Category Archives: Haslemere first

Templecombe and Haslemere stations shortlisted for coveted railway prize

Two South Western Railway (SWR) stations are in the running to be crowned ‘Station of the Year’, as part of the National Rail Awards (NRA) 2020.

The judges were impressed by Templecombe station in Somerset and Haslemere station in Surrey, with both being shortlisted earlier this month.

The Friends of Templecombe Station – a long established adoption group which has worked closely with the SWR member of staff at the station – has continued to produce beautiful flower displays which are on show across the site, including on the disused platform. They also host monthly coffee mornings in the station’s waiting area, supporting passengers and the local community alike.

The station has history with the awards, having been highly commended in this category in 2018 and winning in 2019.

The local station adoption group at Haslemere has worked closely with the SWR team to install new flower displays, a defibrillator and artwork produced by local schoolchildren. They also received funding and assistance from a variety of teams across SWR to completely refurbish the volunteer-run Information Hub, which is leased on a peppercorn rent.

Commenting, SWR’s Head of Stations Jerome Pacatte said:
“Our station colleagues and local community groups work incredibly hard to maintain and enhance our stations, and in doing help to enhance the overall experience of using our network.

“It is fantastic that the teams that help to maintain both Templecombe and Haslemere stations have already been recognised by the National Rail Awards. This is richly deserved, and we are all wishing them the best of the luck for the next stage of the competition.”

Notes to editors

A287 Sturt Road, Haslemere – Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2020

From Surrey County Council Highways:

Reference: ME-875331 – Surrey Highways: TRO A287 Sturt Road, Haslemere

Surrey County Council proposes to make the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of A287 Sturt Road, Haslemere that is crossed by the “Sicklemill Railway Bridge” and for a distance of 30m either side.

This Traffic Order is required to enable Centurion/Network Rail to carry out examinations and/or maintenance to the railway bridge. These works are anticipated to be carried out between the hours of 10pm and 5am, within 1 night of the 12 month period of operation of this Temporary Order that commences on 10 September 2020.

Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. No sole access to any property will be affected however access for emergency services, pedestrians and; dismounted cyclists, equestrians will be maintained at all times. The vehicular diversion route will be via Midhurst Road and Lower Street.

A message from South Western Railway’s Sustainability Team

From: SWR Stakeholders
Subject: A message from South Western Railway’s Sustainability Team

Dear Nikki,

You may have spotted that the Department for Transport has launched an open consultation, calling for ideas to “Create a plan to decarbonise transport”

There is more information on the DfT website under

SWR would like its stakeholders to be aware of this opportunity so that you can submit ideas, or indeed alert others to do so.

This could be an opportunity to consider how we kickstart the return to rail post lockdown, rekindling public support for modal shift from cars to public transport in support of local and regional climate change planning.

The consultation is aimed at individuals and groups and is looking at all forms of transport.  It opened on 8 July and closes on 31 August 2020, and ideas can be submitted online through a smart survey on

Ideas could of course include some of the things that stakeholders have discussed with us in the past such as more electrification, use of new technology such as battery powered trains, and better integration with bus, cycling and walking as well as making rail more accessible and easier to use.

If you want to share any submission with us, please feel free to do so. We are always keen to see ideas on how we can help with sustainability and climate change and we would welcome the opportunity to see your thoughts on this. You can contact us at

Best wishes

Head of Sustainability

South Western Railway

The Haslemere Food Bank launches Trolley Tuesday tomorrow

Here is a thread from the Haslemere Food Bank on Twitter announcing the launch of their Trolley Tuesday scheme tomorrow. Click on the tweet below to read the whole thread:

The Haslemere phone exchange is included in Openreach’s Rural Build Programme

Ofcom to Help BT Fibre Rollout Reach 3.2 Million Rural Premises.

Ofcom has proposed to change their UK regulation as a result of Openreach’s (BT) recent commitment to extend their Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband ISP network to a further 3.2 million rural properties, which will allow the operator to include these investment costs in its prices upfront. Haslemere is included in the programme.

Carriageway patching work, Church Lane, Haslemere

From: Works Communication Team/EAI/SCC
Sent: 27 July 2020 15:02
To: Nikki Barton <>
Subject: Essential patching works – Church Lane, Haslemere – (Road Closed)

Dear Cllr Barton

Please find attached the letter for the carriageway patching work on Church Lane, Haslemere.  Apologies for the short notice, we have just had the permit granted for these works.

Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions

The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.

Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.

We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit

If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know. You can also find up to date details of the works on

Kind regards

Works Communication Officer

Works Communication Team

Surrey Highways

Road closure on Sun Brow, Haslemere – Carriageway surfacing

From: Works Communication Team/EAI/SCC

To: Nikki Barton <>

Subject: Road closure on Sun Brow, Haslemere – Carriageway surfacing

Please find attached the leaflet for the surfacing works on Sun Brow, Haslemere. The leaflets will be delivered to local residents and businesses over the next few working days.

Sun Brow, Haslemere

Road closed

3 August

For 1 day

8am – 5pm

Please see the attached leaflet for the extents of our work.

Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions

The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.

Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.

We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit

Sometimes our plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.

You and your residents can also find up to date details and receive updates of the works on

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email

Kind regards

Works Communication Officer

Works Communication Team

Surrey Highways

Coronavirus testing in Haslemere tomorrow

Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit – Decision Making Process

I have sent the email below to my councillor colleagues with an update about Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit. I wrote about the MIU in the past on my blog here and here.

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached the Notes from a Meeting with representatives of NHS England which clarifies the position of Haslemere’s MIU.  The following section of the briefing note is particularly significant:

“Members noted references in the report to the Haslemere MIU not complying fully with the new standards for Urgent Treatment Centres (UTCs) and pointed out that the Secretary of State for Health confirmed before the December 2019 general election that the MIU would remain open. They heard that the Secretary of State’s intervention ran contrary to the official NHS England (NHSE) guidance in terms of UTC standards, and that any decision to change Haslemere MIU into a UTC would need to be supported by NHSE.  An assurance process to be undertaken by NHSE would determine whether this would be supported by the regulator. It was explained that Commissioners, not the Secretary of State for Health, have the legal duty and responsibility for local commissioning decisions”.

My key concern is that the public may assume that the future of the MIU in Haslemere is safe following the Secretary of State’s intervention, which unfortunately is clearly not the case.  I understand that both Milford and Cranleigh are actively preparing their cases as the possible UTC site of choice going forward.

Lisa <town clerk>, please could you share this with all town councillors as a matter of urgency, and I am copying in Jeremy in case he can shed further light on the situation.

Best regards
