Temporary Traffic Signals Along A286

I would like to inform you of some works due to start on April 7 2014. SSE will be undertaking works to renew High Voltage electricity cables utilising temporary traffic signals along the Grayswood Road between Highercombe Road and Lower Road.

The works are essential and are to replace electricity cables which (as I am sure you are aware), have recently failed resulting in many residents being left with generators providing their electricity supply. The works have an anticipated duration of approximately one month.

In order to minimise traffic congestion we have permitted the works to start early and utilise the Easter break when schools will be closed.

Whilst works along this road are never desirable removing generators and providing residents with a new robust electricity supply would seem paramount.

Haslemere Councillor Update For Recent Weeks

County Councillor Update March 19 2014


Finalised Spend of Members’ Allocation 2013/2014

  • Haslemere Town Council: Replacement tree bottom of Shepherds Hill: £200
  • Crossways Counselling Service: setting up new couples and families branch: £2400
  • Waverley Borough Council: Waverley Skate parks project 2013: £500
  • SCC Corporate Parenting: Look after children savings fund: £500
  • Haslemere First Responders: 2 full responder medical kits including mobile defibrillators: £2000
  • The Wave Volunteer Project: New hedge cutter: £552
  • Haslemere and District Scouts: Mess tent, hiking tents and events tent: £765
  • Tennyson’s Sure Start Centre:  Wet weather clothing for One O Clock Club: £400
  • Haslemere Town Youth Football Club: Exchange program for parents and children: £500
  • Haslemere Hockey Club: After school hockey program: £2426
  • Citizens’ Advice Bureau: Enhancement of service provision: £600
  • Haslemere Library:  Art and crafts for the Under 5s: £150
  • SCC Travel and Transport Group: New bus shelter at Critchmere/Border Road Junction: £5200

Total expenditure:

  • Revenue £12,876
  • Local Committee Capital £3,888

Multi-Storey Car Park (MSCP)

Invited by Patrick McLoughlin, Secretary of State for Transport to join an MSCP working group following a letter I sent to his offices expressing my concerns about the proposals to push through a MSCP without full consideration of all the facts. Attendees at the meeting: representatives from SWT, Dept for Transport, MP Jeremy Hunt’s office, HTC, WBC, Haslemere Chamber, SCC parking team.

DfT representative explained that the finances of a multi-deck MSCP at Haslemere train station don’t stack up because the additional revenue from any extra spaces provided at the station are included as ‘costs’ rather than revenue.  This is because all day parkers would incur a ‘cost’ in losing their access to free on-street parking having been effectively ‘driven’ into the MSCP by yellow lining and parking restrictions.

SWT agree to pursue the additional 60 spaces on the Jewson’s side of the tracks currently used as a bus depot and to carry out a cost/benefit analysis for a single storey construction at the station. This would be a cheaper option (£2.5 m) and could provide an additional 150 spaces which is it presumed would be filled by those on the season ticket waiting list. I agreed this could a viable be an option if 1) no town wide, all day on-street parking controls were required, 2)  a proper, open and transparent public consultation was carried out, 3) a new planning application was submitted subject to full traffic and environmental impact assessments.

I also stressed that any decision on the MSCP should be made on the basis of what is right for Haslemere, not on political expediency and that I assumed that Haslemere Town Council would consult publicly if it intended to raise the precept/local taxes in order to provide a large contribution to the MSCP.

I continue to believe a holistic transport strategy for Haslemere is needed going forward. The one deck MSCP and the use of the bus depot space should provide an additional 210 spaces at the station freeing parking space on our streets but only for a short period and then what?  In the longer term more parking at the station will attract more cars, increase traffic/congestion and pollution in the town.

There is potential for more creative transport thinking, Haslemere Vision is currently considering these issues. For example, season ticket data shows that a cluster of 338 commuters live in and around Fernhurst, suggesting opportunities for car and taxi shares/hoppa buses. In the longer term, a park and ride may be a viable option given the prospect of large housing developments to the south of the town.

Shepherds Hill/Lower Street

Project Horizon repair: Shepherds Hill to be fully reconstructed starting April 1st, 6 nights of road closure 20.00-06.00 hrs. Courts Hill Road and The Avenue to follow in immediate sequence.

