Category Archives: Haslemere first

September Update

I hope all readers had a great Summer. The Barton Family were in Kenya fundraising for the Tusk Trust and Magnet School & Orphanage. We survived the Safaricom and volunteered in the orphanage. More about our adventure towards the end of this blog post but first…

Here are some county councillor updates…


Resurfacing Works: A286 Haslemere Road / Grayswood Road : Godalming / Haslemere

Surrey County Council will be carrying out essential carriageway reconstruction and resurfacing works on the A286 Haslemere Road / Grayswood Road  between Gasden Lane & Highercombe Road. The resurfacing works will involve day time road closures and diversion, between the hours of 09:00 – 16:30 week commencing  the 29th September 2014.

In an effort to minimise disruption to local schools, residents and businesses the works will be undertaken in three phases as detailed below-

  1. Gasden Lane to Roke Lane.
  2. Roke Lane to The Mount / Lower Road
  3. The Mount / Lower Road to Highercombe Road.

Due to the nature of work being undertaken access to your properties will be severely restricted and could be subject to long delays. If you need vehicular access during the above period it may be advisable to find alternative parking arrangements away from the A286 during the above working times otherwise please allow additional time for your journey. Please read more information here.


Haslemere Visitor Centre is celebrating the Arts and Crafts Movement that was centred in Haslemere 100 years ago with several events to enlighten and inspire all ages. Whether you love history or arts and crafts you will be intrigued to find out more about the history of Haslemere right here on your doorstep! Please click here more information. Events include Guided Tour of Local Arts & Crafts Buildings by Catherine Eyre (Saturday 13th September) and Guided Tour of St. Christopher’s Arts & Craft Church (Saturday 27th September).

Haslemere Food Festival. On Saturday 27th September 2014, Haslemere will play host to a one day celebration of all things food and drink; a chance to experience the best the region has to offer! Click here for more information about the Festival. Click here for information about The Food Festival’s Schools Competition.

The Tour of Britain will take place this month. Stage 7, Camberley to Brighton will pass through Haslemere on 13th September 2014. You can check out details here.

The Tour of Britain

The Orchard Club, Friends of Age UK, Haslemere, is hosting a Harvest Wine & Dine on Monday 29th September @12 noon. Bookings: 01428 658190 Visit their website:


Take on the Surrey Travel Smart Challenge

The Travel SMART Challenge is now under way. It encourages Surrey residents to take their everyday journeys by sustainable means. Throughout September, workplaces across Surrey will battle it out to show that their employees make the smartest travel choices. Please encourage your residents to register for the Travel SMART Challenge by visiting

Surrey’s Mobile Advisory Service for the Deaf will be in Haslemere

The service will be at Rolston House, Vicarage Lane, on Thursday 18th September 2014 between 2pm and 4pm. September 2014 Mobile Advisory Service venue list.


1. The Surrey County Council Residents’ Association/Independents will be meeting in Kingston on 9th September 2014.

2. Surrey County Council’s Environment and Transport Select Committee will meet on 10th September 2014. Agenda here. Items being considered are

  • Operation Horizon – Annual Report
  • Gully Cleaning Update
  • Annual Report Of The Winter Maintenance Task Group
  • Local Transport Review
  • Surrey Wildlife Trust

3. During the day of 11th September 2014, I am meeting SCC’s Highways team in Haslemere.

4. Haslemere Town Council will meet on 11th September 2014 at 7pm. Here is the agenda. There will be a presentation from the 20 is Plenty group regarding 20 mph speed limits.

5. The Waverley Local Area Committee will meet on 26 September 2014 1.30 pm at Wrecclesham Community Centre, Greenfield Road, Farnham GU9 8TJ. See the Waverley committee page here.


Derby Road potholes outside St Bart’s School

Work has begun on the school extension. As big lorries will be using this road for access, we have decided to delay the repair of the road until December 2014. This has been agreed in consultation with the school’s Headteacher, Mr Beckerson, and the Derby Road Residents’ Association.

Workshop at Haslemere Skate Park

Enjoyed attending a skate park workshop last month. Part of my members’ allowance was given to the skate park.

