Tag Archives: Haslemere

Latest Arrival a “Lifesaver” for Town

In the current edition of The Haslemere Herald, the paper published an article about a new public access defibrillator that has been installed on the station forecourt.

Nikki Barton is cited in the article:

“We are very grateful to the Shottermill Great War Memorial Trust, Haslemere First Responders, the Association of Community Rail Partners and South Western Railway for their contributions to this life saving equipment.”

Here is a link to the article online: Latest arrival a ‘lifesaver’ for town.

My Promise

My letter published in The Haslemere Herald announcing that I am standing as an Independent candidate in the Surrey County Council by-election on 2nd May 2019.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My Promise

Anger at absentee councillors’ was a shocking headline on your front page last month.  I believe it is totally unacceptable when councillors, who are paid out of our taxes, do not engage to serve the community that elected them.

It really matters because Surrey County Council is responsible for so much that affects our daily lives.  At this critical time when budgets are being slashed and key services are under threat, Haslemere needs councillors who are willing to show up and stand up for their community free from party politics – councillors who will actively lobby for Haslemere’s fair share of those scarce resources because their only priority is putting Haslemere first.

In 2013 I took the decision to stand as Haslemere’s first Independent County Councillor.  Many people thought this was a waste of time because every single Haslemere councillor at town, borough and county levels was a Conservative.  My determination came from my experience in the successful campaign to stop Surrey’s plan to put parking meters throughout our town, hurting local businesses, schools and churches.   I had been shocked by the lack of openness and transparency at meetings where (one) party politics dominated.

Winning the election was a ground-breaking moment, and a great honour.  I threw myself into the role with energy, and a deep commitment to serve the community with passion, transparency and engagement.  I worked hard, listened and built trust.  I hope readers of The Herald might take the time to read about my activities here: www.haslemerefirst.com/achievements.

As my youngest daughter prepared for secondary school, I decided to fill a seat on the town council rather than continuing at the county level.  But it was disheartening to watch as my successor’s absence meant that the relationships and momentum I had built for the town were being wasted.  Haslemere deserves better.

I have therefore decided to stand for election once again as an Independent candidate for Haslemere.

My priorities if elected again as your Surrey County Councillor will be:

·       to ensure Haslemere has an independent voice at county level to best represent its interests – I believe in putting community before politics

·       to promote openness and transparency within local government – I believe in the power of accountability

·       to fight for a fair allocation of funding for Haslemere in times of austerity – I believe in standing up for the needs of our community

Above all, I promise to put Haslemere first!

Yours faithfully

Nikki Barton

Haslemere’s Independent candidate for Surrey County Council

Scotland Lane


New Summer Timetable from A Place To Be

Please see an update I am sharing on behalf of A Place To Be (APTB) from Daisy Blossom, Youth Leader.

This letter is about APTB’s Beach Trip which is to be held in the May half term. Spaces are limited and Daisy needs to confirm numbers for organising transport so please return the forms as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Also, in this link you will see APTB’s Summer term activity plan.

Please feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested.

About a Place To Be:

A Place to Be is an independently run youth group whose funding is provided by charitable organisations in the Haslemere area. It uses its funds wisely on employing highly skilled and experienced youth workers.

Localism Funding: Funds for Highways/Pavements in Haslemere

This is a call out to any constituent in my ward (Haslemere South) to send me details of any specific issues affecting highways/pavements such as cutting back vegetation, cleaning road signs, removing posts in verges, decluttering of signs and the like (BUT not gully cleaning or anything relating to tarmac).

A photo/map showing specifics would be very helpful, by June 15th. Please send to me and/or the town clerk:



Haslemere Town Council has a £6,500 pot of Localism funding to be spent by the end of March 2019 for this type of work.

Thank you!

Haslemere Information Hub is opening on 1st May at 4.30pm

The Haslemere Information Hub at the railway station will officially open for the Summer season from 1st May 2018. Come along from 4.30pm to 7pm. All welcome.

Are you interested in promoting our amazing town and surroundings? There are a variety of volunteering opportunities with us. We’re looking for volunteers to help people find their way from Haslemere station to the various points of interest, shops and eateries here in Haslemere.

On Twitter, please follow The Haslemere Information Hub here: Haslemere Information Hub

Thanks to the volunteers who helped out yesterday to tidy the flower beds on the platform.(Thanks to David Goddin for taking the photos)

Many hands make light work

Here are some pictures of the Haslemere volunteers who helped move the new flagpole from JE Homewood‘s yard to St. Christopher’s Church yesterday. This is part of the Haslemere Great War Centenary Memorial. (More here, here and here.) Thanks to patient drivers on Wey Hill who waited as the flagpole was moved).

The flagpole is being raised by crane to the top of the Church Tower next Tuesday, 17th April,  from 10:00 am.

Follow updates on @Haslemere2018.

THANKS to the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership volunteers today

In Haslemere today, some of the lovely volunteers who, as part of the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership team, helped clear the station’s flower beds on the platform. The daffodils are now looking gorgeous.

What a great improvement! Lovely to see the sun and blue sky too after the snow.