Tag Archives: Be a Councillor

Invitation: Be a Councillor Event – Thursday 10 December 2020

Sent on behalf of the LGA Independent Group

I am writing to let you know about a virtual Be a Councillor event that the LGA Independent group are holding for people interested in running as an independent candidate in local elections. Please share this with anyone that you know has considered or is interested in standing as a councillor.

The event will be held on Thursday 10 December 2020 from 6pm – 7.30pm. The event will include a presentation covering an introduction to being a Councillor, followed by an opportunity for a Q&A session with a panel of experienced independent councillors.

To register for the event, individuals need to email: independent.grouplga@local.gov.uk including their name and local authority area. The Zoom joining details will be sent out by the LGA Team to those that have registered, at the beginning of the week of the event.

Best wi

Aimee Wittams-Smith

Political Officer (Independent Group)

Local Government Association

18 Smith Square

Westminster, London


W: https://www.local.gov.uk/lga-independent