Haslemere Skate Park



AND! Finally…My husband, Jerry, my daughters and I were in Kenya fundraising for the Tusk Trust and Magnet School & Orphanage over the summer.

Barton Safaricom

We competed in one of the toughest running events in the world this summer.  The 15th annual Safaricom Marathon took place in the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya, home to all the “Big 5” species and a leader in developing local communities alongside wildlife conservation.  Our daughters, Camille and Eléa, ran in the 5km race for under 16s, and were sponsored for Magnet School & Orphanage in the deprived Nairobi suburb, Ongata Rongai, raising over £1500.  Jerry and I ran in the half-marathon for the Tusk Trust, which promotes sustainable development, education, healthcare and wildlife conservation across Africa.

Before the race, helicopters and armed wardens cleared the wild animals from the route of the race which runs through the bush. This year, the children’s race was delayed while a pack of hyenas was cleared off the course. The race is tough due to its demanding cross-country route, combined with being at an altitude of 6000ft and the intense African heat, not to mention the adrenaline from the risk of meeting a rhino or buffalo straying onto the course. Camille and Eléa came in the top half of a 220-strong field made up mainly of local Kenyan boys and girls, finishing 1st and 3rd ‘mzungu’ or non-Kenyan girls.

During the trip we visited a local community water project in Lewa that showed how a small investment can improve the lives of thousands of people via the installation of a low tech system to make better use of precious fresh spring water.  We also spent the night at Magnet School & Orphanage in Nairobi, hosted by the Principal, Bishop Jeremiah Kibobi. They delivered 9 large boxes of much-needed stationery, books, shoes and clothing as well as sports equipment and musical instruments. We would like to thank everyone who very generously gave us donations to take to Magnet, including the girls’ classmates at Amesbury and Guildford High School, friends and parishioners at St Stephen’s Church in Shottermill, Nobb’s the Newsagents, The Sports Locker and Chamberlain Music. It is impossible to describe the joy of the Magnet High children, many of whom are orphans, on receiving the gifts we brought with us.

We also saw how every penny of the sponsorship money Camille and Eléa have raised so far has been effectively used by Bishop Jeremiah to improve the school.  Four years ago when Camille and her father visited Magnet for the first time, the girls’ dormitory was also used as the school dining room. The girls slept two to a bunk in the extremely hot, corrugated tin shack.  On this visit, the Magnet girls proudly showed off their separate brick dormitory, built using the sponsorship funds, where now each girl has her own bed.

For more information and the opportunity to sponsor us, go to:

Mental Health Services: Have your say on the draft strategy

Mental Health Services: Have your say on the draft strategy.

Commissioners of health and social care services have been working with residents to explore how emotional wellbeing and adult mental health services can be improved. A public consultation on the draft joint commissioning strategy for Emotional Wellbeing and Adult Mental Health is taking place. It was co-produced by the six Surrey Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Surrey County Council with residents to improve local services.

Your views are needed on whether the draft strategy includes the right priorities and actions to improve services.  They are particularly keen to hear from people and carers with experience of mental health services in Surrey and North East Hampshire.  They would also like to hear from groups or organisations involved or interested in mental health issues and request these organisations to promote the consultation and encourage the people using your services to submit their responses to the questions they ask and any other views in relation to the strategy. Visit the link to see the documents and submit your views:

The consultation will run until 28th September 2014.

Safaricom Marathon and 5km in Lewa Game Reserve

We will be running in the Safaricom Marathon and 5km in Lewa Game Reserve, Kenya on Saturday.

Here is more information from our fundraising page.

Thanks for taking a look at our family sponsorship page for our Kenyan run! Through this page, you can sponsor us, making donations to Tusk Trust, a charity supporting communities and conservation across Africa, and Worldwide Silver Lining, the charity supporting Magnet School & Orphanage in Nairobi. Since 2010 (when Jerry and Camille visited Magnet School for the first time), we have supported the school as a family and last year Jerry and Eléa visited again. Magnet School & Orphanage is in one of the poorest suburbs of Nairobi, and provides a home and education to some 200 children. The work of Tusk Trust spans Africa, and we shall visit some of the projects, which include local schools, water projects, health clinics, besides the conservation and anti-poaching work.

