Haslemere Help has set up a volunteer home delivery service for any prescriptions from Haslemere Health Centre. The queues at the health centre are often long, putting great pressure on the pharmacy team.

We have arranged that you can call 07873 383954 or alternatively email haslemerehelp@gmail.com with your prescription pick up request. Patient contact and delivery details are all that is needed. Our volunteer team will not keep any of your personal details and any collections will be treated in confidence.
Anyone calling the Haslemere Help number 07873 383954 (being nobly manned by our Mayor, John Robini) asking to have a prescription picked up and delivered will have their details taken. If the prescription is with the Haslemere Health Centre pharmacy, their request will be collated by the town clerk and sent as a batch to the pharmacy by 6pm. Although the pharmacy is currently closing at 6pm, the staff are working behind the scenes until 10pm. Haslemere Help’s security checked volunteer drivers are picking up the batches of prescriptions at 2pm the following day for delivery to the homes of Haslemere residents thereafter.
Please do use this service and encourage others to do so. It reduces the pressure on the fantastic pharmacy staff who are working incredibly hard and it reduces unnecessary risk of social contact at the pharmacy.
Haslemere Help tested this new prescription service today and delivered 19 prescriptions. This meant 19 individuals did not need to queue thus helping the pharmacy staff and reducing queues in the name of social distancing at the Haslemere Health Centre.
Many thanks
Haslemere Help team