents and local supermarkets.”

The Haslemere Community Store is planning to make an additional collection for donations around the town once a week on behalf of both the Food Bank and the Community Store. Haslemere Help volunteers have been recruited to help run the Store.

About Haslemere Community Store

If you have become unemployed, been furloughed or waiting for Universal Credit, don’t go without. The Haslemere Community Store can help you with a variety of food, toiletries and household products available free of charge to support people living in Haslemere. The Community Store is located at The Haslemere Hall and will be open Mondays & Thursdays (10.30am – 12.30 pm). Strict social distancing will be observed, with no walk-ins. If you need help at this time, book your slot to visit by either calling or texting the helpline 07873 383954 or by emailing  

About Haslemere Food Bank

The Haslemere Food Bank provides emergency food support to local individuals and families. It was set up through the collaboration of local Churches, though is now run by a management team and a pool of volunteers representing the whole community. People in need of food support are referred by local agencies as the need arises. If people need help with food, and are in touch with the Health Centre, the Citizens Advice Bureau, 3 Counties Money Advice, their child’s school, local churches, or any of those agencies which work to support people at times of difficulty, just ask to be referred and the Food Bank will help.

Press Enquiries:

Haslemere Town Council, Town Clerk;

Surrey County Councillor, Nikki Barton,

Mr David Rice, Chairman, Haslemere Food Bank

Article in The Haslemere Herald: Community store opens its doors in Haslemere

Haslemere’s Community Store

Haslemere Community Store – Opening Thursday 21st May

If you’ve become unemployed, been furloughed or waiting for Universal Credit, don’t go without. The Haslemere Community Store can help you with a variety of food, toiletries and household products available free of charge to support people living in Haslemere and surrounding villages.

The Community Store will operate from Haslemere Hall and will be open Mondays & Thursdays (10.30-12.30 pm).

Strict social distancing observed, please no walk-ins – book your slot to visit by simply calling or texting the helpline 07873 383954 or by emailing For more information visit

Lower Street Roadworks To Be Brought Forward In Haslemere

I thought it would be helpful to share this letter following my request that the planned major utilities (SSE Major cabling upgrade) works on Lower Street are brought forward. I have consulted with my fellow town councillors and the Haslemere Chamber of Trade and Commerce, and agreed that the works should start as soon as possible in the hope that the works are completed before businesses in town are able to fully reopen.

This is the text of the letter:

I believe you are aware of the SSE Major cabling upgrade works on Lower Street which will require a Road Closure. These works were originally planned to take place this Summer Holidays, however I’ve been informed that you’ve asked if these works could be brought forward whilst the shops are still closed.

I’ve spoken to SSE and they can bring these works forward and have provided me with a planned start date of the 01/06/2020 (provided that you’re happy with this). The duration of the works will be 6 weeks (with the end date being 18/07/2020), however this is the worst case scenario and SSE are confident that they can complete the works quicker than this.

If they do get the go ahead, the Advanced Warning Signs will be placed on Monday 18th May and Letter drops carried out also on this date which gives members of the public and local residents/businesses plenty of notice.

Lower Street will be closed from 1 June

The diversion route will be Tanners Lane, West Street, High Street which has been used before and works well. The parking bays outside the shops on West Street will have to be suspended.

Please could you advise if you would be happy with this?

Kind Regards,

Network Coordinator – Waverley

Streetworks Team

Network and Asset Management Group

Surrey Highways

An update from Mark Hopwood – Managing Director, South Western Railway

Sharing an email I received earlier from The MD of South Western Railway.

Dear Nikki,

I wanted to write with the latest information about South Western Railway to keep people with an interest in our business updated and informed.

Throughout the current Coronavirus outbreak, colleagues across South Western Railway have been working hard to keep the country moving for their fellow key workers and those that need to travel.

They have also been ensuring that those who do need to travel, can do so safely. For example, when cleaning, they have been paying particular attention to commonly touched surfaces such as ticket machines, grab handles, and door buttons. Additionally, to reduce interaction between colleagues and customers we are not currently accepting cash payments at our ticket offices and ticket machines and encouraging customers where ever possible, to buy on line.

As you know, on 10 May the Prime Minister updated the nation on the road map for coming out of lockdown and recovering the economy. The first step along this road, which started yesterday, was for people to return to work if they could not work from home, meaning an increase in those using our services. However, the Prime Minister also urged people to avoid public transport and so we were not expecting, and have not seen, a dramatic uplift in passengers yet. Nevertheless, I want you to be aware of the additional steps we are putting in place to ensure that those who do need to travel, can so safely.

We are in the process of introducing measures to promote social distancing on our stations and trains, through posters and floor markings and vinyls, as well as through audio announcements and digital media. While we will do everything we can to help passengers respect social distancing; as the Government itself acknowledges, there may be some points on a journey where it is just not possible, such as when boarding or alighting trains.

We’re also encouraging our customers to follow the advice of Government and only travel on our services for essential journeys where other modes of transport are not available. Where customers do need to travel, we are asking them to plan ahead, follow social distancing guidance where possible, follow Government advice on face coverings, and to purchase their ticket online to reduce interaction with our colleagues.

Recognising that the coming days may see more customers return to work, from Monday 18 May, we will be making some increases to capacity. Although we will still be operating a reduced service, some routes will see services reinstated for the first time since lockdown began, with other routes benefiting from longer services or some extra services at peak times. Despite these improvements, with social distancing in place, capacity will be vastly reduced, so we are urging our customers to consider alternative means of transport for getting to work, with our services only being used where there is no other option.

It is strange to find ourselves directing people away from the railway, but that is unfortunately what we have to do at present as we try to keep both customers and colleagues safe.

I also wanted to keep you updated on the progress we are making with tackling the huge number of refund requests we have had. We have now received around 29,000 requests for refunds, and through their hard work, our refund team have processed more than half of those requests. We are continuing to look at how we can speed up this process to deliver passengers their refunds quicker, as we know many of them will have seen dramatic changes to their personal circumstances since lockdown began.

I hope the above information is useful to you. I will of course keep you updated as the situation develops. Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Hopwood
Managing Director
South Western Railway