Now, it is the turn for Nikki to run the Half-Marathon with Jerry, and for Camille and Eléa to run the 5km race against the locals, with vocal support from Clara and the wild animals! The races are at altitude… in the intense African heat… and on a route that takes you through the bush in the Lewa Conservancy game reserve.

If you would like to sponsor us, be reassured that (a) Tusk and Worldwide Silver Lining run tight ships meaning there is no wasted money in admin or bureaucracy – your money will make a direct and real difference and (b) even if some of us love running, we really will be hurting from about the half-way mark of our respective races!

For more information see:

We really appreciate your support and, on behalf of Tusk Trust and Magnet School & Orphanage and the wonderful communities they support, thank you for any donations you care to make. A big thank you, too to those who have contributed games kit, clothes and stationery that we are taking to Magnet High School & Orphanage and Lewa Primary School!

(Virgin Money Giving is a not for profit organisation and will claim gift aid on Tusk Trust’s and Worldwide Silver Lining’s behalf if you make a donation and qualify for gift aid.)

Best wishes and thanks from us all,

Jerry, Nikki, Camille, Eléa and Clara

I will be away for a few weeks as we support these charities.

Please contact Haslemere Town Council in my absence or the Surrey County Council Help Desk on 0208 5419000.

Councillor Update

Here is an update of some of my county councillor work for Haslemere over the past weeks.

Serpent Trail Re-Launch

I am Surrey County Council’s representative for the Two Parks Project (South Downs and New Forest). The Serpent Trail re-launch and event was a success due to a very positive partnership between Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex County Councils, the South Downs National Parks, Haslemere Visitor Information Bureau. The National Trust very kindly hosted the launch event, and Waitrose provided invaluable refreshments.

Serpent Trail 2

Haslemere is Surrey’s perfect gateway to the South Downs and benefits from frequent and fast train links. The joy of the Serpent Trail is that it is a circular route by getting the Number 70 bus (running on Sundays through the Summer between Haslemere station to Midhurst) or the train from various points on the route back to Haslemere.

Serpent Trail

Bus Shelter in Border Road, Shottermill

There is now a new bus shelter at the Border Road bus stop in Shottermill.  The majority of funding for this was through utilising some of my member’s allocation, plus a contribution from Haslemere Town Council with a “top up” from some local PIC (Planning Infrastructure Contribution) monies. The bus shelter blends in very well with the environment and has been installed to a high standard.

Bus Shelter in Border Road, Shottermill

Citizen’s Advice Bureau

Met with volunteers from the Haslemere Citizens’ Advice Bureau. Delighted to fund laptop and microwave for the CAB office from some of my member’s allocation.  Attended staff meeting, learnt that recent benefit changes are having a significant negative impact on residents.

CAB laptop

Kenya Visit

Delighted to meet Jeremiah and Sarah Kibobe who run Magnet High School and Orphanage in the outskirts of Nairobi. They visited local schools in Haslemere recently. The Bartons will be running as a family in the Safaricom half marathon in the Lewa Conservancy to raise money for the TUSK Conservation Trust and Magnet High School and Orphanage.

Kenya Visit

Scouts’ funding

Met the 1st Haslemere Scouts group. With funds from my member’s allowance, they purchased a parol tent, hike tents, an event shelter and a gazebo.  The equipment will be used during the summer at a number of events including the Surrey Scout’s Scoutabout, the Haslemere District Scout’s Muir Challenge, their summer camp in the New Forest, Cub’s Senior Sixers Camp and on a number of hikes; the equipment will benefit about 80 children.

At the moment the scouts wish to attract new adult helpers. 1st Haslemere Scouts are looking for adult volunteers to join the team organising and running the different scouting sections.

There are a number of different roles available including Scout, Cub and Beaver Leaders working with children between the ages of 6 and 14. Each role is different and offers everything from outdoor adventure, sports, developing new skills and arts and crafts to using organisational and management skills, communicating across the scouting movement and working with a variety of people. All roles include lots of fun, are very rewarding and can offer flexibility supported by full training.

