Category Archives: Surrey News Updates

Consultation – Surrey Waste Local Plan

Please see below information that Haslemere town councillors have received from Surrey County Council.

Surrey County Council is undertaking a public consultation on the new Surrey Waste Local Plan (SWLP) between 1 November 2017 and 7 February 2018.

The draft plan provides the Vision, Strategic Objectives, Draft Policies and Proposed Sites which are intended to guide the future of waste management facilities in Surrey until 2033. The draft plan includes a total of nine potential sites for waste management facilities.

Following this consultation Surrey County Council will be publishing and consulting on a pre-submission draft local plan which will then be submitted to the Government for independent examination.

To make it easy to comment and to help Surrey County Council to understand views on the approach they have taken, they are hosting a survey on the consultation portal ‘Surrey Says’ (



ON 27 SEPTEMBER 2017 SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL (“THE COUNCIL”) MADE the above mentioned Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”), the effect of which will be to temporarily: –

(a) Prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of (A287) Tilford Road, Hindhead, from a point outside the 2nd entrance to the Shell petrol garage on Royal Parade to a point 60 metres north and/or any part and/or parts therein; and

(b) Prohibit waiting at any time along the following lengths of Tower Road, Hindhead: –

(i) 100 metres from its junction with Tilford Road, on both sided of the road; and

(ii) 100 metres from its junction with Portsmouth Road, on both sides of the road.
This Order is required because of the likelihood of danger to the public and or damage to the road caused by a large void in the carriageway. The Order came into effect on 28 September 2017 to continue in force the provisions of a Notice issued under Section 14(2) of the Act, namely “THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL (A287) TILFORD ROAD AND (D5504) TOWER ROAD HINDHEAD TEMPORARY PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF TRAFFIC NOTICE 2017,” which came into operation on 19 September 2017. The Order shall be in operation until 27 March 2018, however the temporary restrictions will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed.

Access for pedestrians will be maintained at all times. Access for emergency vehicles, residents and businesses will be maintained via the signed diversion route. The Council are satisfied that, in accordance with Section 3(2)(a) and 3(2)(b) of the Act, vehicular access to and from premises within the affected length of Tilford Road specified in sub-paragraph (a) above or accessible only therefrom may be restricted in order to avoid danger to persons or other traffic using the road, or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising.

Southbound vehicular traffic will be diverted via Tilford Road, Churt Road (part of which is known as Crossways), Farnham Road, Frensham Road, Firgrove Hill, Longbridge, Downing Street, The Borough, South Street (A287), South Street (B3001), Farnham By-Pass, Runfold Diversion, Hogs Back, Puttenham Hill, Hook Lane, Puttenham Heath Road, Guildford/Godalming Bypass, slip road off A333 Portsmouth Road and Tilford Road. Northbound vehicular traffic will be diverted via Tilford Road, Portsmouth Road (A333), Portsmouth Road (A3), Puttenham Heath Road, Hook Lane, Puttenham Hill, Hogs Back, Guildford Road (A31), Guildford Road (A325), East Street, Dogflud Way, East Street, South Street, Union Road, Longbridge, Firgrove Hill, Frensham Road, Gong Hill, Crossways, Churt Road and Tilford Road.

Exemptions apply for vehicles when waiting because they are required by law to stop, are obliged to stop in order to prevent an accident or are prevented from proceeding because of circumstances outside the drivers control and in respect of anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or of a civil enforcement officer will apply when the temporary restrictions are in force.

DATED           28 September 2017


If I could be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours Faithfully,

Raise Quizora

Traffic Regulation Orders Clerk

Traffic Regulation Orders Team

Local Highway Services

Surrey Highways

Tel: 0300 200 1003

Sturt Road, Haslemere, urgent safety defect repairs to the carriageway. Diversion in place


SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL IN EXERCISE OF ITS POWERS UNDER SECTION 14 (2) OF THE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers hereby gives notice that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed along that length of (A287) Sturt Road, Haslemere, from its junction with Liphook Road for a distance of 250 metres in a southerly and then south easterly direction.

Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles, pedestrians and residents at all times.

The prohibition referred to above will not apply in respect of anything done –

  1. a) with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform

    b) in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Surrey Police

This Notice is necessary to enable Surrey County Council to carry out urgent safety defect repairs to the carriageway. The closure will commence on 22nd September 2016 for 5 days. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed.

The diversion route for all other vehicles will be via Lion Green, Wey Hill, Lower Street and Kings Road.

DATED: 23rd September 2016
Richard Bolton
Local Highway Service Group
Hazel House
Merrow Lane

For further information please call 0300 200 1003

Temporary Prohibition of Traffic – Haste Hill Haslemere – 4th April 2016

Notice from Surrey County Council’s Local Highways Services team.

I write to inform you of the above temporary prohibition, the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of (D5524) Haste Hill, Haslemere that extends from (D5527) Blackdown Lane to its junction with the northern leg of (D5524) Scotland Lane.

