First Week Update, 7th May – 10th May 2013

New Councillor Induction at County Hall, Kingston, 7th May 2013

I was very grateful for the welcome I received from the other 8 Independents at County Hall and for the cross party support I have had. I am pleased to have Carmel Millar, SCC’s Head of HR and Organisational Development, as my mentor. Carmel is coming to Haslemere on Friday, May 17th, 2013 and I plan to show her what a great town we live in as well as the challenges we currently face.

Potholes on Shepherds Hill

Raised the issue of potholes on Shepherds Hill with Surrey County Council Highways and had confirmation that they will be repaired tomorrow. Be warned there will be a bit of disruption as there will be a Stop/Go traffic system in place. There is an area of ‘scabbing’ at the bottom of Shepherds Hill which will need heavier equipment to repair, and require a temporary road closure. I will let you know when a date has been fixed for this work.  Major maintenance is planned for Shepherds Hill later this year when it will be resurfaced as part of Project Horizon (go to page 58).

Town Council Meeting

Met with Haslemere Town Council’s Clerk, Lisa Sullivan, to discuss issues including the RAF memorial in Weyhill, the pressure on primary school places, the poor state of the grass on the Memorial triangle with the possibility of finding funding from the Lengthsman Scheme to cobble the margins which are permanently affected by salt spray damage, the function of the Haslemere and Western Villages task force, the Walkers are Welcome Scheme, the need for promotion for shops and businesses and the availability of other SCC funds for town improvements.

Lower Street/Shepherds Hill Railings

Reached an agreement with SCC and WBC that Lower Street/Shepherds Hill Residents’ Association will liaise collectively to decide on the railing colour of their choice. SCC have agreed to paint in colour of residents’ choice.

Derby Road/Weydown Road/KIngs Road Requests

Received highways’ requests regarding the condition of Derby Road outside St Bartholomew’s School, the safety issue of double parking on Weydown Road, parking on blind bend on Kings Road. I am meeting with SCC Highways team on Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 in Guildford and will raise these issues.

College Hill Drain Cover

Contacted SCC Highways following concerns raised by Haslemere Town Council and several residents over loose drain cover at bottom of College Hill causing safety issues. SCC Highways confirmed that cones will be placed around the drain (a lug is broken) and a repair will be carried out within 28 days.

Upper Hammer Lane

Contacted by Ferris Cowper, Hampshire County Councillor, to ask for my support with a proposed footpath to Woolmer Hill School. I am meeting with Ferris on May 15th on site, I fully support any projects that make it safer for our children to walk or cycle to school. Read Life Magazine’s coverage.

Local Authority Governor

Signed off Local Authority Governor for a local state school.

Venue for the next SCC LAC (Waverley) meeting

The next Surrey County Council Local Area Committee (Waverley) will meet on Friday, 5th July, 2013 at 2pm. I learned this week this will be at Hale Institute, Farnham. It will be preceded by a public question time at 1.30pm.

Induction Day at County Hall

Thanks to everyone who voted for me and thanks for the messages of encouragement.

Today is my first day at County Hall. A draft schedule of the day’s events is outlined in Annexe 5 of Surrey County Council’s prospective councillors’ booklet.

I’ll be back in County Hall on 13th May 2013 for presentations and workshops.

On 21st May 2013, it is the council’s full AGM, View the webcast online.

Please note the next Waverley Local Area Committee will meet on 5th July 2013 at 2pm. Venue to be confirmed.

Thanking Our Volunteers

Two weeks today, on the Thursday 2nd May, Haslemere residents will be voting in the local County Council elections.

I would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped with the Haslemere First campaign by delivering campaign leaflets to houses in Haslemere, by asking local shopkeepers to put posters in their shops and leaflets by the tills, by helping with marketing and social media and by spreading the word about an Independent candidate for Haslemere amongst your friends and neighbours.



Meet Nikki and hear why I am standing as an Independent candidate.

I want to bring a new perspective and voice in representing our town.

Share what you see are the issues and opportunities for Haslemere.