If you can help or know someone who could and would like more information about the roles or the scouting movement in the UK, please contact them;

Interim repairs for College Hill

Intervened to arrange next day interim repairs for dangerous potholes on College Hill.

College Hill repair

Haslemere Vision

Dropped into the community planning workshop to consider future uses of the Wey Hill Fairground.

Attendees were asked what ideas they have for this site. We were informed of the legal status of the land. It is common land and whatever Waverley Borough Council decides to do must be for the benefit of the neighbourhood.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT re Haslemere Vision. Hard copies of the final consultation are being distributed to over 8,000 households in Haslemere and the villages. Feedback during this consultation is vital if the final Neighbourhood Plan policies are to be a true reflection of the community’s wishes.  Now is the time for input on some of the key issues and options facing the area we live in.  Please read the booklet (which will be delivered to every household) and fill in the questionnaire, ideally on-line. Go to:

Suderburg – German youth football exchange with Haslemere Town FC U11s

Met Haslemere Town Football Club for their U11s two ‘Friendship Trophy’ games with the visitors from Suderburg, with Cllr Libby Piper (then town Mayor). Provided funding for the team to support the exchange visit.

Teams Football Exchange

Football Exchange

Wey Hill in Bloom Volunteers

Met up with the Wey Hill in Bloom volunteers earlier this month where they were re-planting beds and flower boxes.

Wey Hill In Bloom 1 Wey Hill Bloom 2

Haslemere Town Council: Amenities Committee

Attended this meeting on June 12, 2014. Discussed the possibilities for the green space at the junction of Lower Street and Shepherds Hill. I am very keen that it should become an attractive pocket park, as a valuable green refuge at the intersection of 2 busy roads with a bus stop.  I have agreed £200 of member allocation towards a new tree, and will negotiate with SCC Highways to see how the lower railings on Shepherds Hill could be altered to integrate the 2 spaces. Discussion included planting, a bench, a sculpture or piece of art possibly to mark WW1.

Sickle Mill Estate

Met with residents to discuss the failing bank below the recreation area and the impact on the road surface and drainage. Follow up research confirms that the bank is the responsibility of Waverley Borough Council.  Also raised the very poor state of Sunbrow Road link with Sturt Farm with Highways. Continuing to follow this up.

Polecat Valley

Met with residents concerned about trees overhanging the highway, and drainage issues.

Parking enforcement in Haslemere

Met with Kevin McKee who heads up the Guildford Borough Council parking enforcement team to discuss  the issues raised by residents and businesses of parking enforcement on bank holidays.  GBC have a contract from SCC to carry out the on-street parking enforcement, while Waverley Borough Council are responsible for enforcement in their own car parks. We agreed that Kevin would meet with businesses to discuss concerns in early September. Businesses do have the right to load. Any businesses that experience problems with the parking wardens should get in touch with Kevin immediately. His email:


1. “20 is Plenty” petition presented to the LAC in March, 2014 calling for reduced speed limits in the High Street, Lower Street and roads where requested by residents. I expressed my support for the principle of reducing traffic speeds through Haslemere. Currently many of our streets do not feel safe to walk and cycle, and crossing roads for the elderly and young can be challenging.  There is a record of accidents on Lower Street near the station. The 2005 Haslemere Health Check identified a reduction in traffic speeds as a community priority.

Haslemere Town Council held a meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee on 29 May 2014. The committee voted to submit an official objection to the petition (see link).  Given that the objection was based on out of date and factually incorrect information I requested that the objection letter be withdrawn. I understand this has been done.  The issue of 20mph speed limits will be discussed at the next Haslemere and Western Villages task force. SCC Highways have adopted a new revised policy on 20mph limits.  Existing traffic speeds are required to be 24 mph or less before a 20mph limit can be considered, without additional highway traffic calming infrastructure.

Traffic speed reduction can be achieved by altering the streetscape to alter how drivers perceive the road environment.  I have secured £25,000 of Local Area Committee funding for “gateways” on the entries into Haslemere, with the aim of clearly stating that drivers are entering a built up area and should reduce their speeds.