Shepherds Hill/Lower Street Railings: the case has been referred to SCC Customer Care team who deal with complaints across all services.  Haslemere Town Council Planning and Highways Committee has submitted an objection to the railings. The railings were the project of ex-Councillor Renshaw and cost £40,000 (Members allocation, plus Local Area Committee contribution).

Lower Street pavement resurfacing: recent resurfacing was carried out as part of the above project.

Shepherds Hill tree: Agreed that existing split tree should be removed, and contributed £200 for new tree to be planted on adjacent grassy area, however investigations have revealed an air raid shelter too near the surface to plant a significant new tree. New discussions to enhance this ‘pocket park’, options include planting a number of smaller trees, bench and possible art work.

Shepherds Hill angled parking. In January last year this change from angled to parallel parking was over-ruled by the SCC committee as 1) there had been no reported accidents here, 2) it provides vital parking spaces for the shops and 3) it provides vital parking for residents of Lower Street and Shepherds Hill who have no off street parking.

Haste Hill: agreement with WBC and HTC to remove old railings and replace with wooden posts.

Derby Road, St Bartholomew’s School: reached agreement with SCC that potholes will be repaired, anticipated repair date during Easter holidays.

Serpent Trail Launch Event, Friday June 13th, 2014:  Working with SCC and other partners to organise a community walk to celebrate and promote the upgraded Serpent Trail section linking Haslemere to the South Downs National Park.  All will be welcome to join, more information to follow.

Haslemere and train station identified as ‘gateway’ to South Downs National Park as part of Two Parks Project.  Local Sustainable Transport Funding (£150,000) has upgraded the Serpent Bridal path from the Petworth Road, will provide new route signage, support a Sunday public service to Midhurst during summer months and fund a reconfiguration of the train station forecourt to facilitate bus use.

Wey Hill Fairground Public Inquiry Cancelled: Waverley Borough Council dropped their application to redevelop the Wey Hill Fairground site and turn it in to a pay and display car park. I strongly objected to the proposal, and regret the waste of public money in pursuing this application given the very high levels of public opposition that forced a public inquiry to be held.

Letterbox pilot project: Community building initiative as part of Families, Friends and Communities project to increase social capital in a local area.  Haslemere has been identified as a pilot town for Letterbox. The project will start by end of March, and will start with a letter drop, followed by a series of conversations with residents to understand their interests, their needs and what they are willing to do to help others in the area.  Participants in the project will also be offered membership to an on-line community forum.

SCC Highways Strategy meeting: Discussions with SCC transport strategy team on the issue of transport and movement data available for Haslemere, essential for the development of a holistic transport strategy and to support the work of Haslemere Vision. Agreement that data available will be pulled together by SCC intern during summer 2014, data gaps to be identified with a view to further research.

Conservation Area Appraisal for Haslemere: Input as member of CAA working group, following acceptance by WBC executive CAA report will be available for six weeks of public consultation, estimated to start from 14th April subject to approval by WBC’s Executive on 1st April..

Followed up on resident requests including:

  • Street lights out in Whitfield Road Haslemere.
  • Discussions about potholes throughout the town, and in Kings Road, Hindhead Road, Shepherds Hill. Please report all potholes online here. You’ll find the Highways Incident Claim here on SCC’s website here.
  • Referred the double yellow lines parking outside the station to the parking enforcement officers and the police.
  • Request for directional spikes to prevent drivers exiting the train station via entrance would have to be dealt with by Network Rail as the owners of that land
  • Midhurst Road/Hill Road speed checks
  • VAS speed sign on approach to High Street vandalised, waiting for new parts
  • Alley way down to Waitrose from zebra crossing, concerns over vehicle use and lack of hand rail, a problem when icy, referred to SCC highways
  • Verge damage due to parking Beech Road
  • Bus pass information
  • Council tax increase
  • Several meetings with residents as part of the current parking review consultation which ends on April 4th

Notification of requirement for a new school governor. A Haslemere Primary School looking for a governor: One of our excellent local schools is looking for a governor to join the governing body, please do contact me if you would be interested in knowing more.