WHEN: Monday 29th April

TIME: 9am -11am

WHERE: High Lane Community Centre

I look forward to meeting you

In addition I will be holding an online meeting on Facebook on 30th April.


Meet Nikki and hear why I am standing as an Independent candidate.

I want to bring a new perspective and voice in representing our town.

Share what you see are the issues and opportunities for Haslemere.


WHEN: Tuesday 30th April

TIME: 8.30pm – 9.30pm

WHERE: online on Nikki’s Facebook page

 I look forward to meeting you online

THANKS very much for helping the campaign.

Please continue to discuss the elections amongst your friends and colleagues.

For those who like social media, any engagement on Twitter (RTs and Replies) and on Facebook (likes, comments, shares) will help spread the Haslemere First word.

Thank you from Nikki.

This Is What Some People Say About Haslemere

My manifesto leaflet is supported by 2 residents, Robert Serman & Ken Griffiths, and 1 business owner, Julianne Evans, of Nobbs in the High Street.

 Haslemere High Street

I asked them the same 4 questions:

Q1 How long have you lived/worked in Haslemere?

Q2 What do you most enjoy about living/working in Haslemere?

Q3 What’s the one thing you’d like to change in Haslemere?

Q4 Why do you think supporting Nikki Barton as independent candidate for Haslemere is going to make a difference for our town?

Ken Griffiths replied –

I have lived in Haslemere for 32 years and enjoy the great community spirit, the work that I do with the Haslemere Fringe Festival embodies this and every year we see the community come out to volunteer in there hundreds. What other towns in the country, celebrated the Queens Diamond Jubilee in such a fantastic fashion. A cream tea for 3000 people on Lion Green was just one aspect of that weekend, perhaps one of the biggest tea parties in the country all undertaken by volunteers.

In Haslemere, people still talk to each other and where appropriate help each other rather than walking by on the other side! I am a keen walker and of course Haslemere is surrounded by beautiful countryside and is a great walking area.

We must accept that Haslemere will always be a commuting town and as such must find a way to accommodate those people who need to travel here by car to catch the train. Therefore sufficient cost effective parking is a must but that has to be carefully designed to make a minimum impact on the beauty of the town, surrounding countryside and those who live here. It is important to link together the two separate areas of the Town, the High Street and Weyhill and enhance the area surrounding the station, which is central to the town and make it more welcoming as the Gateway to the South Downs.

Nikki is passionate about the Town in which she lives and is prepared to find time out of her busy schedule as a young mother to fight for the benefit of this our Town and the surrounding countryside. Unlike most other candidates who put their Political Party first, Nikki will always put the people of Haslemere and their wellbeing First and Foremost.

Julianne Evans replied –

1. I was born in Haslemere (when there was still a maternity unit at the hospital!) – my family have lived here since 1935 when my grandfather bought the business (then called Orchards).  I went to school here but moved away to go to university then work.  Moved back to the area in 2002.

2. I like the feeling of being part of a community – I like walking down the street and being able to recognize and talk to lots of different people.  I love the countryside – I took it for granted when I was a child and only after living elsewhere realized just how special it is.

3. Remove all but the most essential street furniture and sort out parking!

4. Nikki cares about the future of the town and will listen to what local people think is important rather than follow the party political view.

Haslemere Countryside

Robert Serman replied:

Q1 How long have you lived/worked in Haslemere?  Been here for 28 years

Q2 What do you most enjoy about living/working in Haslemere?  It is vibrant, so much going on, so much culture available, so many really good, kind people, so friendly, so much to get involved with, so many opportunities to make a difference even if it’s only in a very small way.  So many good people who volunteer, so many good walks, the NT, even the Haslemere Herald  etc etc

Q3 What’s the one thing you’d like to change in Haslemere?  Get rid of the 4×4’s and WH Smith

Q4 Why do you think supporting Nikki Barton as independent candidate for Haslemere is going to make a difference for our town?  Because she listens and she cares about people and their aspirations.  She is real and does not try to be what she is not.   She knows she cannot be all things to all people but she will not fob them off with platitudes either.