Here’s an update of some of my activities from the past few weeks.
1. A286 Gasden Lane to Beech Road currently being resurfaced. Road closures and diversions are in operation between 9.30am and 4.30pm. Drivers have access to A286 before 9.30am even when road appears closed due to signage. Residents’ letter here.
Businesses in Haslemere, Grayswood and Brook are all still open. I have raised my concerns over the impact of closures on local businesses and issues with communication with SCC Highways. Businesses can claim for losses via SCC website. The council would need to compare income records for the last three years to establish a case for a claim, which SCC will consider.
2. A286 Hindhead Road, ( from Polecat Lane junction to Lion Green Tesco lights) resurfaced under winter maintenance program, work to start mid Oct 2014: Major roadwork delays.
3. Critchmere Hill triangle to be resurfaced Oct/November 2014 under winter maintenance program.
4. Deepdene Embankment – major maintenance new retaining wall – Oct- Dec, 2014
5. Derby Road East, St Bartholomew’s School due for repair during Oct half term.
5. Passenger Transport Review:
SCC is carrying out review of local transport services in the county, with the aim of making significant savings in this area over the next three years. The views of residents and partners will from a key part the review, and we have therefore launched a consultation. I would welcome your support in letting as many residents know about the consultation and encouraging them to give us their views via the online survey.
The aim of the review is to make savings while maintaining the services that residents rely on most, such as services that get people to work, hospitals and schools. To help achieve this, we have launched a public consultation, running from now until 14 January 2015. Plans will only be drawn up after residents, partners, bus-user groups and other stakeholders have had their say.
Alongside consulting with residents and other stakeholders, the review will also include development in the following areas:
· Better procurement of local bus contracts
· Better use of developer contributions to support services
· Joint marketing with bus operators to increase the viability of Surrey’s bus market.
To take part in the consultation residents and stakeholders can complete the online survey, which will be widely promoted via our website and other digital channels. Here is the survey again:

6. Haslemere Vision consultation results are now available: Results here.
6. Haslemere Town Council, Oct 15 2014 formal agreement to support a 20mph pilot scheme. I will now take this to the next Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (HWVTG) on Nov 3, 2014 to take forward.
7. Waverley Borough Council Local Plan. The consultation closed on Friday. I am concerned that the 4 options being presented as possible scenarios include Dunsfold, as, until the transport infrastructure issues with that option are resolved, it is not actually a viable option. The Youth Campus in Wey Hill is identified as a key site for housing but the huts are a key community asset, l am concerned that an equal or better provision for all the groups that use the site is found before houses are built.
Waverley Local Area Committee Funded Highways Improvement Schemes 2013/14 and 2014/15
Fosters Bridge flooding: improvements feasibility study 12 months late, to be delivered Oct 2014, actions to be discussed at Haslemere and Western Villages TG Nov 3 2014.
Shepherds Hill/Courts Hill Road crossing pedestrian safety improvement: feasibility study delivered to November 3 2014 HWVTG.
Crtichmere Hill/Hindhead Road junction safety improvements: feasibility study delivered to HWVTG Nov 3 2014.
High Street Railings, outside Clayton’s- currently in dilapidated state. Highways agreed to replace by Christmas, 2014.
Cycle/pedestrian network for Haslemere: feasibility study delayed, will not be delivered to Nov 3 2014 HWVTG. Met with local members of Waverley Cycle Forum and local cyclists to discuss priorities for Haslemere cycle/walking network to input to feasibility study.
“Gateways” on approaches in Haslemere: location design and to be discussed at Nov 3 2014 TG, and then discussed with partners, HTC and WBC.
Haslemere High Street, requested police speed radar check to be installed.
Grayswood Infant School, met with Traffic Liaison Group – highly effective local stakeholder group working to reduce the impact of increased traffic/parking resulting from school expansion to full primary. Initiatives include walking bus, kiss and drop and staggered school start. Met with SCC Highways to request road safety improvements including additional anti-skid on A286/Lower Street junction during current resurfacing, and new drop curbs opposite school.
Shottermill Infant School, discussions with leadership team on how improve Lion Lane crossing safety. Zebra crossing option to be taken to Nov HWVTG.
Weydown Road community speed watch: joined members of the team. Initiative to reduce traffic speeds.

Gullies: discussed at Environment and Transport Select Committee, Sept 10, 2014. New Conway contract to survey 180,000 gullies in Surrey measuring silt levels and ranking each as high, medium and low flooding risk. High risk will be jetted on 6 month cycle, medium risk on 12 month cycle and low risk on 28 month cycle. At the committee I raised my concerns that residents reporting blocked gullies via SCC website often received an unsatisfactory response, with poor, if any, follow up.
Haslemere Train Station, Local Sustainable Transport Funded Two Parks Project in partnership with SWT and SCC passenger transport plans to reconfigure the train station forecourt to make it safer for bus, pedestrian and cycle access. Met with SCC project leader to discuss the planned changes to raise my concerns that the scheme must be more integrated into a wider traffic management scheme for Lower Street, and that public engagement is vital if the scheme is to be a success.
Lengthsman scheme funding, liaising with HTC to use this local fund to resolve local gully and vegetation issues, particularly urgent problems that can take time for SCC to address.
A3 Tunnel/Critchmere Road – Traffic impact report still waiting to be supplied by highways.
In my September update, I wrote about the Skatepark Summer Event which was supported with grant from my Members Allocation. I have also supported application for SCC Community Grants, delighted park has been awarded £30,000 grant for park reburbishment.
Haslemere Food Bank, in my September update I forgot to mention the Haslemere Food Bank and my attendance at the first annual meeting in July 2014. Significant increase in demand over the first year of operation. First 6 months of operation July-Dec 2013, 129 people receiving food parcels (60 adults/47 children receiving repeat packs). Jan- June 2014, (240 people received food packs, 81 adults and 85 children receiving repeat packs.)
Divisional Visit by SCC Director of Environment and Transport, a pleasure to welcome the Director to Haslemere and raise a number of local issues which he has agreed to follow up.
Haslemere Sports Awards Evening, Oct 14, 2014 Georgian House Hotel, delighted to present an award, so impressed by our young talented sportsmen and women, and the dedication of volunteer coaches and parents.
Haslemere Library summer reading challenge, prize giving. I presented Jacob Brewer and Xabi Hawkins with the prize of a free DVD voucher which they won in the prize draw after completing the Mythical Maze Summer Reading Challenge treasure hunt.Haslemere Library runs a weekly children’s book club, and half term circus skills workshop (see website).

Attended very enjoyable relaunch – “A New Chapter” – of Haslemere Bookshop. Their re-launch raised £200 for The Alzheimers Society

Undershaw, Hindhead Planning Application for change of use to accommodate an extension of the existing Stepping Stones, an innovative and highly successful school for children with learning and physical difficulties. I have given this application my full support (more here).
SCC/LAC Meetings Attended
Local Area Committee Private Meeting: Waverley Borough Council Local Plan: housing consultation
Surrey CC Full Council – see here for information.
Local Area Committee – see here for Committee papers.