Category Archives: Haslemere first

BBC Pandemic – Haslemere Study

Everyone in Haslemere is invited to help spread the BBC Pandemic. Download the free app – it could help save thousands of lives. Here’s a video to explain more.

If you live or work in Haslemere, or even just pop in to shop, you can play a vital role in the BBC Pandemic experiment. There is an option on the app just for Haslemere.

No matter your age, if you have a smartphone, we would like you to take part. All you have to do is download the Pandemic app and select the “Haslemere Outbreak” option. Then, from Thursday 12th October 2017, for three days – and those three days only – the app will collect GPS data of your movements. All data will be made anonymous to protect your identity and a team from the University of Cambridge and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will use it to predict how a flu outbreak might spread across the town – and what can be done to stop it.

Participation is entirely voluntary and you can opt out at any time but the more people participate, the more accurate the results will be so please do join in and download!

The link to the App Store is

And for Google Play it’s

Petition to save Haslemere High Street public toilets

Recently, the Haslemere Herald reported the Waverley Borough Council has voted to close the toilets in the High Street car park. Mayor in battle to save loos

Haslemere Town Council is very concerned that Waverley Borough Council is intending to close the public toilets in the High St Car Park to make way for more parking spaces.

We are currently making representations to WBC to try and keep this well used facility open on behalf of local residents but we need your help. Although we know they are well used and vital to many residents, by signing this petition you give further weight to our argument.

This is totally unacceptable that a town the size of Haslemere should lose its public toilets. It is a vital amenity.

Here is the petition:

BBC Surrey interview – What it was like to be a Surrey County Councillor

On Friday, I was interviewed by BBC Surrey, talking about what it was like to be a Surrey County Councillor.

At the end of the interview, I announced that Maria Mateo and I will be standing as Independent Councillors in the Haslemere Town Council by-election on June 8th.

Here is a clip of the interview:

Tesco Traffic lights, Haslemere

I’ve had several emails about problems with phasing of traffic lights by Tesco’s. The current problems with the timings of the TESCO traffic lights are due to 2 faults:

  1. A detector fault, Surrey County Council is waiting for contractors to investigate today or tomorrow. This may explain the signals “favouring” the side roads.
  1. The MOVA unit at the lights is not working. A new unit has been ordered and may take 2 weeks to be installed.  The MOVA unit varies the green time according to traffic flow.  It does not really have set timings as such apart from the inter-green times (safety time period between conflicting greens) and the Green Man times.  MOVA monitors traffic and pedestrian demand on each approach and apportions the green time around the junction to allow traffic and pedestrians to pass through the junction as efficiently as possible.  It detects gaps in the approaching traffic and will trigger the signals to change just as the last vehicle crosses the Stop Line.  However, if any of the detectors are faulty the signals will keep giving priority to the affected approach.

UPDATE on 6th April 2017 regarding repair:

Repairs have been carried out on the faulty TESCO lights- The MOVA unit was installed last week and Surrey County Council (SCC) attended yesterday (5th April)  and uploaded the dataset, enabling MOVA.  The faulty detector was repaired on Friday (31at March).

It does seem to be running pretty well so far, but I’d be grateful for any resident feedback following the repairs for me to pass on to SCC highways. 

Road Safety Improvements – Lion Lane, Haslemere – scheduled for 31st March

Please read here the resident letter re. road safety improvements in Lion Lane, Haslemere. The letters are due to be delivered 23/03/17.

This is the preparation work for the pedestrian crossing outside Shottermill infant School.

NB Lion Lane Haslemere
The works are scheduled to start on 31/03/17.  Sometimes our plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.

You and your residents can also find up to date details of the works on

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email

Update – Sturt Road Repair – Haslemere

Works started today to resolve the recurring flooding problem under Sturt Road railway bridge, and associated road surface deterioration due to constant subsurface water saturation.

Project started as programmed end of 2016, but discovered a number of water leaks in Thames water pipes under this section of road, so project halted until repairs carried out.  Project then had to be rescheduled on program list, resulting in delay.

NB -Repair Sturt

Work that started today =  hand digging out trench as electricity and gas mains pipes to be avoided. Aim to lay new 150 mm pipe under Sturt Road to connect existing gullies, so that runoff is removed from the road.

Pipe will be laid and concreted in tomorrow, 16/03/2017. Road resurfaced 17/03/2017.

Road will be closed with diversions in place until 18/03/2017- but still full access to Haslemere Sports Centre and Sturt Road businesses.

I have organised for a vegetation gang to come in while the  road is closed to cut back vegetation, and clear mud and debris from the verges.

Sturt Road, Haslemere – Drainage Investigation Work – begins 14 March for one week

Recently advised that the drainage investigation works were due to start on Sturt Road, Haslemere.  Unfortunately these works will be delayed by 1 day as the council  was unable to get the permit for the 13/03/17.  I can advise that these works will now begin on the 14/03/17.

Information leaflet here.

The council will keep the residents informed by updating its advanced warning signs.

Residents can also find up to date details of the works on

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email

High Lane, Haslemere, Notice of Road Resurfacing

Please read here the resident letter for the resurfacing work on High Lane, Haslemere. The letters are due to be delivered over the next couple of days.

NB High Lane Plan NB High Lane Mar
The works are scheduled to start on 23/0/3/17. Sometimes the council’s plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.

You can also find up to date details of the works on

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the council on 0300 200 1003 or email