Category Archives: Surrey News Updates

Flooding Update sent to all Surrey County Councillors

Flooding Update sent to all Surrey County Councillors

While this update does not affect Haslemere, there are flood alerts across the county which may affect your travel plans for half term.

This is the first of the regular updates we will provide you with, outlining the response to flooding in Surrey. As this is the first update it contains all the detail to date. We will make these updates more focused on the changing situation as we progress.

The information comes from all the partners working together to manage the flooding in Surrey. This includes: Surrey Police; Surrey Fire and Rescue; Surrey County Council; District and Borough Councils; the Environment Agency; the military; volunteers and other organisations working with us.

You will have seen from the news that there is a huge impact on the communities in Runnymede, Spelthorne and Elmbridge. It is estimated that around 2,500 properties have either been flooded or are at risk of flooding in Surrey. Partners are continuing to work together to support residents who are or could be affected by flooding. The military are continuing to provide support as are a number of voluntary agencies.

Other areas of the county are also experiencing flooding due to the high level of rainfall. In Tandridge the Caterham Bourne is continuing to cause flooding problems along the A22 in Whyteleafe.

There is not expected to be any improvement in the weather in the coming days. Further heavy rain and strong winds are expected, this will mean that Flood Forecast for Surrey remains RED through the weekend.

Number of Homes Affected

  • Approximately 1,000 properties flooded.
  • Approximately 2000-2500 affected by flooding.
  • Approximately 3,000 homes visited by police house to house teams since Sunday 9/2/14.
  • Crime plan in place to provide crime prevention and identification of crime within affected areas. Dedicated officers on prevention and reassurance patrols.

People Evacuated

  • Over 135 homes evacuated by Surrey Fire & Rescue.
  • Total estimated 650 people evacuated at 1430 hrs on 12/2/14.
  • Approximately 620 people from Egham area evacuated.
  • In response to demand, Rest Centres are currently open. Others are on standby.

Supporting Vulnerable People

Adult Social Care and Children’s Social Care are continuing to work to ensure that vulnerable people are identified and supported. Adult Social Care Teams are working with borough councils to support residents who have been evacuated to the Rest Centres. The flood water is making normal business in the areas more difficult and Adult Social Care are working with the emergency services and military to ensure that vulnerable residents continue to receive their care.


The Highways Team and our contractors are working to put road closures in place when roads become flooded. Sandbags are being distributed to borough councils and residents on a priority basis.

Sand Bags

  • 12,000 extra sandbags sourced for use plus 70000 tonnes of sand.
  •  Military have deployed approximately 6,000 to 8,000 sandbags.
  •  Local Authority has made approximately 15,000 to 20,000 sandbags available to the public.
  •  Surrey Highways have deployed 15,000 sandbags since 5/2/14.
  •  Total about 40-45,000 bags overall.
  •  Additional 10,000 sandbags expected within next 12-24 hours.

Road Closures

  •  44 physical roads closures are in place predominantly in the Staines and Egham areas.
  •  Approximately 60 roads in total flooded.

Customer Services

The Flooding Advice page on the Surrey County Council website is being updated regularly and is receiving a high number of visits.  The Contact Centre and partner agencies are currently taking a high number of severe weather related calls and are providing flooding advice.  A team at the County’s Contact Centre will be in place on Saturday to take highway/flooding calls from 9am – 5pm.

Social media and local and national media is being used extensively to keep people up to date. See @SurreyCouncil and @SurreyTravel and @Surrey_News.

The Current Weather Report

There is no significant improvement in the weather forecast.

Friday will again be cloudy with further heavy rain moving north east during the morning, clearing during the afternoon, but further rain or showers following from the west during the evening and night.  This could give a further 10-25mm of rain.  The Met. Office has issued a Yellow RAIN Alert (Low Likelihood of Medium Impacts) on Friday and Saturday.  This wind will also be accompanied by strong to gale force winds again with gusts of 50-60 mph isolated 70 mph during Friday afternoon and overnight.

As the low pressure moves away on Saturday there will be further showers but the wind will gradually ease. Currently next week looks like remaining unsettled but low pressure systems should be less intense with a lower risk of very heavy rain and gale force winds, however, this will need watching and updating as confidence increases.

Any warnings updated or issued later can be viewed at

Please find a link to the latest Surrey Police Press Release:

Planned and Ongoing works by Utilities Companies in Haslemere

Some information re. planned and ongoing works by utilities firms in Haslemere.

Highbury Grove – Haslemere | 16/01/2014 | 13/02/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

Bell Road – Haslemere | 03/02/2014 | 10/03/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

High Street – Haslemere | 05/02/2014 | 07/02/2014 | Thames Water Utilities

Tilford Road – Hindhead  | 24/01/2014 | 07/03/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

Churt Wynde – Hindhead  | 24/01/2014 | 07/03/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

Please note that this list of utility works only includes those works which we believe may have traffic implications on the highway, due to the traffic management involved. There may be other works going on in your area which should not have a major impact on the highway. For further information on all utility works, please visit

Useful information

For enquiries about Surrey’s highways, details of works in your area or to report a problem visit

For journey planners, public transport timetables and information on travel incentives visit

For all trunk road and motorway problems and enquiries visit

For flood warnings visit

For the latest parking news and updates visit

Foster’s Bridge Update

The SCC Highways team has begun work on trying to improve the drainage under Foster’s Bridge which has repeatedly flooded during the extreme, heavy rainfalls we have recently been experiencing.