2. Fosters Bridge flooding issues: the LAC funded report providing a full assessment of the catchment area and the drainage issues is nearly complete. Other reports are also being finalised, Combers’ Triangle and Critchmere Hill.

3. Jetters: There are 165,000 gullies across the county, a fleet of jetting machines clean each gully once a year, with a regular cleaning audit to assess the silt levels in the gullies.  Recent severe storm events have caused gullies to overflow as the drainage system has been overwhelmed. The Lion Lane catchment, surrounded by a steep silty catchment, has experienced flooding issues. An extra £50,000 has been made available for additional jesters, Lion Lane gullies should be jetted during July.

One issue of concern is the lack of coordination between the Waverley Borough Council road sweeping schedule and the SCC Highways jetting schedule.

A 24 hour emergency flooding response team is available where properties or homes are at risk of flooding- See here:,-trees-and-power-cuts

4. Tour of Britain Cycle Race: Stage 7, passing through Haslemere 13 September, 2014. I have discussed my concerns with SCC Highways about the condition of the road surface on the Sturt Road section of the route.

5: Haslemere Vision: I have had input as a member of the policy writing group focusing on transport issues.

6: Haslemere Road Re-Surfacing:

Delighted that SCC Highways has agreed to carry out extensive road resurfacing of A286 and A287 under the flood recovery program.

A286: Haslemere Road, 7.8 km will be resurfaced between Gasden Lane and Highercombe Lane, June-Oct 2014.

A287: Hindhead Road, 2.46 km will be resurfaced between Polecat Lane and Lion Lane, June-Oct 2014.

In addition major maintenance work will be carried out at the currently failing Deepdene Embankment, works planned for Oct-Dec 2014.

7: Road Outside St Bartholomew’s School: Also reached agreement with SCC Highways that the hazardous potholes on Derby Road East outside St Bartholomew’s primary school will be repaired during the summer holidays. SCC Highways will not be adopting the road, but have agreed to carry out a repair to resolve the current health and safety issues for the school and SureStart Children’s Centre.

Waverley Local Area Committee

Attended Waverley Local Committee, Friday, 20th June, 1.30pm

All information re LAC meetings can be found here:

Environment and Transport Select Committee

Attended Committee meeting on June 12, 2014.

Information re this committee can be found here:

Now full member of select committee (vs. previously substitute), raised my concerns that the current SCC sustainable transport activities have a very urban bias – the Local Sustainable Transport Funded Travel SMART programme working in Guildford, Woking, Reigate and Redhill.  Going forward, there is very little, if any emphasis on improving sustainable transport provision in the smaller towns and villages in Waverley.  I suggested a key issue that needed addressing is the lack of connectivity between communities for anyone who does not own a car.  This results in physical, social and economic isolation. SCC Highways acknowledged this shortcoming.

The Waverley Local Transport Plan (shortly to be going out to local consultation) and Local Cycle Plans will be taken through the Local Area Committees going forward.

I also raised the issue of the need for proper integrated transport planning when schools are expanded.


I sent the following statement to the Haslemere Herald.

It is totally unacceptable that the SCC Conservative leadership team have yet again ignored the findings of the independent remuneration panel and awarded themselves massive pay rises, without any proper transparent and open discussion.  I am not surprised the panel has concluded that they have no alternative but to resign.

The Conservative party should reflect on the message this sends to the electorate.  I am particularly disappointed that the SCC leadership has chosen to award themselves an extra £200,000 while cutting the funding for small local community projects across the county by the same amount.

Below is a link to a blog from Conservative Home. Although not linked officially to the party, it is run by Paul Goodman, former Conservative MP for Wycombe (01-10) and during that time he was shadow minister for local government.

There is a petition online:

Surrey County Council Community Improvement Fund

Here is the briefing information on the County Council’s Community Improvements Fund 14/15, which sets out minor changes to the fund this year, along with the criteria and guidance, and application form.  When talking to potential applicants, please could you use the new forms attached in place of any forms from previous rounds as these have been updated.  These changes include the following:

  • a reduction to the upper limit of applications to £30,000
  • applications requesting 100% of funding are unlikely to be supported
  • the requirement to demonstrate the wider community benefit of the project
  • the recommendation that all relevant permissions should be in place at point of application (there is a requirement that they will all be in place 12 months from date of decision)
  • the requirement that there is a minimum term of at least 5 years left on a lease (from date of decision), if the application relates to a project that is on leasehold property/land;
  • being able to demonstrate that the project is scalable, in case all of the funding requested is not available;
  • a word limit on sections of the application form to help ensure concise answers.