This Order is required to enable Optimise (Water) LLP to repair a leak in the nearby reservoir and shall come into operation on 4th April 2016 for a period of six months. These works are anticipated to be carried out from 4th April 2016 to 15th June 2016 during the hours of 07.30hrs and 17.00hrs on weekdays and 08.00hrs and 13.00hrs on Saturdays. The closure will stay in force for 24 hours and will not be lifted however advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed.

Access will be maintained for pedestrians only. Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles, residents and businesses via the signed diversion route however no sole means of property access will be affected by this temporary road closure.

Vehicular traffic will be diverted via Haste Hill, Petworth Road, Lower Street, Shepherds Hill, Midhurst Road and Scotland Lane or this route in reverse order.

Press statement from Surrey Council’s Residents’ Association and Independent Group

Today is Surrey County Council’s full council meeting in Kingston. Agenda here.

The council will decide on revenue and capital budget 2016/17 to 2020/21 and Treasury Management Strategy Management Strategy. Item here.

Here is the press statement the Residents’ Association and Independent Councillors at Surrey County Council:

Cabinet Budget Papers Reveal Real Challenges Ahead Say Residents’ Association & Independent Councillors

Budget Papers drafted for the Conservative Cabinet’s recommendation to the Surrey County Council Budget Meeting on Tuesday 9th February have been released. The Residents’ Association and Independent County councillors have criticised the budget proposals for their failure to provide any details of cuts, service changes or higher charges.

The Budget Papers show a £46 million funding gap, of which £20 million the Conservative leadership failed to anticipate and they will now dip into the Council’s reserves to plug the hole. Leader of the Opposition Nick Harrison said:

“The Council is in a truly serious position as this is on top of an aggressive savings plan already in hand. The Council leader refused today to set out his stall and tell us where he expects the cutbacks to land. At the Council’s Budget Meeting the Conservatives will produce a budget of large generalised figures asking Members to vote it through without the detail. Those cuts only become public weeks after the budget is passed.   This ‘trust me I’m a politician’ approach to the serious business of reductions to services is undemocratic and lacks any opportunity for informed discussion of spending and service priorities.”                                                                                                                                            

Haslemere Independent County Councillor Nikki Barton said:

“I have real fears for the discretionary services provided by SCC. The funding of much of highways, Children’s Centres, libraries, waste and youth services is not required by law and all these important services could now face cuts. Due to cuts in the waste services budget, Haslemere has recently lost its valued Saturday dustcart collection. Furthermore, and of great local concern is that all SCC funded youth work sessions at Haslewey, the town’s youth centre, have recently been axed. There are fears that the requirement for the Transport Review to reduce transport budget by £2m by the end of 2017/18 will lead to reductions in much needed local bus services.”

 RA County Councillor Eber Kington criticised the Conservatives for their complacency and failure to anticipate and prepare for the Rate Support Grant cut announced by the Government.

“For the past year they have been telling us that they have the County Council’s finances under control and at the December Council Meeting they used their large majority to pass a Motion warmly welcoming ’a new Conservative Government which is listening to the voice of Local Government’. I don’t see much evidence of the Government listening to Surrey County Council when it comes to funding and the needs of our residents.”

Last week, I was interviewed by BBC Surrey on the subject of SCC budgets. Here is my interview (2 hours and 9 minutes in) (23 days left to listen).

Lion Lane Haslemere closed tomorrow from 9.30am

I write to inform you of the above Section 14 (2) notice:






SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL IN EXERCISE OF ITS POWERS UNDER SECTION 14 (2) OF THE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers hereby gives notice that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed along the entire length of (D5511) Lion Lane, Haslemere (part of which is known as “Polecat Hill”).

Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles, pedestrians and residents at all times.

The prohibition referred to above will not apply in respect of anything done –

  1. a) with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform
  1. b) in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Surrey Police

This Notice is necessary to enable Surrey County Council to carry out urgent safety defect repairs to the carriageway. The closure will commence from 9.30am on 5th February 2016 for 1 day. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. If necessary this temporary closure can be extended for up to a total of 5 days.

The diversion route for all other vehicles will be via Lion Green, Junction Place and Hindhead Road.

DATED: 4th February 2016

For further information please call 0300 200 1003

Funding Alert from Voluntary Action South West Surrey

A range of grant schemes that fund voluntary and community groups brought to my attention by Voluntary Action South West Surrey.  If you apply for any of this funding, do let us know how you get on.

VASWSurrey logo

Pocket Parks

On 7 November, the Department for Communities and Local Government launched a £1.5 million Pocket Parks programme. This is open to communities across England but outside London (which has recently completed its own pocket park programme). Applications  are invited from communities within deprived urban areas to apply for funding to support them with establishing up to 100 pocket parks.

Deadline for applications is 5:00pm on Thursday 10 December.

More information here –>  Pocket Parks.

