Ken and Simon smashed their running and fundraising targets

Local haslemerians, Ken Griffiths & Simon Bowyer, both Trustees of Haslewey, completed The Great South Run today in order to help the fundraising for the Haslewey Community Post Office reach its target.

Not only did they complete the run but, they both smashed their target times of two hours. And! Not only did they smash their target times, they also smashed their fundraising target. To date, through both on line donations and cash in hand, they have raised £1,984.

If you wish to savour the moment with Ken and Simon, then please do look at the attached couple of photos.

Ken and Simon supporting Haslewey’s Community Post Office

Ken and Simon with Great South Run Medals

If any of you have held back in donating, thinking that the poor deluded old boys (their words, not mine) will never make it, then you can still donate on-line at