This fund has been set up to support local community based initiatives which make a real difference to people’s lives.  Bids to the fund can be submitted for requests between £10,000 and £30,000 from 6 May until 25 July 2014. The funding is intended primarily to cover capital costs linked to community infrastructure projects.

Please see below a link to the County Council website for further information. Your local Community Partnership and Committee Officer (CPCO) will be happy to provide advice to applicants:


Food Bank AGM

The Haslemere and District Food Bank will be holding an Annual Meeting at the Methodist Church on Lion Green at 7.30pm on Wednesday 25 June both to celebrate its first anniversary and to account to the many stakeholders who have helped to make the Food Bank a very effective agent for good in our area.

They do not expect the meeting to last more than one hour; they will cover the progress they have made with collection and referral agencies, Food Bank logistics, customer demand and outreach generally. They do hope you can find the time to come along as the Food Bank has touched so many people in many ways. Do please invite anyone else you think may be interested – there is no charge – and contact Chris Gibson on 01428 661462 if you need any further information.

Local Policing Board Session

There will be a Local Policing Board session held on 3rd Sept 2014 between 5pm and 7pm. The venue is to be confirmed. These county sessions have been instigated by the Police and Crime Commissioner and take the form of a stall staffed by local Surrey Police officers and representatives of the Safer Waverley Partnership to give residents an opportunity to discuss policing priorities and local concerns relating to community safety.

Agenda for the next Local Area Committee

Agenda – Waverley Local Committee

Friday, 20 June 2014 1.30 pm

Venue: Winn Hall, The Common, Dunsfold GU8 4LA

Contact: David North, Community Partnership & Committee Officer  Godalming Social Services Centre, Bridge Street, Godalming, GU7 1LA

No. Item

To receive any apologies for absence.


To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



  • In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


  • Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


  • Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


  • Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


Notice has been received of a petition from the residents of Latimer Road, Godalming which relates to on-street parking in this road.


To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.



To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.


To agree the Terms of Reference and membership of task groups and make any external appointments.


Additional documents:


To note and comment on the proposed programme.


Additional documents:


The Committee is asked to agree the transfer of its community safety budget for 2014-15 to the Safer Waverley Partnership.



To note the arrangements now in place.


To agree a response to the online petition presented at the previous meeting.


The report explores increased delegation of decision-making in relation to local ‘early help’ for young people, within the context of re-commissioning for 2015 to 2020.


Additional documents:


The purpose of the report is to update the Local Committee on the progress that Services for Young People have made towards participation for all young people in Waverley in post-16 education, training and employment during 2013-14.

Additional documents:


To receive an update on the Committee’s improvement programme and on other highways initiatives.

Additional documents:


The report seeks the views of the Local Committee on the delivery of the Winter Service operations in the 2013/14 season, to feed back into the annual review.

Dunsfold Cycle Time Trials This Week

Subject: Cyclists Required for Road Safety Trials at Dunsfold Track – This Week

Transport Research Laboratory (TRL, are currently recruiting participants to take part in some Road Safety Trials. They are running the trials on behalf of Transport for London (TfL) at the Dunsfold Park Track (home of Top Gear) in Cranleigh, Surrey. More trials will be taking place during June this year and we are seeking more cyclists (aged 18 or over) to take part. The trials are scheduled for the following dates:

Cyclist Trials

·         Tuesday 10th June

·         Wednesday 11th June

·         Thursday 12th June

·         Tuesday 17th June

The approximate times for the sessions for cyclists are:

08:30 – 11:15,

10:15 – 13:00,

12:30 – 15:15, and

14:15 – 17:00.

A reimbursement of £40 will be made on the day as compensation for your time and travel expenses.

Waverley Cycling Forum have asked me to publicise these trials so that we can recruit as many keen cyclists as possible to take part!

