Tag Archives: Haslemere

PRESS RELEASE: Launch of Haslemere Community Store


A new initiative, the Haslemere Community Store, launches this Thursday May 21st. in Haslemere Hall.

The Community Store is a temporary volunteer-run community project, operating out of Haslemere Hall two mornings each week. It has been set up to help residents that find themselves in need of food and household supplies during the Covid 19 emergency – and is open to anyone also using the Food Bank who has additional need.  The Store will secure some supplies through the FareShare scheme, thereby reducing food waste and provide support in Haslemere and surrounding villages.

Haslemere’s Surrey County Councillor, Nikki Barton has been working in collaboration with Haslemere Hall, Haslemere Community Kitchen, Haslemere Help and the Food Bank, with the support of Haslemere Town Council to launch the store.   

Cllr Barton told the Haslemere Herald:

“The Haslemere Community Store is intended to complement the invaluable work of the Haslemere Food Bank. The Food Bank continues to provide vital support for the vulnerable and those experiencing hardship. I understand there has been a significant increase in referrals to the Food Bank during the Covid-19 crisis. There has also been a surge in donations from Haslemere’s extremely generous residents and local supermarkets.”

The Haslemere Community Store is planning to make an additional collection for donations around the town once a week on behalf of both the Food Bank and the Community Store. Haslemere Help volunteers have been recruited to help run the Store.

About Haslemere Community Store

If you have become unemployed, been furloughed or waiting for Universal Credit, don’t go without. The Haslemere Community Store can help you with a variety of food, toiletries and household products available free of charge to support people living in Haslemere. The Community Store is located at The Haslemere Hall and will be open Mondays & Thursdays (10.30am – 12.30 pm). Strict social distancing will be observed, with no walk-ins. If you need help at this time, book your slot to visit by either calling or texting the helpline 07873 383954 or by emailing haslemerehelp@gmail.com.  

About Haslemere Food Bank

The Haslemere Food Bank provides emergency food support to local individuals and families. It was set up through the collaboration of local Churches, though is now run by a management team and a pool of volunteers representing the whole community. People in need of food support are referred by local agencies as the need arises. If people need help with food, and are in touch with the Health Centre, the Citizens Advice Bureau, 3 Counties Money Advice, their child’s school, local churches, or any of those agencies which work to support people at times of difficulty, just ask to be referred and the Food Bank will help.

Press Enquiries:

Haslemere Town Council, Town Clerk; town.clerk@haslemeretc.org

Surrey County Councillor, Nikki Barton, Nikki.Barton@surreycc.gov.uk

Mr David Rice, Chairman, Haslemere Food Bank dnarice@btinternet.com

Article in The Haslemere Herald: Community store opens its doors in Haslemere

Haslemere’s Community Store

Haslemere Community Store – Opening Thursday 21st May

If you’ve become unemployed, been furloughed or waiting for Universal Credit, don’t go without. The Haslemere Community Store can help you with a variety of food, toiletries and household products available free of charge to support people living in Haslemere and surrounding villages.

The Community Store will operate from Haslemere Hall and will be open Mondays & Thursdays (10.30-12.30 pm).

Strict social distancing observed, please no walk-ins – book your slot to visit by simply calling or texting the helpline 07873 383954 or by emailing haslemerehelp@gmail.com. For more information visit https://www.haslemeretc.org/haslemere-community-store.html.

Lower Street Roadworks To Be Brought Forward In Haslemere

I thought it would be helpful to share this letter following my request that the planned major utilities (SSE Major cabling upgrade) works on Lower Street are brought forward. I have consulted with my fellow town councillors and the Haslemere Chamber of Trade and Commerce, and agreed that the works should start as soon as possible in the hope that the works are completed before businesses in town are able to fully reopen.

This is the text of the letter:

I believe you are aware of the SSE Major cabling upgrade works on Lower Street which will require a Road Closure. These works were originally planned to take place this Summer Holidays, however I’ve been informed that you’ve asked if these works could be brought forward whilst the shops are still closed.

I’ve spoken to SSE and they can bring these works forward and have provided me with a planned start date of the 01/06/2020 (provided that you’re happy with this). The duration of the works will be 6 weeks (with the end date being 18/07/2020), however this is the worst case scenario and SSE are confident that they can complete the works quicker than this.

If they do get the go ahead, the Advanced Warning Signs will be placed on Monday 18th May and Letter drops carried out also on this date which gives members of the public and local residents/businesses plenty of notice.