Various site meetings with SCC highways and parking teams, met with new CHO Robert Mac Pherson, replacing Ian Fowler who is being seconded to Guildford team

Full council yesterday Kingston and RA/Independent Group meetings, Kingston

National Library Day event, Haslemere Library

Dr Helen Bowcock, High Sheriff of Surrey, reception to celebrate her very successful Shrieval year.

Haslemere Herald, reception to open new offices in King’s Road.


Haslemere Vision, Transport group and policy writing.


Parking Review: formal advertising of the parking proposals approved at committee in December began 7th March.

See my blog post last week about the consultation and deadlines to submit comments.

Local area Committee meeting takes place on 21st March. See my recent blog post relating to this here.


Surrey Libraries’ Children’s Book Award: Reading Groups are busy reading the 5 brilliant books shortlisted for this year’s Surrey Libraries’ Children’s Book Award. They are looking forward to a visit from one of the shortlisted authors and will be voting for their favourite book. The winner will be announced at the Award Ceremony at the H G Wells Centre in Woking on 30th April. There is still time for other schools to join in with the Award.  For more information, go to our Book Award web pages – www.surreycc.gov.uk/childrensbookaward. Hashtag on Twitter is #OffThePageAward.

Public Consultation: Review of the Surrey Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP).

We are inviting comments on a review of the County Council Rights of Way Improvement Plan. The Plan was first published in 2007, this is the first review (Copy of Draft here).

We are seeking the views of path users and those with an interest in access to Surrey’s countryside including land managers, owners and neighbouring authorities. Government guidance states that the Rights of Way Improvement Plan should be reviewed once in every ten years, and DEFRA Statutory Guidance (Nov 2002) indicates the Plan should include:

·        context / relation to other plans, statutory duties and responsibilities

·       an assessment of user needs, including duties with respect to people with mobility problems

·       an assessment of the rights of way network based on the definitive statement

·       a statement of action and indication of how the action will be delivered

·        a monitoring arrangement for implementation

The criterion for this review is a ‘light touch’; however there have been changes to a number of linked plans and strategies since 2007, particularly with respect to policy context. Our five key objectives for improving rights of way have not changed.

The Rights of Way Improvement Plan forms part of the Surrey Transport Plan.

Improving and promoting the public rights of way network can contribute towards many County Council priorities set out in the STP and other plans and strategies, including some targets for health and well-being.  Please do forward this on to anyone who may have an interest or may wish to comment.

The Surrey Transport Plan is available on the County Councils web site:


The closing date for comments is Friday of 9th May 2014. You may send comments by email to: alec.baxterbrown@surreycc.gov.uk

or by post to:  Alec Baxter-Brown, Surrey County Council, Countryside Access, Whitebeam Lodge, Merrow Complex, Merrow Lane, Merrow, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ (please address comments as ‘Rights of Way Improvement Plan Comments’).

Full list of Surrey County Council duties:

There are a great number of new duties that local government has been required to take on since 2010. Here is a full list of duties attached for your information: New Duties for Local Government since 2010.

Scrutiny Bulletin

February’s Scrutiny Bulletin. It is intended to give a brief summary of the work being undertaken by the Council’s Select Committees, as well as advising you of the dates for the next public meeting of each Committee: Scrutiny Bulletin February 2014.

Phase One Parking Proposals for Haslemere

Site visits for the Waverley-wide parking review were carried out in September and October 2013, with recommendations presented to the Waverley Local Committee on 13 December 2013.

The decisions made at the meeting were recorded in the minutes. Decisions, resolutions and plans.

The recommendations are now being formally advertised. The drawings showing all the locations, by councillor division; are shown bvia this link https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/parking/parking-news-and-updates/parking-news-and-updates-in-waverley.

Should you wish to comment or object to one or more of the proposals, you can do so by completing the feedback form here: Waverley Parking Review.

The closing date for all submissions is Friday 4 April 2014.

Alternatively should you wish to physically view the drawings of the proposals you can do so by visiting one of the following locations during their normal office hours.

  • Haslemere Library, 91 Wey Hill. Haslemere.

In addition please note:

  • That the proposed permit holder only schemes for the shared use parking bays in West Street and St Christopher’s Green, Haslemere will be advertised in April. Please also note that the proposals for these are still shown on the plans.


