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1/14 |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCETo receive any apologies for absence.Minutes:
Apologies were received from Mr B Adams, Mr B Ellis and Mrs V Young; Mr A Young was absent from the meeting until Item 11, having indicated that he would be delayed.
2/14 |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.
The minutes were agreed as a correct record.
3/14 |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
- In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.
- Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
- Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.
- Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
The following members requested that a non-pecuniary interest be noted in Item 9, specifically in relation to the applications for Highways Localism funding, on the grounds of their membership of Farnham Town Council: Mrs P Frost, Mrs C Cockburn, Ms J Potts.
4/14 |
To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.
No petitions had been received.
5/14 |
To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
The text of two public questions received and the responses provided are attached at Annex 1.
Mr D Pope, in a supplementary question to the response provided to Ms J Godden in relation to the on-street parking proposal for Courts Hill Road (West), expressed his continued concern that the response had not addressed the question presented. Residents feel that the proposal, if implemented, would result in unsafe traffic movements. He asked that the results of the statutory consultation be presented to the Committee along with details of objections and reasons for the recommendation.
The Chairman explained the process by which objections would be assessed and undertook to ensure that the proposal for this location returns to the Committee for decision.
6/14 |
To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.
The text of four member questions received and the responses provided are attached at Annex 2.
Supplementary questions were presented as follows:
1. Mr R Knowles restated his concern that the signage for diversions away from the A3 remains inadequate and sought reassurance that progress was being made. The Vice-Chairman, as Chairman of the County Council’s Environment and Infrastructure Select Committee, confirmed that following a multi-agency meeting agreement had been secured from the Highways Agency for a programme of improvements which an officer working group was developing. The Area Highways Manager was asked to circulate an update to members on the proposed measures.
2. Mr D Munro asked for further detail on what the County Council and Local Committee can do to promote the needs of Farnham under the Local Enterprise Partnership’s funding regime for transport schemes. The Chairman explained that further detail would be provided in a report at the next meeting of the Committee.
4. Mr S Cosser thanked officers for the rapid response to his urgent question. He requested clarity on the prospect of at least one-way working not being feasible in Frith Hill Road and, in this event, the likelihood of remedial work being prioritised. He also sought assurance that he and the local residents’ association would be kept informed. The Area Highways Manager outlined the work needing to be undertaken before a decision on one-way working could be made: if feasible, partial re-opening on this basis would be at least two months away. Prioritisation of remedial works following flood damage is now under way, but it is likely that A-roads would take precedence. Mr Cosser and the residents’ association would be informed of progress.
7/14 |
To agree to support the objectives of the Dementia Friendly initiative.
Additional documents:
Resolved to:
(i) Note the progress of the Dementia Friendly Surrey project.
(ii) Note the particular work being done to make Waverley more dementia-friendly.
(iii) Agree that the whole Committee become a collective Dementia Friendly Champion, Mr S Cosser acting as lead member.
Local Committees and members are very well-placed to help carry on the work of Dementia Friendly Surrey, making our communities better places to live for people with dementia, their family and carers.
The Committee noted that the role of Champion would contribute to widening awareness of dementia and reducing stigma; Champions would also be involved in sustaining the initiative in the longer term. Members referred to the increasing pressure on day centres and the positive difference being made through increased awareness of dementia.
Mr S Cosser felt that there would be a benefit in the whole Committee making a commitment to the project and offered to keep members involved in its future evolution. The Chair put this proposal to the Committee and it was agreed as (iii) below.
Resolved to:
(i) Note the progress of the Dementia Friendly Surrey project.
(ii) Note the particular work being done to make Waverley more dementia-friendly.
(iii) Agree that the whole Committee become a collective Dementia Friendly Champion, Mr S Cosser acting as lead member.
Local Committees and members are very well-placed to help carry on the work of Dementia Friendly Surrey, making our communities better places to live for people with dementia, their family and carers.
8/14 |
To agree a response to the petition presented at the previous meeting.
Resolved to note the response to the petition.
The Committee is required to respond to petitions received.
Resolved to note the response to the petition.
The Committee is required to respond to petitions received.
9/14 |
To note the progress made and the status of schemes, to consider the allocation of funding to support flooding recovery and to consider applications for funding under the highways localism scheme for 2014-15.
Additional documents:
Resolved to:
(i) Note the effects of the recent extreme weather across Waverley and Surrey.
(ii) Agree that up to £50,000 be allocated from the 2014/15 budget towards flood recovery works organised by the Area Team.
(iii) Agree to note the 2014/15 Localism (Lengsthman) scheme applications submitted by Chiddingfold Parish Council, Dunsfold Parish Council, First Wessex (Sandy Hill and The Chantrys), Hambledon Parish Council, Haslemere Town Council and Farnham Town Council and that an application from Western Villages had now been received, and to delegate final approval of the total funding granted to each project to the Area Highways Manager, in consultation with local members and subject to officer scrutiny to ensure that the proposed works fall within the remit of the scheme.
(iv) Agree to review the principles and process to be adopted for the allocation of the Localism (Lengsthman) budget in future years.
The Committee recognised the need to contribute to flood recovery in Waverley and to support local enhanced maintenance on the highway through the Highways Localism scheme.
The Chairman thanked officers for the work done in partnership during the recent extreme weather.
Officers were asked to consider whether the legal delays experienced in the Marshall Road scheme should be escalated for resolution at a higher level.
It was confirmed that the data in Annex 1 of the report referred to the 2013/14 programme only. The proposed allocation of £50,000 to flood recovery would be taken from the uncommitted sum for 2014/15. The extent of damage is currently being assessed and it is likely that remedial work to surfaces will begin in April. The poor quality of some repairs and early failures reflect the difficulty experienced by the contractor in complying with required timescales in adverse environmental conditions: the cost of remedial work is borne by the contractor.