Lower Street will be closed from 1 June

The diversion route will be Tanners Lane, West Street, High Street which has been used before and works well. The parking bays outside the shops on West Street will have to be suspended.

Please could you advise if you would be happy with this?

Kind Regards,

Network Coordinator – Waverley

Streetworks Team

Network and Asset Management Group

Surrey Highways

Keeping Haslemere healthy: Prescription delivery service helps 100 homes a week

Article in this week’s Haslemere Herald:

A VOLUNTEER-run prescription delivery service is helping to keep Haslemere healthy, by delivering vital medication to more than 100 homes a week.

The service was instigated by online support group Haslemere Help, after queues at the town’s health centre meant wait times of more than an hour.

Town and county councillor Nikki Barton collaborated with Haslemere Town Council and Haslemere Help volunteers to create the system.

Read full article here.

Scotland Lane, Haslemere – Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order


SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) and (7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to: a) prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of Scotland Lane (D5524), Haslemere that extends from its junction with Blackdown Lane (D5527), to its junction with Old Haslemere Road (D5526); b) suspend “THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL SCOTLAND LANE (D5524), HASLEMERE TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC ORDER 2020” in its entirety; and c) suspend “THE SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL CHASE LANE (D5527), TENNYSONS LANE (D5527) AND SCOTLAND LANE (D5524), HASLEMERE TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC ORDER 2019” in its entirety.

This Traffic Order is required to enable SGN to carry out gas mains replacement works. These works are anticipated to be carried out within 13 weeks of the 12 month period of operation of this Temporary Order that commences on 18 May 2020. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure which is anticipated will be required for 24 hours each day, will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access for pedestrians will be maintained at all times.

Access for residents and businesses on the affected length of Scotland Lane, including access for emergency services to such properties, and access for cyclists and equestrians, will be maintained at all times via the vehicular diversion route which will be: Old Haslemere, Museum Hill, Petworth Road and Haste Hill.

Request For Donations On Behalf Of Haslemere Food Bank

I have received a list of items that is urgently needed by The Haslemere Food Bank.

Donations can be left at either Tesco or Waitrose in Haslemere or at CeeGees in Fernhurst. Or donations can be dropped at the Methodist Church on a Wednesday and Friday morning from 10AM – 12PM.

Please note, the food bank will be open this Bank Holiday Friday for referrals.

Haslemere Food Bank, request for donations.

Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan webinars

Haslemere town plan consultation goes online during lockdown. (via Haslemere Herald)

ALL UPCOMING drop-in consultation events for the Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan have been cancelled in light of the Covid-19 lockdown.

However, the Haslemere Vision volunteers in the neighbourhood planning team have now regrouped and are planning webinars so residents who prefer to talk things through have an opportunity to talk directly to those involved.

The first webinar will take place on Monday (April 20) at 7pm, with a second on Tuesday, April 21 at 10am.

To register for these events, email nplan@haslemeretc.org or for more information visit the links to the survey here in a thread on the town council’s website: www.haslemeretc.org/neighbourhood-plan

Further dates will be announced in due course and publicised on the Haslemere Town Council and Haslemere Vision Facebook pages and Twitter.

Each household in the area received a summary of the plan in the post at the beginning of the consultation and many have been having their say by completing the online surveys.

The survey, plus a full copy of the plan and the evidence base, is also available online.

Any residents without online access, who wish to receive information or ask questions, can call 07873 383943 or send a letter to Haslemere Town Hall, High Street, Haslemere GU27 2HG.

If adopted, the town plan will direct development in the Haslemere area.

Haslemere’s Helping Hand – press release from Haslemere Help

Press release issued by Haslemere Help this week:

  • Online community support group Haslemere Help reaches over 300 volunteers, as they continue to support those who are self-isolating or vulnerable in the local area during the Covid-19 outbreak
  • Collaborating with Surrey County Councillor Nikki Barton and Town Council staff, and with Mayor John Robini even manning the phone lines, the group are helping with essential tasks such as shopping for provisions
  • The group also offers a prescription pick-up and delivery service from all local pharmacies, including a special collaboration with the Haslemere Health Centre

If you or a relative are in need of any help in these tricky times, please contact 07873 383954 or email haslemerehelp@gmail.com

Community Covid-19 support group Haslemere Help has reached over 300 volunteers.