This is an extract for Haslemere from the committee report.


Weydown Road (24050, 24052, 24116, 24138, 24139) Along the entire length of the road, introduce sections of single yellow line applying 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday in order to prevent parking on both sides of the road in any one place. A section of single yellow closest to Derby Road on the western side of Weydown Road will have a restriction applying only between 3pm to 5pm Monday to Friday in order to benefit visitors to the nearby Church. Weydown Road is currently heavily parked by commuters on both sides of the road which makes the passing of two way traffic very difficult, obstructs sight lines due to the bend in the road and puts cyclists at an increased risk due to their unnatural position in the road. In addition to these proposals, double yellow lines will be provided on the Weydown Road junction with High Lane and the existing single yellow lines by the junction with Derby Road will be upgraded to double yellow.

Derby Road j/w Weydown Road (24052) Upgrade the single yellow lines on this junction to double yellow to maintain sight lines at all times of the day.

High Lane j/w Derby Road and Weycombe Road (24140) Introduce double yellow lines on this staggered set of junctions to maintain sight lines and road safety. In addition, keeping this area clear will help the school crossing patrol officer who works by the Derby Road junction.

Derby Road (24050) West of the junction with Church Road, extend the existing double yellow lines on the north and south side further westwards in order to cover driveways and give better sight lines and access, particularly during school pick up and drop off times. In addition, downgrade the section of 8.30am to 6.30pm single yellow line restriction outside Derby House to the same times are per the remainder of Derby Road (10am to 2.30pm). This will provide additional parking during school pick up and drop off times.

Church Road (24050) Outside the accesses to numbers 15, 17 and 19, introduce two lengths of double yellow lines to improve sight lines for these drives and to limit the parking between the two dropped kerbs to two vehicles as opposed to three vehicles.

Tanners Lane (24055) Extend the existing double yellow lines on both sides of the road to improve traffic flow and sight lines. On the south side the lines will extend up to the Church Green Cottages. On the north side the lines will extend up to the extent of the white dashed edge of carriageway marking by Church Hill Gate.

Bridge Road (24054) Extend the existing double yellow lines by the junction with Popes Mead up to number 13 Bridge Road. This will help with the passing of traffic without impacting too significantly on the current parking practices of Bridge Road residents.

West Street (Service Road by Fire Station) (24054) The residents parking bay here is underused during the day and it is therefore proposed to introduce a free one hour limited waiting period (in addition to permit holders) in order to allow this bay to be used by visitors to the nearby shops as well as by existing resident permit holders.

Sandrock (24117) Opposite numbers 10 and 11, extend the existing double yellow lines opposite the driveway of number 11 to assist with access to and from this drive.

Courts Hill Road (24058, 24117) On the north side introduce 4 lengths of double yellow lines to prevent parking opposite the drives to numbers 1a, 3 to 9, 11 and 15. In Courts Hill Road parking only takes place on the north side and this makes it difficult for residents with properties and driveways located on the south side to exit their driveways. This proposal eradicates this problem throughout the street. In addition, revoke the ‘permit holders only’ parking bay outside Haughton House as this bay is very underused during the day and is causing unnecessary displacement of vehicles to the eastern half of Courts Hill Road.

It is also proposed to allow properties with steep or narrow driveways on the north side Kings Road (24057) Extend the existing double yellow lines on both sides of the road southwards up to and partly beyond the Leisure Centre entrance to prevent parking on this section of bend to maintain sight lines and road safety. This is a change for the TRO only to match the layout currently on the ground.

St Christopher’s Green (24051) On the unrestricted section by the church, introduce a 2 hour limited waiting bay for three vehicles (same restriction as Bunch Lane) in order to provide additional visitor parking for the Church or nearby shops. On the residential side on St Christopher’s Green, extend the existing double yellow lines by the garage to cover the dropped kerb for this garage. In addition, outside properties ‘Dawn Cottage’ and ‘Elmbank’, convert this section of residents bay here to permit holders or 1 hour limited waiting. As this parking bay is underused during the day, having these two end spaces available for visitors to the shops will make better use of the available space.

