Hiring a Community Manager for the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership

On behalf of the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership, we’re hiring a Community Manager.

This role will help to deliver the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership’s (HCRP) aim of encouraging more visitors to travel to Haslemere, the surrounding villages and the South Downs National Park. It will enable the many separate local organisations in Haslemere to promote themselves, and the many events and activities that they organise in and around the town. The role will also encourage sustainable travel behavior of visitors and local residents from a HCRP Information Centre based at Haslemere Railway Station.

Please click here for more information. Closing data 30th March 2018

Contagion! The BBC Pandemic – 22nd March on BBC Four at 9pm feat. Haslemere

From: BBC Pandemic <info@bbcpandemic.co.uk>
Date: 19 March 2018 at 2:57:53 pm GMT
To: BBC Pandemic <info@bbcpandemic.co.uk>
Subject: BBC Pandemic – Haslemere Results


We’re writing to let you know that the astonishing results of the Haslemere BBC Pandemic experiment, which was conducted in October last year, will be revealed this Thursday at 9pm on BBC Four in Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic.

Switch on to find out how many Haslemere residents were infected and what happened when the experiment went nationwide. Please spread the word! #BBCPandemic

A huge thank you to everyone in Haslemere who took part and helped make the experiment such a success. We hope you enjoy spotting yourselves in the programme.

The BBC Pandemic Team

Download the BBC Pandemic app from Google Play and Apple App Store



This account is managed by 360 Production, an independent production company that is producing BBC Pandemic for the BBC, so that they may respond to individual queries, or contact you with updates relating to the BBC Pandemic app and subsequent documentary. Your email address will not be retained after the app has ended circulation, nor will your details be passed on to a third party at any time. Due to the high volume of requests received, 360 Production may be unable to reply individually to every person who contacts them.

Poppy Update from the Haslemere War Memorial team

I have been asked to share this update from the Haslemere War Memorial team:

Please note that tomorrow Friday 16th March, will be the last day of poppy pinning as the two nets for St Christopher’s are complete. However, there are still poppies to use for decoration, so we fully intend to continue preparing the remaining poppies for other nets and we will announce when we start doing this in due course, but we have decided to have a breather for the time being and take stock. 

A huge thank you to all the volunteers who contributed to completing the task in about half the time we expected. Many volunteers have taken boxes of poppies home with them to prepare them for pinning with drilling and threading. Many of the poppies have been stiffened up with backing material in order to brave the elements more readily. 

On the 24th March (Saturday week) between 10.00 am and 1 pm we will be starting the next part of the project, sowing the poppy seeds into trays and distibuting them around the community for nurturing in various greenhouses around Haslemere. The sowing will take place at St Christopher’s and on St Christopher’s Green – weather permitting. Volunteers all welcome.

Poppy update from the Haslemere War Memorial Team

I have been asked to share this update from the Haslemere War Memorial Team about this community project:

We are now starting the process of pinning the 12,000 poppies made by the local schoolchildren on to the netting that will then cascade down the tower of St Christopher’s Church. See the attached illustration of how it will look.

The work to pin the poppies on to the netting will be done from inside St Christopher’s Church and will take place from either a standing or sitting position off the church floor. The poppies will be pinned on with a combination of twisted wire or cable ties through the central button of the poppy and the ideal number of people required to form a production team would be 8 – 10 people. There will always be a member of the Commemoration Committee in attendance and to be fully inclusive, we will open the Church on specific times during the day, evenings and at weekends to enable this part of the project to be completed.

The current times that the Church will be open for this work to take place is 2:30 – 5:00pm Monday to Friday and then 10:00 – 12:00 noon on Saturdays.

Therefore if you are able to join us on any of these days / times, we would be glad to see you.


A Place To Be hosts Dylan’s Ice Cream in Haslemere – 16th March 2018

I’ve received this Open Invitation from Daisy Owen, Youth Leader at A Place To Be (AP2B)

This is an exciting evening where the A Place to be Youth Group will be running their own ice cream parlour with some interesting ice cream flavours at Dylan’s Ice Cream.

Daisy and AP2B look forward to seeing you all there, for ice cream and fun!

The Waverley Borough Council Local Plan Part 1

The Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites was submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, on 21 December 2016 for independent examination.

The scheduled Examination Hearings took place between 27 June and 6 July 2017. Following the Hearings, the Council prepared some Main Modifications to the Plan for public consultation. These were consulted on from 8 September to 20 October 2017 and the responses are available to view.

