Category Archives: Meetings

Haslemere Town Council EGM this evening

There will be an Extraordinary Council Meeting on Monday 30th November at 7pm.


1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Council to decide whether or not to accept apologies for absence. RECOMMENDED: That where reasons are given by Members they are approved.

2. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS To receive from members declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Non-Pecuniary Interests, in addition to those listed attached in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with LOCALISM ACT 2011 s. 29 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.

3. DISPENSATIONS Town Clerk to report on any dispensations granted prior to the meeting relating to the approval of the budget, the approval of any borrowing under the Local Government Act 2003, the making of the precept, the making of the calculations under ss 49A, 49B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the approval of an allowance, payment or indemnity to Members.

4. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN APPENDIX 1 To review and consider the amended Haslemere Town Council Neighbourhood Plan for Regulation 15 submission to Waverley Borough Council for Regulation 16 public consultation, prior to independent examination and referendum. Recommended: the amended Haslemere Town Council Neighbourhood Plan be submitted to Waverley Borough Council for the Regulation 16 public consultation.

Surrey County Council Leader & CEO Virtual Resident Roadshows – 1st and 17th Dec

Dear All,

This has been an exceptional year, and in many ways we have been closer and more present in different ways with many of the residents we serve, despite the challenges of getting out and about in our communities. As the year draws to a close, the Chief Executive and I will be running two virtual ‘roadshow’ sessions, inviting residents to submit questions in advance and take part a Q&A. I am grateful that Rob Moran has agreed to chair the panel.

I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to engage with our communities in this way, in what I’m sure will be a lively discussion. If there are any residents that you are in contact, I would be most grateful if you could pass on this link to them, to give them the opportunity to contribute to the session. We will be running two sessions, one at 1900 on 1st December and one at 1800 on 17th December.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kind regards, Tim Oliver
Leader of Surrey County Council

Invitation: Be a Councillor Event – Thursday 10 December 2020

Sent on behalf of the LGA Independent Group

I am writing to let you know about a virtual Be a Councillor event that the LGA Independent group are holding for people interested in running as an independent candidate in local elections. Please share this with anyone that you know has considered or is interested in standing as a councillor.

The event will be held on Thursday 10 December 2020 from 6pm – 7.30pm. The event will include a presentation covering an introduction to being a Councillor, followed by an opportunity for a Q&A session with a panel of experienced independent councillors.

To register for the event, individuals need to email: including their name and local authority area. The Zoom joining details will be sent out by the LGA Team to those that have registered, at the beginning of the week of the event.

Best wi

Aimee Wittams-Smith

Political Officer (Independent Group)

Local Government Association

18 Smith Square

Westminster, London



The agenda for Waverley Local Committee, Friday, 13 November 2020

The agenda for Waverley Local Committee, Friday, 13 November 2020, 10.30 am has just been published.

To view the agenda and officer contact details, follow the link: Agenda details on public web site

Meeting venue: REMOTE

The following items are included in the agenda:

No. Item

IPad users can access the meeting agenda through the Mod Gov App.

Waverley Local Committee

Update – Haste Hill and Woolmer Hill Tree Removal

Woolmer Hill Road remains closed as four dangerous trees have not yet been removed. The removal of the large ancient oak at the bottom of Haste Hill continues today. The position of the tree is endangering nearby homes and I have paid a site visit. 

I have raised my concerns with the Highways team and SCC leadership about the lack of resources to cope with two major tree incidents in Haslemere at the same time.  

Following the removal of the large fallen branch on Friday in Haste Hill that blocked the road, a large crack throughout the main trunk was discovered resulting in the need to fell the whole tree to prevent it falling on nearby homes. 

The contractor explained that the recent heavy rains, following a long exceptionally dry period creates additional top heavy stress on the trees that are still weighed down by leaves and acorns. The roadside banks are also more fragile after these climatic conditions of drought followed by intense rain.

The lack of a second available tree surgeon team to work on both the Haste Hill and Woolmer Hill emergency has created the totally unacceptable situation whereby the Woolmer Hill trees were not felled over the weekend as I had expected, and the Woolmer Hill road remains closed. 

Any such serious incidents reported are passed directly to the Surrey CC contractors Kier who then sub-contract out to tree specialists in this case having inspected the site. 

The Woolmer Hill incident report initially related to one dangerous tree over the highway, this was dealt with last week but a further 4 trees on the steep embankment were identified as being dangerous, resulting in the continued road closure.  

Over the weekend, the tree contractors visited the Woolmer Hill site and discovered that the situation had changed with the bank at risk of slipping. This changed the equipment required, with an additional larger cherry picker needed. The contractor has had to hire in this equipment that is rarely required.

Works are expected to start on the Woolmer Hill trees tomorrow once the Haste Hill situation has been made safe.

I’ve have been in touch with Woolmer Hill School who will be writing to parents/guardians.

Questions submitted to full council next week

I have submitted two questions ahead of SCC’s full council next week:

On Haslemere fire services:

Further cuts to night cover at fire stations are being proposed by this council.  The first round of ‘transformational’ cuts had a significant impact on Haslemere station, which is now is currently often left empty.  Most incidents on Haslemere’s ground are now being covered from outside the areas resulting in increased attendance times- often between 20-30 minutes- when the promise is attendance is under 10 minutes, 80% of the time.  I understand studies indicate an overall reduction in attendance times as a result of the transformation, however this is not working for Haslemere- which also provides cover for any emergencies in the A3 Hindhead Tunnel.

My question, given the current situation as described above, how can I reassure my residents in Haslemere that they can have confidence in their fire service provision to assist in an emergency particularly during the night?  

On sustainable transport relating to SCC’s proposed new headquarters:

Given the distance of the proposed Woodhatch site from the nearest rail station, what plans will be made to ensure our residents, SCC staff and councillors are able to access the proposed new civic heart for Surrey by sustainable transport modes?