Lion Green (24056) Outside the Methodist Church, revoke the single yellow line to allow parking during the day but extend the existing double yellow lines that are to the east of the church by approximately two car lengths. This extension of double yellow lines will cover the eastern access to the church and a car length beyond in order to help maintain traffic flow by clearing the white central hatching that reduces the width of the carriageway lanes at this point.

Lion Mead (24056) Increase the limited waiting period on the parking bay from 1 hour to 2 hours in order to give additional time for church visitors.

Lion Lane (24049, 24051) On the north eastern side of Lion Lane, introduce double yellow lines from the junction with Underwood Road (also covering this junction) northwards up to the boundary of numbers 76 and 78 (excluding the lay-by outside numbers 40 to 44). This proposal will significantly improve two way traffic flow by keeping parking on this side within the layby areas only and not allow parking to take place half on and half off the footway which happens during school pick up and drop off times and in the evenings.

Weysprings (24051) Outside number 2, reduce the existing double yellow lines so that they do not cover the dropped kerb for this property. This is at the request of the resident.

Lower Road, Grayswood (24047) On the north side between the existing school keep clear marking and double yellow lines, fill in this gap with additional double yellow lines in order to keep parking on one side of the road only in the vicinity of the Grayswood House entrance and prevent parking by this entrance.

This is consultation only and any comment may be sent to me on nikki.barton@surreycc.gov.uk or David Curl, Parking Strategy & Implementation Team Manager Parking Strategy & Implementation Team Local Highway Services Surrey Highways on 0300 200 1003 or via e-mail  david.curl@surreycc.gov.uk

Next Waverley Local Area Committee Meeting

The next Waverley Local Area Committee meeting will be held on Friday 21st March 2014, at Haslemere Hall.

The meeting will include discussion of:

  • Operation Horizon: highway resurfacing programme
  • Road Safety Policy
  • Dementia Friendly Surrey

Meeting Poster

About Your Local Area Committee Waverley

Waverley Borough Council’s creative arts project starts this Thursday

Waverley Borough Council is funding a creative arts project which places art in day care settings locally. The project aims to give meaning and value to the past and present lives of older people using the arts as a way of accessing and enriching personal memories and life stories. The project is due to start at The Orchard Club, Haslewey Community Centre on Thursday, 27th February at 1.15pm to 2.45pm in the Lounge.

The Orchard Club is able to offer a lift to and from the centre for a small donation.

Flooding Update sent to all Surrey County Councillors

Flooding Update sent to all Surrey County Councillors

While this update does not affect Haslemere, there are flood alerts across the county which may affect your travel plans for half term.

This is the first of the regular updates we will provide you with, outlining the response to flooding in Surrey. As this is the first update it contains all the detail to date. We will make these updates more focused on the changing situation as we progress.

The information comes from all the partners working together to manage the flooding in Surrey. This includes: Surrey Police; Surrey Fire and Rescue; Surrey County Council; District and Borough Councils; the Environment Agency; the military; volunteers and other organisations working with us.

You will have seen from the news that there is a huge impact on the communities in Runnymede, Spelthorne and Elmbridge. It is estimated that around 2,500 properties have either been flooded or are at risk of flooding in Surrey. Partners are continuing to work together to support residents who are or could be affected by flooding. The military are continuing to provide support as are a number of voluntary agencies.

Other areas of the county are also experiencing flooding due to the high level of rainfall. In Tandridge the Caterham Bourne is continuing to cause flooding problems along the A22 in Whyteleafe.

There is not expected to be any improvement in the weather in the coming days. Further heavy rain and strong winds are expected, this will mean that Flood Forecast for Surrey remains RED through the weekend.

Number of Homes Affected

  • Approximately 1,000 properties flooded.
  • Approximately 2000-2500 affected by flooding.
  • Approximately 3,000 homes visited by police house to house teams since Sunday 9/2/14.
  • Crime plan in place to provide crime prevention and identification of crime within affected areas. Dedicated officers on prevention and reassurance patrols.

People Evacuated

  • Over 135 homes evacuated by Surrey Fire & Rescue.
  • Total estimated 650 people evacuated at 1430 hrs on 12/2/14.
  • Approximately 620 people from Egham area evacuated.
  • In response to demand, Rest Centres are currently open. Others are on standby.

