A message from The Haslemere Kitchen who are aiming to get a sense of whether there is a need/interest in the project below:

The Haslemere Kitchen are looking at how they can best help the community at this incredibly challenging time. One thing they are considering is the idea of a ‘virtual community kitchen’ where they supply their members with a bag of fresh produce each weekend and offer some guidance on how to turn that produce into a nutritious and delicious meal. This guidance could be delivered via a simple recipe card or perhaps using their own YouTube channel.
The subscription to this service would be very affordable – covering only their weekly running costs – or free to anyone referred to us by any of the state or church support agencies (such as the food bank).
Before they can launch a service like this they need to understand whether there is an interest and need for it in the community.
Please email The Haslemere Kitchen at info@thehaslemerekitchen.com letting them know whether you would or wouldn’t be interested in such a service.