Highways Roadworks Update

Two important updates relating to road repairs.

A286 Road Re-Surfacing

Further to the ongoing Project 400 carriageway resurfacing scheme at the A286 Haslemere /Grayswood Road, please be advised that major issues with the existing surface water drainage and gully cleansing maintenance progress have meant slow progress during the recent heavy rains. This repair scheme has now overrun and as such will now continue for at least another week up to the 21st November 2014.

A287 Hindhead Road Re-Surfacing

The scheme is due to commence on the 17th November and completion is projected as 4th December, weather permitting. Working hours are 20.00 to 06.00 except 4th Dec when a revised start time of 21.00hrs will be in place (to help with the Haslemere shopping night – click on poster below and please help to support all our local businesses).

Chamber Shopping Haslemere

Limits are the junction of Polecat Hill in the North (including the section across the junction) and the Jn Lion Lane. The works teams will isolate the section across the junction with Polecat Hill so that it can be worked on and then the closure can be moved forwards, which will allow the junction to be re-opened.

There will be ‘Gatemen’ stationed at either end of the closure. Armed with ‘Walkie Talkies’ they will be in direct contact with each other and the workforce and will be able to direct any residents living off of the closed section of road so that they can be informed as to whether they can access their residence through the works at that point or if they need to follow the diversion round (or any other suitable way they may know) and gain access via the other end of the closure. VMS signs are in place and signs and letter drops have taken place.

And finally

Derby Road East outside St Bartholomew’s Primary School has now been repaired. The council has appreciated the e-mails and tweets with thanks from The Headteacher at St. Bartholomew’s, the Derby Road and Weydown Road Residents’ Association and town residents.