The Committee discussed funding for the Highways Localism scheme, noting that an application from Western Villages had now been received by officers. Some members continued to express their unease at the lack of equity experienced by areas where the parish council had not wished to submit an application; there was also concern at the lack of progress on a review of the processes involved. The Chairman proposed amended recommendations, which were agreed by the Committee as (iii) and (iv) below.
Resolved to:
(i) Note the effects of the recent extreme weather across Waverley and Surrey.
(ii) Agree that up to £50,000 be allocated from the 2014/15 budget towards flood recovery works organised by the Area Team.
(iii) Agree to note the 2014/15 Localism (Lengsthman) scheme applications submitted by Chiddingfold Parish Council, Dunsfold Parish Council, First Wessex (Sandy Hill and The Chantrys), Hambledon Parish Council, Haslemere Town Council and Farnham Town Council and that an application from Western Villages had now been received, and to delegate final approval of the total funding granted to each project to the Area Highways Manager, in consultation with local members and subject to officer scrutiny to ensure that the proposed works fall within the remit of the scheme.
(iv) Agree to review the principles and process to be adopted for the allocation of the Localism (Lengsthman) budget in future years.
The Committee recognised the need to contribute to flood recovery in Waverley and to support local enhanced maintenance on the highway through the Highways Localism scheme.
10/14 |
To review progress in the first year and consider the programme for the second and subsequent years of the project.
Additional documents:
Resolved to note:
(i) The success of the countywide five-year programme in Year One.
(ii) The progress of Operation Horizon roads, surface treatment roads and changes in Year One in Waverley as set out in Annex 1 of the report.
(iii) The proposed programme of Operation Horizon roads for Waverley for Year Two (2014/15) and the remaining approved roads to be undertaken in Years Three to Five (2015-2018) listed in Annex 1of the report.
The Committee requested an update of the project at the end of year one and an opportunity to review the programme for future years.
The Committee welcomed the progress made in Year 1 and the high quality of the work completed. In view of the significant and costly damage sustained by the network over the winter, discussions are under way with central government with a view to bringing a plan for remediation to the full County Council in April. There may be an impact on the Horizon programme, but it is hoped that this can be preserved.
The Committee discussed the extent and timing of individual schemes in the programme. It was noted that members needed reasons for adjustments to the programme. Officers had acknowledged that local committee members should be provided with more detailed and timely information on progress and changes and enhanced communication methods were under consideration. It was pointed out that the requirements of developers presented a particular challenge in scheduling work in Waverley and officers were collaborating with Planning colleagues on this point. Officers were reminded that multiple road closures in a relatively small area might have a major impact on traffic flows across a much larger area.
Resolved to note:
(i) The success of the countywide five-year programme in Year One.
(ii) The progress of Operation Horizon roads, surface treatment roads and changes in Year One in Waverley as set out in Annex 1 of the report.
(iii) The proposed programme of Operation Horizon roads for Waverley for Year Two (2014/15) and the remaining approved roads to be undertaken in Years Three to Five (2015-2018) listed in Annex 1of the report.
The Committee requested an update of the project at the end of Year One and an opportunity to review the programme for future years.
11/14 |
To comment on a draft update to the County Council’s policy on setting local speed limits and a new draft policy to address road safety outside schools, including school crossing patrols.
Additional documents:
Resolved to request that the Committee’s comments on the draft policies be noted and taken into account, prior to the policies being submitted to the County Council’s Cabinet for approval.
Local Committees are responsible for most highway and transport matters in their area, including speed limits and road safety measures outside schools. This report presented draft road safety policies with respect to speed limits and road safety outside schools for comment by the Local Committee prior to submission to the County Council’s Cabinet for approval.
[Mr A Young joined the meeting at this point.]
The following observations were made by way of contribution to the consultation:
- The phrase “outside schools” needs to be interpreted with some latitude, as roads, paths and hazards at some distance may have an impact on the safety of students’ journeys to school and on the range of travel options considered by families.
- Extensive parking in roads around schools can have a significant impact on safety.
- The acknowledgement that signage alone has little impact on speeds was welcomed.
- It was proposed that local committees should be entrusted with making correct decisions on speed limits, even if their decisions are contrary to Police and/or officer advice: it was suggested that referral to the Cabinet member should be by exception, e.g. through a call-in procedure or perhaps in relation to strategic routes.
- Although low-cost interventions can be delivered quickly, substantial schemes are likely to take a long time to implement.
- The provision of signage should be balanced against the wish of some neighbourhoods to “declutter” and resist urbanisation.
- The impact of building developments on the safety of routes to school must be taken into account and incorporated in the planning process.
- There should be a greater emphasis on the role that schools and parents themselves can have in promoting road safety.
Resolved to request that the Committee’s comments on the draft policies be noted and taken into account, prior to the policies being submitted to the County Council’s Cabinet for approval.
Local Committees are responsible for most highway and transport matters in their area, including speed limits and road safety measures outside schools. This report presented draft road safety policies with respect to speed limits and road safety outside schools for comment by the Local Committee prior to submission to the County Council’s Cabinet for approval.
12/14 |
To note the proposed forward programme and agree any additional items for inclusion.
Additional documents:
Resolved to agree the Forward Programme as outlined in Annex 1 of the report.
Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.
The Chairman informed the Committee that some reports scheduled for the June meeting would be moved to September to ensure a better balance in the size of agendas. The wish to develop an understanding of Children’s Services was expressed.
Resolved to agree the Forward Programme as outlined in Annex 1 of the report.
Members were asked to comment on the Forward Programme so that officers can publicise the meetings and prepare the necessary reports.