If you have any queries or would like any further information about the trials, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Trials Team on

Invitation – Serpent Trail Launch – Friday 13th June


Haslemere is the perfect gateway to the South Downs National Park and offers easy bus or train links, including direct trains from Guildford.

From June, one of the largest walking areas in the south, namely the South Downs National Park, becomes all the more accessible by rail or bus, thanks to improved signposting between Haslemere station and the start of the Serpent Trail.  Starting with the serpent’s ‘tongue’ in Haslemere High Street, the 64 mile Serpent Trail route snakes its way through pretty Hampshire villages to Petersfield and into the National Park.

So, whether you’re taking on the full long-distance challenge from Haslemere to Petersfield, or choosing a shorter option, you can easily get there and back by bus or train, even on a Sunday.

Serpent Trail

Come and join us on 13 June 2014

We’re running a launch event to celebrate improved access to the trail from Surrey’s new travel gateway, starting at Haslemere station.  If you’re free on Friday 13 June, love walking and want to sign up to join us, please email as soon as possible and we’ll contact you with more details or please return reply card for the Serpent launch.

Celebrate improved access on the Serpent Trail Leave the car at home!


10am prompt HASLEMERE STATION (1 mile walk)

10.45am Launch at National Trust, Swanbarn Farm, Collards Lane, Haslemere (inc. refreshments)

11.15am GUIDED WALKS start from Swan Barn

WALK 1 – 8km (5m) to National Park boundary and return

WALK 2 – 10km (7m) to A286 Bell Road and return by bus to Haslemere

WALK 3 – 18km (11m) to Liphook Station


Watch the Explore Twitter feed to find out more about this.  Detailed route descriptions can be found at

See SDNP SERPENT invite final.

The independent panel set up to review and recommend the level of Surrey County Councillors’ allowances has resigned



The independent panel set up to review and recommend the level of Surrey
County Councillors’ allowances resigned en bloc last week after councillors
threw out their proposals and awarded themselves a massive new payments

The allowances for the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council have been
hiked up by some 60% and allowances for eight roles that the panel
considered already overpaid and needing reduction, have remained static or
been increased. The total increase in allowances, which are paid for by
Council Tax Payers, will now cost £62,000 more per year than the panel’s
proposals, constituting an additional quarter of a million pounds over the
four year period for which it is set.  All but four of the 61 Special
Responsibility Allowances agreed by the Council are currently held by
Councillors of the ruling majority party.

“This flagrant disregard for the carefully considered recommendations of
its own Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) has left us with no
alternative but to resign,” said panel chairman Cathy Rollinson. “Like most
members of the public, we do not believe that it is right for councillors
to award themselves pay rises, against the advice of an independent panel.”

“Surrey County Councillors have awarded themselves significant increases in
allowances that are not supported by any evidence. Councillors carry out an
important role on behalf of the community and the IRP, after much research
and consideration, recommended a scheme that reflected the responsibility
attached to each role, the time needed to fulfil those duties and a
comparison with allowances paid by councils similar to Surrey.

“The IRP recognised that the Basic Allowance, which is paid to all 81
Councillors, had not been raised since 2008 and consequently recommended a
modest increase of 5.3% to £12,418.  This has been agreed by the Council.
However, the allowance awarded for every single one of the special
responsibility roles undertaken by Councillors is higher than that proposed
by the IRP.

“A 59% increase has been agreed by the Council for the Leader’s Special
Responsibility Allowance  to £43,000 – the IRP recommended £35,548) and  a
60% increase for the Deputy Leader ( to £31,250 – the IRP recommended
£30,333). Four recently introduced Cabinet Associate posts have been
awarded £12,500, 18% more than recommended by the IRP.

“The Council also rejected the panel’s suggestion that the increases might
be phased in over several years, deciding to implement them all with
immediate effect. The IRP also proposed that Councillors should provide tax
payers with an annual on-line report, outlining how they had fulfilled
their roles, and that the Leaders of the political groups might consider
implementing an annual assessment of the performance of each Councillor
within their group.  These recommendations were not even discussed by the

“As a result of the total disregard which the County Council has paid to
the well-researched and cohesive proposals of the Independent Remuneration
Panel, put forward at a time when there is wide-spread belt-tightening
amongst tax payers, all three members of the Panel have resigned with
immediate effect.”

