Subject: MASS UNWRAP @ TESCO Haslemere Sat 18 Jan 2020 10am – 11:50am
From: Gary Lloyd, Green Councillor, Haslemere Town Council
Dear Haslemere Climate Collective and friends,
In case you haven’t already heard about this, we finally have agreement from Tesco for Love Haslemere Hate Waste to host a “great unwrap” outside the Haslemere store to raise awareness of the scale of our plastic waste problem.

We’ll be doing this for 2 hours from 10am until midday on Saturday 18th Jan. We would be really grateful if you could spread word of this event with your friends and connections.
We are also looking for volunteers to help us on the day! Precise roles are yet to be defined but are likely to include: setting up, briefing customers on their way in (and also in the till queues if Tesco allow it), assisting with unwrapping outside the store, collecting/managing all plastic, and the final cleanup. We’re likely to have press there and it should be a whole load of fun – as well as possibly a bit shocking.
Do please let Tause of LoveHaslemereHateWaste or Gary ( know if you might be willing to volunteer. It’s a great cause – a positive drive to reduce waste by any one of the major retailers has a good chance of triggering a “chain reaction” among the others, but only if there is visible public pressure – and the more supporters we can get along to it the better.
Thanks and kind regards,