Tag Archives: Haslemere Food Festival

September Update

I hope all readers had a great Summer. The Barton Family were in Kenya fundraising for the Tusk Trust and Magnet School & Orphanage. We survived the Safaricom and volunteered in the orphanage. More about our adventure towards the end of this blog post but first…

Here are some county councillor updates…


Resurfacing Works: A286 Haslemere Road / Grayswood Road : Godalming / Haslemere

Surrey County Council will be carrying out essential carriageway reconstruction and resurfacing works on the A286 Haslemere Road / Grayswood Road  between Gasden Lane & Highercombe Road. The resurfacing works will involve day time road closures and diversion, between the hours of 09:00 – 16:30 week commencing  the 29th September 2014.

In an effort to minimise disruption to local schools, residents and businesses the works will be undertaken in three phases as detailed below-

  1. Gasden Lane to Roke Lane.
  2. Roke Lane to The Mount / Lower Road
  3. The Mount / Lower Road to Highercombe Road.

Due to the nature of work being undertaken access to your properties will be severely restricted and could be subject to long delays. If you need vehicular access during the above period it may be advisable to find alternative parking arrangements away from the A286 during the above working times otherwise please allow additional time for your journey. Please read more information here.


Haslemere Visitor Centre is celebrating the Arts and Crafts Movement that was centred in Haslemere 100 years ago with several events to enlighten and inspire all ages. Whether you love history or arts and crafts you will be intrigued to find out more about the history of Haslemere right here on your doorstep! Please click here more information. Events include Guided Tour of Local Arts & Crafts Buildings by Catherine Eyre (Saturday 13th September) and Guided Tour of St. Christopher’s Arts & Craft Church (Saturday 27th September).

Haslemere Food Festival. On Saturday 27th September 2014, Haslemere will play host to a one day celebration of all things food and drink; a chance to experience the best the region has to offer! Click here for more information about the Festival. Click here for information about The Food Festival’s Schools Competition.

The Tour of Britain will take place this month. Stage 7, Camberley to Brighton will pass through Haslemere on 13th September 2014. You can check out details here.

The Tour of Britain

The Orchard Club, Friends of Age UK, Haslemere, is hosting a Harvest Wine & Dine on Monday 29th September @12 noon. Bookings: 01428 658190 Visit their website: http://www.orchardclub.org.uk/


Take on the Surrey Travel Smart Challenge

The Travel SMART Challenge is now under way. It encourages Surrey residents to take their everyday journeys by sustainable means. Throughout September, workplaces across Surrey will battle it out to show that their employees make the smartest travel choices. Please encourage your residents to register for the Travel SMART Challenge by visiting www.travelsmart.getmeactive.org.uk.

Surrey’s Mobile Advisory Service for the Deaf will be in Haslemere

The service will be at Rolston House, Vicarage Lane, on Thursday 18th September 2014 between 2pm and 4pm. September 2014 Mobile Advisory Service venue list.


1. The Surrey County Council Residents’ Association/Independents will be meeting in Kingston on 9th September 2014.

2. Surrey County Council’s Environment and Transport Select Committee will meet on 10th September 2014. Agenda here. Items being considered are

  • Operation Horizon – Annual Report
  • Gully Cleaning Update
  • Annual Report Of The Winter Maintenance Task Group
  • Local Transport Review
  • Surrey Wildlife Trust

3. During the day of 11th September 2014, I am meeting SCC’s Highways team in Haslemere.

4. Haslemere Town Council will meet on 11th September 2014 at 7pm. Here is the agenda. There will be a presentation from the 20 is Plenty group regarding 20 mph speed limits.

5. The Waverley Local Area Committee will meet on 26 September 2014 1.30 pm at Wrecclesham Community Centre, Greenfield Road, Farnham GU9 8TJ. See the Waverley committee page here.


Derby Road potholes outside St Bart’s School

Work has begun on the school extension. As big lorries will be using this road for access, we have decided to delay the repair of the road until December 2014. This has been agreed in consultation with the school’s Headteacher, Mr Beckerson, and the Derby Road Residents’ Association.

Workshop at Haslemere Skate Park

Enjoyed attending a skate park workshop last month. Part of my members’ allowance was given to the skate park.

Haslemere Skate Park



AND! Finally…My husband, Jerry, my daughters and I were in Kenya fundraising for the Tusk Trust and Magnet School & Orphanage over the summer.

Barton Safaricom

We competed in one of the toughest running events in the world this summer.  The 15th annual Safaricom Marathon took place in the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya, home to all the “Big 5” species and a leader in developing local communities alongside wildlife conservation.  Our daughters, Camille and Eléa, ran in the 5km race for under 16s, and were sponsored for Magnet School & Orphanage in the deprived Nairobi suburb, Ongata Rongai, raising over £1500.  Jerry and I ran in the half-marathon for the Tusk Trust, which promotes sustainable development, education, healthcare and wildlife conservation across Africa.

Before the race, helicopters and armed wardens cleared the wild animals from the route of the race which runs through the bush. This year, the children’s race was delayed while a pack of hyenas was cleared off the course. The race is tough due to its demanding cross-country route, combined with being at an altitude of 6000ft and the intense African heat, not to mention the adrenaline from the risk of meeting a rhino or buffalo straying onto the course. Camille and Eléa came in the top half of a 220-strong field made up mainly of local Kenyan boys and girls, finishing 1st and 3rd ‘mzungu’ or non-Kenyan girls.

During the trip we visited a local community water project in Lewa that showed how a small investment can improve the lives of thousands of people via the installation of a low tech system to make better use of precious fresh spring water.  We also spent the night at Magnet School & Orphanage in Nairobi, hosted by the Principal, Bishop Jeremiah Kibobi. They delivered 9 large boxes of much-needed stationery, books, shoes and clothing as well as sports equipment and musical instruments. We would like to thank everyone who very generously gave us donations to take to Magnet, including the girls’ classmates at Amesbury and Guildford High School, friends and parishioners at St Stephen’s Church in Shottermill, Nobb’s the Newsagents, The Sports Locker and Chamberlain Music. It is impossible to describe the joy of the Magnet High children, many of whom are orphans, on receiving the gifts we brought with us.

We also saw how every penny of the sponsorship money Camille and Eléa have raised so far has been effectively used by Bishop Jeremiah to improve the school.  Four years ago when Camille and her father visited Magnet for the first time, the girls’ dormitory was also used as the school dining room. The girls slept two to a bunk in the extremely hot, corrugated tin shack.  On this visit, the Magnet girls proudly showed off their separate brick dormitory, built using the sponsorship funds, where now each girl has her own bed.

For more information and the opportunity to sponsor us, go to: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Barton_Family