Supporting Vulnerable People

Adult Social Care and Children’s Social Care are continuing to work to ensure that vulnerable people are identified and supported. Adult Social Care Teams are working with borough councils to support residents who have been evacuated to the Rest Centres. The flood water is making normal business in the areas more difficult and Adult Social Care are working with the emergency services and military to ensure that vulnerable residents continue to receive their care.


The Highways Team and our contractors are working to put road closures in place when roads become flooded. Sandbags are being distributed to borough councils and residents on a priority basis.

Sand Bags

  • 12,000 extra sandbags sourced for use plus 70000 tonnes of sand.
  •  Military have deployed approximately 6,000 to 8,000 sandbags.
  •  Local Authority has made approximately 15,000 to 20,000 sandbags available to the public.
  •  Surrey Highways have deployed 15,000 sandbags since 5/2/14.
  •  Total about 40-45,000 bags overall.
  •  Additional 10,000 sandbags expected within next 12-24 hours.

Road Closures

  •  44 physical roads closures are in place predominantly in the Staines and Egham areas.
  •  Approximately 60 roads in total flooded.

Customer Services

The Flooding Advice page on the Surrey County Council website is being updated regularly and is receiving a high number of visits.  The Contact Centre and partner agencies are currently taking a high number of severe weather related calls and are providing flooding advice.  A team at the County’s Contact Centre will be in place on Saturday to take highway/flooding calls from 9am – 5pm.

Social media and local and national media is being used extensively to keep people up to date. See @SurreyCouncil and @SurreyTravel and @Surrey_News.

The Current Weather Report

There is no significant improvement in the weather forecast.

Friday will again be cloudy with further heavy rain moving north east during the morning, clearing during the afternoon, but further rain or showers following from the west during the evening and night.  This could give a further 10-25mm of rain.  The Met. Office has issued a Yellow RAIN Alert (Low Likelihood of Medium Impacts) on Friday and Saturday.  This wind will also be accompanied by strong to gale force winds again with gusts of 50-60 mph isolated 70 mph during Friday afternoon and overnight.

As the low pressure moves away on Saturday there will be further showers but the wind will gradually ease. Currently next week looks like remaining unsettled but low pressure systems should be less intense with a lower risk of very heavy rain and gale force winds, however, this will need watching and updating as confidence increases.

Any warnings updated or issued later can be viewed at http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=map.

Please find a link to the latest Surrey Police Press Release:


Planned and Ongoing works by Utilities Companies in Haslemere

Some information re. planned and ongoing works by utilities firms in Haslemere.

Highbury Grove – Haslemere | 16/01/2014 | 13/02/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

Bell Road – Haslemere | 03/02/2014 | 10/03/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

High Street – Haslemere | 05/02/2014 | 07/02/2014 | Thames Water Utilities

Tilford Road – Hindhead  | 24/01/2014 | 07/03/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

Churt Wynde – Hindhead  | 24/01/2014 | 07/03/2014 | Southern Gas Networks

Please note that this list of utility works only includes those works which we believe may have traffic implications on the highway, due to the traffic management involved. There may be other works going on in your area which should not have a major impact on the highway. For further information on all utility works, please visit http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/roadworks

Useful information

For enquiries about Surrey’s highways, details of works in your area or to report a problem visit www.surreycc.gov.uk/highwaysinfoonline

For journey planners, public transport timetables and information on travel incentives visit www.surreycc.gov.uk/passenger_transport

For all trunk road and motorway problems and enquiries visit www.highways.gov.uk

For flood warnings visit www.environment-agency.gov.uk

For the latest parking news and updates visit www.surreycc.gov.uk/parking/waverley

Councillor Update

Here’s my Councillor update from recent weeks.

1. Waverley Parking Review: parking proposals discussed at Local Area Committee Meeting December 13, 2013.  Necessary changes proposed based on safety, accessibility and efficiency of parking capacity. The statutory traffic order notices marking the start of the 28 day consultation period will be printed in the Haslemere Herald in the first week of March, 2014.  To speed up the decision and implementation process, a special parking meeting, open to the public, will be held on May 9th, 2014 (ahead of the July LAC), 1.30pm, Godalming Baptist Church.