To increase the catchment area for the runoff water, six new gullies are being created and larger frames and lids will be put on the six existing gullies. To reduce the debris that currently washes down into the gullies during heavy rains from the railway embankment, a retaining curb is being constructed on the approach to the bridge.

It is hoped these measures will go some way to prevent the flooding.

In the longer term, SCC is carrying out an investigation into the issue and I have secured Local Area Committee funding to carry out any more significant works should they be identified as necessary.

Flood warnings from the Environment Agency and the Met Office for the next few days

Notification received yesterday evening.

To :        All Councillors

Sent on : 06/01 18:57:53 GMT

Subject : Flooding Situation Update 1845hrs

Dear Councillors,

Following on from my e-mail earlier today, the Met Office and Environment Agency have amended their Flood Guidance Note that now shows an amber warning for Surrey between Tuesday and Friday this week.  The number of flood warnings has also increased during the course of the day/early evening and the latest information can be accessed on their website giving more details around each locality.  The situation is fast moving, however the Environment Agency website is updated every 15 minutes in order to give an accurate picture of the current situation at any given time.

The County Council Emergency Centre will be remaining open over night tonight to support the response.

We will update you with any further significant changes.

Kind regards,


Mark Twomey

Deputy Head of Emergency Management

Chief Executive’s Office, Surrey County Council

Proposed Changes for Admission to Camelsdale Primary School.

This was brought to the attention of Surrey County Councillors and Surrey’s Borough and District Councillors today by Claire Potier, Principal Manager Admissions and Transport (Strategy), SCC.

This is an extract of the communication but please read this document here for more information.

Dear Colleague

Surrey County Council is consulting on the proposed changes to admission arrangements for some community and voluntary controlled schools from September 2015. Full details of the consultation and the changes being proposed are available at

Changes to the schools which will be considered to admit local children when assessing nearest school for community and voluntary controlled schools:

Camelsdale Primary School in West Sussex to be added to the list of out of County schools which will not be considered to admit local children.

The consultation on the proposed changes will run until Monday 20 January 2014. I would encourage you to read the paperwork and if you wish to submit your views please complete an online response form. Alternatively if you would prefer to respond on a paper form, please telephone the Surrey Schools and Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004 to request a copy. Please note that only response forms which are fully completed with the respondents name and address will be accepted.

After the closing date, responses will be collated and presented to Surrey County Council’s decision making Cabinet on 25 February 2014. Its decision will then need to be ratified by the full County Council on 18 March 2014.

Once determined the final admission arrangements will be placed on Surrey’s website at

I look forward to receiving your comments.

All the best

Claire Potier

Principal Manager Admissions and Transport (Strategy)

Tel: 01483 517689

Wey Hill Resurfacing, Surrey County Council notice

Notice below for full Wey Hill resurfacing. Please note this is not for patched pothole repairs.




(B2131) Wey Hill Haslemere


SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL IN EXERCISE OF ITS POWERS UNDER SECTION 14 (2) OF THE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers hereby gives notice that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or exit (B2131) Wey Hill Haslemere between its junction with St Christopher’s Green and its junction with Vicarage Lane, a distance of 850 metres.

The restriction will not apply to emergency services, residents or businesses.

The prohibition referred to above will not apply in respect of anything done –

a)  with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform

b)  in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Surrey Police

The restriction specified above is required to allow Surrey County Council to carry out winter damage repairs.

The closure will commence on 25th November 2013 for a period of four nights between the hours of 8pm to 6am. This period may be extended by the County Council if required.

Traffic will be diverted via Lower Street, Wey Hill, Hindhead Road, Portsmouth Road, A3 Portsmouth Road/Milford By-Pass, Guildford and Godalming By-Pass Road, Portsmouth Road, Cherry Tree Road, Haslemere Road, Grayswood Road and High Street or this route in reverse order.



Richard Bolton

Local Highway Service Group

Hazel House

Merrow Lane





For further information please call 0300 200 1003

Three Gates Lane, Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2013





SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Sections 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding along (D5528) Three Gates Lane, Haslemere between the junction with Highercombe Road and the junction with Holdfast Lane.

The Temporary Traffic Order is required to enable Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution to lay an electricity cable. This will come into operation on 8th July 2013 and the works are anticipated to take place over four weeks from 8th July 2013 between the hours of 08.00hrs and 18.00hrs (Monday-Saturday) and 08.30hrs – 16.00hrs (Sundays) within the two month Order.

Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles, residents and pedestrians at all times.

Traffic will be diverted via Holdfast Lane, Petworth Road, High Street, Three Gates Lane to Highercombe Road or this route in reverse order.

Please view Three Gates Lane Diversion Map here.

Authorising Officer: Richard Bolton

Local Highway Services Group Manager

Any Enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to:

Traffic Regulation Orders Team

Surrey County Council – Highways

Hazel House

Merrow Lane


Surrey GU4 7BQ

Tel: 0300 200 1003