Local elections will take place in Haslemere on 2nd May 2019 for town council, borough and county council elections.
When you go to vote you’ll be given three ballot papers, three different colours for three different elections.
Surrey County Council by-election –
- Lilac ballot paper
- You have one vote to choose one Haslemere councillor for Surrey County Council.
- Make that one powerful vote for one candidate with a track record – Nikki Barton.
- The seat is vacant due to an absentee Conservative councillor. The Haslemere Herald reported on this. More here.
- The Lib Dems and Greens locally have agreed not to contest this Haslemere seat.

“Rather than put forward our own candidate, we have decided to stand aside and give Independent Nikki Barton a free run in the hope that she can win again. Before doing so, we asked Nikki to confirm that, as County Councillor, she would fight any cuts to Haslemere Library and she was happy to do so. So, with that assurance, we’re backing Nikki and are confident she will again be an excellent representative for Haslemere on Surrey County Council”. John Leston, Haslemere Liberal Democrats.
“With the forthcoming Surrey County Council By Election in Haslemere on 2nd May, we have decided not to stand a candidate but rather support Nikki Barton in becoming a councillor. Nikki has a proven track record as an outstanding Independent county councillor, she fully supports the principles of sustainable development and has for example taken the initiative to set up projects that promote more sustainable transport. Furthermore, in backing Nikki the aim is to avoid splitting the vote. You can find out more about her campaign via http://www.haslemerefirst.com/ and we urge all local residents to vote for her”. Dr Susan Ryland, Guildford and Waverley Green Party.
Haslemere Town Council, Haslemere South ward
- Salmon pink ballot paper for all town council seats.
- You have four votes to choose four Haslemere Town Council councillors for Haslemere South.
- You do not need to use all four votes.
- Since the 2015 Haslemere Town Council election, two Conservative councillors quit mid-term and one had a poor attendance record in the Haslemere South ward
- Please ensure you use one of your Haslemere South votes to re-elect Nikki Barton to represent you.
Waverley Borough Council
- White ballot paper.
- There are no Independent candidates.
- A list of all candidates will appear in The Haslemere Herald today.
In the spirit of cooperation, here are links showing which Lib Dem and Green candidates are standing in different wards for the town council and borough council elections.
These are the Lib Dem candidates for Haslemere seats
These are the Green candidates for Haslemere seats