2. Foster’s Bridge: To address the flooding problem, SCC Highways have recently installed six new gullies, and installed larger frames and lids on the six existing gullies to increase the catchment area for runoff. To reduce the debris that currently washes down into the gullies during heavy rains from the railway embankment, a retaining curb has been constructed. In the longer term SCC is carrying out an investigation into the issue and I have secured Local Area Committee funding to carry out any more significant works should they be identified as necessary.

3. Haslemere train station, Multi-Storey Car Park planning application:  Met with Jeremy Hunt to express my concerns about the current application. This letter sent to Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick McLoughlin outlines these issues.

4. David McNulty, Chief Executive Surrey County Council Haslemere visit 17th Jan, 2014 (find briefing note for the visit here). I wanted to show David McNulty that, while the perception of Haslemere held by many I meet up at County Hall that Haslemere is indeed one of great privilege, such a view fails to recognise that Haslemere is also a community facing many challenges including economic hardship and isolation. The aim was for a range of members of our community to be heard first hand by the Chief Executive so that any future strategic or operational discussions, relevant to Haslemere, at Cabinet and Executive level would be based on a more informed understanding.  Helen Bowcock, High Sheriff for Surrey joined the visit.  The feedback from the visit was extremely positive.

5. Members Allocation 2013/14:  Funds allocated to date:

  • £500 Skateboard event, August 2013
  • £500 Looked After Children Fund, contribution to personal savings scheme for children in SCC care
  • £200 contribution to new tree at the bottom of Shepherds Hill to replace badly split old tree
  • £400 Tennyson’s Sure Start Children’s Centre, wet weather clothing
  • £551.20 The Wave, hedge trimmer: the Wave, volunteer group providing free home and gardening help to the vulnerable and elderly
  • £765 Haslemere Scouts: new tents and mess tent
  • £2400 Crossways Counselling, start up costs for couples and family therapy provision

To be confirmed:

  • Approx £5000 bus shelter, Critchmere Ave and Border Road
  • £2000 Haslemere First Responders: 2 full medical kits including portable defibrillators for newly qualified First Responders
  • £TBC Haslemere Hockey Club: schools and disability program
  • £TBC Haslemere Football Club: exchange visit
  • £TBC Haslemere Pavillion Recreation Ground Association:  repairs

Funding the bus shelter may mean that funding for the Haste Hill railings work will not be possible this year from SCC members’ allocation.  To be discussed with HTC to understand if HTC Community Fund/Lengthsman Scheme funding could be used for this project.

6. Shepherds Hill/Lower Street Railings: Held lengthy discussions with SCC Highways. John Hilder, SCC Highways sent the following to residents to explain the SCC position.

I am writing to reiterate my decision, which remains as before, that incurring further public expense on replacing or materially altering the railings installed in Shepherds Hill last year is not justified, and that we will now proceed with completing outstanding works on these and the railings in Lower Street, as well as resurfacing the footway there.

To recap – the then SCC councillor, Steve Renshaw, sponsored the new railings in both roads using his member allocations accumulated over two years.  A consultative group intended to agree the style of the new railings and comprising borough, town and county councillors & officers was established but failed to meet, and the style was eventually selected by WBC planning/conservation officers. There have been complaints about the lack of consultation with residents, but Steve Renshaw, representing the residents of Haslemere, did not require such consultation and SCC Highways would not normally consult residents for this type of project, rather the relevant planning and conservation authorities.

I have agreement from SCC and WBC that if residents approve, planters will be provided for the railings on Lower Street.

6. Youth Task Group, Jan 20th, 2014: discussion of Local Prevention Framework, Services for Young People and the Individual Prevention Grants.

7. Local Area Committee, private meeting, Jan 29th, 2014:

Project Horizon, roads to be reconstructed as part of Program Year 1: Shepherd’s Hill, Courts Hill Road, Weysprings, Sandrock (dates advised as April 2014, but bad weather is causing delay).  It was agreed with the Project Horizon team that the junction area of Shepherd’s Hill and Lower Street will be repaired as part of the Shepherd’s Hill reconstruction.

Family, Friends and Community Support team, highlighted the role of Surrey Information Point- www.surreyinformationpoint.org.uk – for care, community and health information and support available locally.  Any local group providing community services is encouraged to include their details on the website.