In a bid to help local residents, the group collected the names of those willing to provide volunteering support for their neighbours, and since then these volunteers have been successfully performing tasks such as shopping for essentials and delivering prescriptions.

A founding volunteer, Narn, said: ‘When the call went out for volunteer help, we knew many in Haslemere would step forward. Haslemere is a community which has always had a volunteering ethos.

‘I am full of admiration for those who have volunteered and, whilst I would have expected nothing less, it is still overwhelming to see the kindness and consideration from those contributing voluntarily.

‘We have fielded 100s of phone calls to our helpline which is being manned by John Robini, our town mayor, 100s of Facebook messages and innumerable e-mails all needing help with prescriptions, shopping and an ear to listen and have a friendly chat. Our volunteers have also picked up wheelchairs, delivered flowers, collected plastic surgical boots and delivered hearing aid batteries. ‘

Surrey County Councillor, Nikki Barton, has actively supported Haslemere Help and worked to streamline the Haslemere Health Centre’s prescription delivery service using the group’s volunteers. Councillor Barton told us: ‘The queues at the health centre are often long, putting great pressure on the pharmacy team. We have arranged that you can now call 07873 383954 or alternatively you can make contact by e-mail haslemerehelp@gmail.com with your prescription pick up request. Patient contact and delivery details are all that is needed. Haslemere Help will not keep any of your personal details and any collections will be treated in confidence. “

On Twitter, Haslemere resident, Miles Weston who is currently self-isolating at home has received invaluable neighbour support. He wrote: ‘This is what community-minded, unnamed people in Haslemere are doing for their neighbours. We know them, we love them for what they are doing and we admire them for not being on the lookout for public recognition. They are not bragging – they are just doing it for Haslemere.”

Haslemere Mayor, John Robini said: ‘The volunteers’ efforts and commitment, together with all those employed in delivering crucial services at this time, should lift our spirits and give us all encouragement during what is, undoubtedly, a troubling and challenging time for our town. The town council staff have also provided invaluable telephone and administrative support.’

Individuals and community groups throughout Haslemere looking to provide volunteering support during Covid-19 can still register and are encouraged to complete a Volunteer Registration Form. Residents who need help with shopping, prescription pickups or other services should call the Haslemere Help service on 07873 383954. Enquiries can also be channelled to haslemerehelp@gmail.com and through their dedicated Facebook page www.facebook.com/haslemerehelp.

Blocked gully on Lower Street

Surrey County Council’s Highways team has investigated the gully in Lower Street near the pedestrian crossing that floods during heavy rain events. This is an issue I have raised as a priority with the highways team as it presents a significant health and safety issue for pedestrians and cyclists accessing the station. 

The highways team attended site yesterday with the jetter and cleaned / jetted four gullies via three man hole chambers and traced the line back to an open ditch system at the back of Haslemere House.  The system was completely blocked but is now clean and working. They will monitor during the next rain event.  When the restrictions are lifted I will arrange to meet up on site with the Highways team to make sure the system is working well.

I very much appreciate the Highways team work on this.

Haslemere Help’s Prescription Delivery Service

Haslemere Help has set up a volunteer home delivery service for any prescriptions from Haslemere Health Centre. The queues at the health centre are often long, putting great pressure on the pharmacy team.

We have arranged that you can call 07873 383954 or alternatively email haslemerehelp@gmail.com with your prescription pick up request. Patient contact and delivery details are all that is needed. Our volunteer team will not keep any of your personal details and any collections will be treated in confidence.

Anyone calling the Haslemere Help number 07873 383954 (being nobly manned by our Mayor, John Robini) asking to have a prescription picked up and delivered will have their details taken.  If the prescription is with the Haslemere Health Centre pharmacy, their request will be collated by the town clerk and sent as a batch to the pharmacy by 6pm.  Although the pharmacy is currently closing at 6pm, the staff are working behind the scenes until 10pm. Haslemere Help’s security checked volunteer drivers are picking up the batches of prescriptions at 2pm the following day for delivery to the homes of Haslemere residents thereafter.

Please do use this service and encourage others to do so. It reduces the pressure on the fantastic pharmacy staff who are working incredibly hard and it reduces unnecessary risk of social contact at the pharmacy.

Haslemere Help tested this new prescription service today and delivered 19 prescriptions. This meant 19 individuals did not need to queue thus helping the pharmacy staff and reducing queues in the name of social distancing at the Haslemere Health Centre.

Many thanks

Haslemere Help team