This is the third time that the councillors have refused to accept the
panel’s recommendations. In 2010 the Panel conducted a fundamental review
of Councillors’ allowances and issued a report that recommended the
redistribution of allowances on a fairer basis, rewarding those who carry
greater responsibility.  Where there was no evidence of additional
significant responsibility, the Panel recommended the reduction or
withdrawal of allowances.  The Council rejected these proposals.

In 2008, the IRP made a series of recommendations on the appropriate number
and level of allowances and specifically recommended that the number of
councillors receiving special responsibility allowances should be reduced
to below 50%.  The Council rejected this proposal and introduced a further
seven new allowances.


Notes for Editors:  All Councils are required by The Local Authorities
(Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 to set up and maintain an
Independent Remuneration Panel of three people who are not themselves
councillors.  Panels make recommendations on basic allowances payable to
all councillors, special responsibility allowances as well as travel and
other allowances.  Councils are required to have regard to the
recommendations of the panel before amending their scheme of allowances.

Government guidance states that “if the majority of members of a council
receive a special responsibility allowance [in addition to the basic
allowance], the local electorate may rightly question whether this was
justified.“    Source: New Council Constitutions: Guidance on Consolidated
Regulations for Local Authority Allowances, Office of the Deputy Prime
Minister (2003)

The members of Surrey County Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel are:
Cathy Rollinson (Chairman), Janet Housden and Kathy Atkinson.


I voted against the increase at full council last week.

From Your Local Guardian:

Residents’ Association and Independent councillors on SCC criticised the increased allowances at a time when the council is plannning to save £72 million in this financial year.

Councillor Nick Harrison, leader of the Residents’ Association and Independent group of councillors, who represent Nork and Tattenhams, said: “There is a total lack of common-sense and affordability within the new allowances scheme forced through by the Conservative majority of the county council.

“An independent panel took the time and effort to properly consider what level of public money should be used to reimburse councillors for their work in the community.

“Most of the panel’s recommendations were rejected or twisted in such a way that they favour the executive roles within the council while stripping away some of the importance placed on people who scrutinise how vital public services are managed and funded.”

Eber Kington, Residents’ Association councillor for Ewell Court, Auriol and Cuddington, added: “This is another occasion when the Conservatives at SCC have written their own cheque to be cashed once again using public funds.

“The council taxpayer will be paying over 70 per cent more for the leader and cabinet than 18 months ago.  That’s too much, too soon, for too many.

“At a time when the public is still seething about bankers’ bonuses and expenses for MPs, the Tory administration treat them with contempt and vote through pay rises for themselves, some of which amount to a 60 per cent rise.”

Next Friday’s Waverley Local Area Committee

The next Local Area Committee for Waverley will be on 9th May 2014. Items for Haslemere include parking (phase 1) and a 20 mph speed limit petition for Haslemere.


Waverley Local Committee
Friday, 9 May 2014 1.30 pm

Venue: Godalming Baptist Church

Contact: David North, Community Partnership & Committee Officer  Godalming Social Services Centre, Bridge Street, Godalming, GU7 1LA

No. Item

To receive any apologies for absence.


To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.


  • In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.
  • Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
  • Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.
  • Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.

Two e-petitions have been received:


To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.


To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.


This report sets out the response to statutory consultation for the locations included in the 2013/14 review. The Committee is asked to consider the objections, support and other comments received and agree how to proceed in each location.

Additional documents:

Haslemere Library showcasing artwork for Surrey Libraries’ Festival for Children

A lovely display in the windows of Haslemere Library showcasing artwork for Surrey Libraries’ Festival for Children.

IMG-20140426-00030The artwork was created by Year 3 and Year 4 at St. Bartholomew’s School.IMG-20140426-00031Front window of Haslemere Library


 More artwork on the window facing St Christopher’s Road

Wey Hill Volunteer Planting

One of the many spring wooden planters on Wey Hill planted and tended by volunteers