Surrey Cycle Strategy, Local Area Committees have been given the responsibility of preparing local cycle plans by the end of 2015. I raised the issue of improving provision for cyclists within the road resurfacing project known as Project Horizon.  The SCC Highways team confirmed that Surrey’s cycling team will be involved when resurfacing is planned. It was agreed during the meeting that the Waverley Cycle Forum should be involved in both local cycle plan, and Project Horizon discussions.

8. Additional Highways Information:

VAS speed sign on Grayswood Road approach into Haslemere has been vandalised. Repairs will be carried out in the next 2 weeks.

A number of street lights are not working. Skanska will be repairing in the next two weeks.

Fallen trees are blocking the footpath that runs parallel to the railway line from St Bart’s Church to the back of High Lane. A ‘vegetation gang’ will be working next week to remove these and other fallen trees.

I am meeting with members of the SCC Strategy team to discuss commissioning a full transport/movement study for Haslemere, including some scenario visioning along the lines of the current Guildford City Council project.

7. Meeting with Haslemere Town Council on 30th January 2014: Presented a summary of the above items to the members present.


8. Update from Haslemere Library: National Libraries Day – Saturday 8 February 2014

National Libraries Day is a successful initiative for advocacy; on the day there will be events in libraries throughout the county resulting in media and social network interest. Haslemere Library will be promoting what they do and why it is valuable during their event. Follow Haslemere Library on Twitter, @HaslemereLib.

9: Traffic bulletin: Hindhead Tunnel closures cancelled, Surrey: HIGHWAYS AGENCY News Release issued 31 January 2014 http://www.highways.gov.uk/news/press-releases/traffic-bulletin-hindhead-tunnel-closures-cancelled-surrey/

Road users were advised that the planned full closure of the A3 Hindhead Tunnel in Surrey for Friday 31 January and Saturday 1 February were cancelled due to poor weather conditions.

Forecast weather of strong winds and heavy rainfall meant that it would be unsafe to carry out the work and operate a full closure of the tunnel. The closures are required for systems maintenance to be carried out, both inside and outside the tunnel, and these will now be rescheduled.

10: Surrey Uncovered: all the facts at your fingertips

Visit Surrey-i, http://www.surreyi.gov.uk/MainMenu.aspx type “Surrey Uncovered” into the search box, Google style, and have a look at the wealth of insight we have made publicly available.

11. Wey Hill Fairground Public Inquiry: I very much welcome the decision of the Planning Inspectorate to change the venue of the Fairground car park public inquiry from Godalming to Haslemere. GIven the strength of public feeling about the Waverley’s planning application that has resulted in this public inquiry being called, it would be an extraordinary decision to choose a venue outside Haslemere. While I support the inquiry as part of a democratic process via which the community will be given the opportunity to express their views about the resurfacing an area of common land and the installation of lighting columns and pay and display meters, I am most concerned that WBC have set aside £30,000 of tax payers money to fund this inquiry, (initially £20,000 was set aside with, I understand, a further £10,000 recently agreed).

Given the current financial cut backs facing local government services, and the strength of public opposition to Waverley’s plans for the site, I would suggest that a far better use of £30,000 of tax  payers money would be to resurface the site and let it remain as a valuable source of free parking for both commuters and all those that use the short stay parking to visit the public library, shops and businesses in Wey Hill.

I urge everyone to attend the public meeting on April 8th, 9th and 10th to express their views. It will be held at The Royal School, in Haslemere.

Foster’s Bridge Update

The SCC Highways team has begun work on trying to improve the drainage under Foster’s Bridge which has repeatedly flooded during the extreme, heavy rainfalls we have recently been experiencing.

To increase the catchment area for the runoff water, six new gullies are being created and larger frames and lids will be put on the six existing gullies. To reduce the debris that currently washes down into the gullies during heavy rains from the railway embankment, a retaining curb is being constructed on the approach to the bridge.

It is hoped these measures will go some way to prevent the flooding.

In the longer term, SCC is carrying out an investigation into the issue and I have secured Local Area Committee funding to carry out any more significant works should they be identified as necessary.