Upon reviewing the Main Modifications and the consultation responses, the Examination Inspector then issued some further questions to which the Council responded on 29 November 2017.

See The New Local Plan Documents page on Waverley’s website for all current information,

Surrey Pothole update from @SurreyCouncil

Yesterday evening, I shared this tweet from Eber Kington an Independent Surrey County Councillor:

This morning, Haslemere Town Councillors received this pothole update from Colin Kemp, Cabinet Member for Highways at Surrey County Council. I thought it would be helpful to share, with a reminder of how to report potholes:

From: Colin Kemp CLR <colin.kemp@surreycc.gov.uk>
Sent: 31 January 2018 22:12:22
To: £Members All Councillors
Subject: short note of pothole situation

Dear all

This time of year normally sees an increase in the reports of defects and potholes on the highway due to the wet and cold weather. This type of weather is anticipated during Winter and resources are put in place to manage any peaks in defect numbers The beginning of this year has seen an unusually high number defects and potholes. The repair gangs have recently been working extra shifts throughout the week and weekend to keep up with the number of defects being reported and we have now added some additional gangs to provide some further resilience in the short term.  We also have a jet patching machine out and about which carries out a rapid repair treatment.  This type of repair will be mainly used on targeting potholes on some of our residential roads.

Although your local highways teams do their best to monitor their areas and spot any defects, there is over 3000 miles of road in Surrey so they/we need your help. If you see a pothole on the network then please use the Report it function on the SCC website.  From here you can also see if someone has already reported a defect by zooming in on the map when trying to ‘locate the problem’.

Thank you in advance for your help and patience.

Colin Kemp

Cabinet Member for Highways

Surrey County Councillor Horsell West & Goldsworth East

Woking Borough Councillor for Horsell

Tel: 07889 289177


Cabinet Senior PA: Isabella Nye-Meredith

Tel 020 8541 7208

Email Isabella.nyemeredith@surreycc.gov.uk

Wey Hill fairground in Haslemere – parking tickets issued this week will be cancelled

Earlier this week, Wey Hill businesses in Haslemere were dismayed to be issued with parking tickets for parking in the Wey Hill fairground car park.


Here is a statement from Waverley Borough Council:

Waverley press release below:

We have issued a statement to the media as follows:

“We decided to enforce at Wey Hill Car Park, following a number of complaints involving commuters taking up shopper spaces and filling the car park. The decision to enforce was made in the interest of traders and local businesses, to free up spaces for their customers.

“However, the council has not enforced at Wey Hill Car Park for a number of years and it recognises it would have been better to give some prior warning before taking any enforcement action.

“On this occasion, Waverley Borough Council will cancel any tickets received by traders if they contact the council’s parking team on 01483 523408.

“We also remind traders and other motorists there is a long stay section in the car park, which is free to use all day.”

We have stopped enforcing any parking restrictions at the car park and I recognise the strength of feeling among local residents and business people.

Councillor Andrew Bolton

Godalming Central & Ockford

Portfolio Holder for the Environment

Waverley Borough Council

Thank You to the volunteers for the Haslemere Centenary Project

Yesterday, more volunteers met at the JE Homewood yard to finish sanding the new flagpole for St Christopher’s Church. The project team have asked me to thank all the volunteers. They have updates on Twitter here.

Here are some of the volunteers who helped yesterday.

With this part of the project now put to bed, we look forward to the pinning of the poppies on to the netting, which is somewhat a bigger task. This will take place in the warmth and dry of inside St Christopher’s Church. Although most of the 12,000 poppies have been made, we are still waiting for the delivery of the netting upon which they will be pinned, so I believe the team will not be starting with this until early February.

However, hopefully you will find time to join us when we start this.

Haslemere Centenary Project – Update

I wrote last week about the Haslemere Centenary Project.

Thank you to everyone who got in touch with Ken Griffiths offering to help and volunteer for the project.

Yesterday, a group of volunteers began sanding the flagpole in J.E. Homewood‘s yard. Three sides have now been smoothed down. During the week, the team at J.E Homewood will turn the flagpole ready for the 4th side to be prepared.

The team will meet again next Saturday to sand down the 4th side of the flagpole and to begin painting it. Thanks to Brewers for supporting this project by providing the paint.

If you’d like to be involved in the Haslemere Centenary Project, please let the project team know by contacting Ken Griffiths via e-mail at ken@haslemere.com or telephone 07860 263055.