Movember Foundation: Social Innovators Challenge Fund

Grants are available to community based organisations that have an innovative idea that could tackle some of the most pressing issues faced by men. Maximum value: £ 12,500

Application deadline: 09/12/2015:

More information here –> Movember Foundation

Ministry of Defence – Covenant Fund Small Grants

Grants are available for registered charities, community interest companies, statutory bodies, and armed forces units with a UIN for projects in the UK that support the armed forces community and meet the Ministry of Defence’s priorities. Maximum value: £ 20,000

Application deadline: 17/12/2015:

More information here –> Ministry of Defence – Covenant Fund Small Grants

Lankelly Chase Foundation

The Foundation is focused exclusively on bringing about change that will transform the quality of life of people who face severe and multiple disadvantage in the UK. By severe and multiple disadvantage the Foundation particularly means people who are experiencing a combination of severe social harms such as homelessness, substance misuse, mental illness, extreme poverty, and violence and abuse.

Funding: Maximum value: Discretionary

Application deadline: None specified.

More information here –> Lankelly Chase Foundation

Lloyds Bank Foundation

Smaller short term grants are available to strengthen charities and CIOs in England and Wales which work with people experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life.

Grants are available for up to a total £15,000 over two years.

More information here –> Lloyds Bank Foundation Smaller short term grants

Peter Harrison Foundation – Opportunities through Sport Programme

Grants are available to charities within the UK running sports projects which provide opportunities for people who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to fulfil their potential and develop personal and life skills.

Maximum value: Discretionary

Application deadline: None specified

More information here –> Peter Harrison Foundation

Community Greenspace Grants to Launch Shortly Across Great Britain

Communities will soon be able to apply for grants of up to £12,000 for capital improvements to local community greenspaces.

The grants programme will be open to voluntary and community organisations, registered charities, health bodies, community councils, development trusts, local authorities and housing organisations.

Funding round 1 deadline 27 November 2015 Funding round 2: April / May 2016 Funding round 3: September / October 2016

For more details  click on  the link Community Greenspace Grants

Ernest Cook Trust

Grant for educational projects in the fields of the countryside and environment, environmental research and the arts, crafts and architecture.

Funding: Maximum value: £ 10,000

Application deadline: None specified

The Trust aims to encourage and support educational activities that are linked to the countryside or the arts.

More information here –> Ernest Cook Trust

Haberdashers’ Benevolent Foundation

A UK-wide collection of charities aimed generally at supporting those in need, distress or hardship. This includes the disabled, mentally and terminally ill people and youth development. Funding: Maximum value: £ 2,000

Application deadline: None specified

The Benevolent Fund aims to assist charities with the aim of relieving poverty.

Most grants range between £500 and £2,000 with larger amounts normally being proactively arranged by the company.  Most donations are one-off grants with no commitment for future support.

More information here –> Haberdashers Benevolent Foundation

Paul Hamlyn Foundation – Arts-based Learning Fund

Grants are available to encourage the development, use and sustainability of effective arts-based activities in education in order to have a positive effect on children’s lives and learning.

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s (PHF’s) mission is to “help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives”. The Foundation places particular focus on supporting both young people and the arts.

More information here –> Paul Hamlyn Foundation

If you’re looking for funding or struggling to complete an application form, we can help.  Our support and advice is free to not-for-profit organisations in South West Surrey. Call 01483 504626 or email

Have Your Say on The Future of Housing in Haslemere



Haslemere Vision’s Housing Consultation Started on September 7th. Here is a message from The Chairman, Stewart Brown

Now Haslemere Vision needs your help!!

A copy of the consultation will be delivered with your mail this week.

Please be sure to:

  • complete and return your copy as soon as possible**
  • urge other members of your family and friends to do so too**

**Either: complete on-line (we recommend that you have the paper copy beside you)

Or: complete the paper copy and return to one of the drop-off points at:

The Town Hall, Haslemere Hall, The Museum, Marley Flowers, The Library,  Haslewey, Tesco, Your Local Convenience (Parsons Green), Grayswood Cars, The Coffee Lounge and the Hub in Beacon Hill or the Cookie Bar in Hindhead.

Extra copies can be collected at the drop-off points.

If your copy has not been delivered by Saturday 13th Sept please let Haslemere Vision know. 

The Consultation runs till October 31st

Please help to spread the word!



Stewart Brown


Guildford Park and Ride concessionary travel consultation ends on Tuesday 1 September 2015

The public consultation on proposed changes to concessionary travel on Guildford Park and Ride services has received over 1,200 responses so far.

The responses submitted in this consultation will help inform the final proposals, which will go to Guildford Local Committee for consideration.

We would just like to remind residents and stakeholders that they still have until midnight on Tuesday 1 September 2015 to have their say.

To take part in the consultation, just complete our short survey in print or online – for more information please see the email below or visit, where you can also find out more about the proposed changes.