Tag Archives: Haslemere

Hiring a Community Manager for the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership

On behalf of the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership, we’re hiring a Community Manager.

This role will help to deliver the Haslemere Community Rail Partnership’s (HCRP) aim of encouraging more visitors to travel to Haslemere, the surrounding villages and the South Downs National Park. It will enable the many separate local organisations in Haslemere to promote themselves, and the many events and activities that they organise in and around the town. The role will also encourage sustainable travel behavior of visitors and local residents from a HCRP Information Centre based at Haslemere Railway Station.

Please click here for more information. Closing data 30th March 2018

Contagion! The BBC Pandemic – 22nd March on BBC Four at 9pm feat. Haslemere

From: BBC Pandemic <info@bbcpandemic.co.uk>
Date: 19 March 2018 at 2:57:53 pm GMT
To: BBC Pandemic <info@bbcpandemic.co.uk>
Subject: BBC Pandemic – Haslemere Results


We’re writing to let you know that the astonishing results of the Haslemere BBC Pandemic experiment, which was conducted in October last year, will be revealed this Thursday at 9pm on BBC Four in Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic.

Switch on to find out how many Haslemere residents were infected and what happened when the experiment went nationwide. Please spread the word! #BBCPandemic

A huge thank you to everyone in Haslemere who took part and helped make the experiment such a success. We hope you enjoy spotting yourselves in the programme.

The BBC Pandemic Team

Download the BBC Pandemic app from Google Play and Apple App Store



This account is managed by 360 Production, an independent production company that is producing BBC Pandemic for the BBC, so that they may respond to individual queries, or contact you with updates relating to the BBC Pandemic app and subsequent documentary. Your email address will not be retained after the app has ended circulation, nor will your details be passed on to a third party at any time. Due to the high volume of requests received, 360 Production may be unable to reply individually to every person who contacts them.

Poppy Update from the Haslemere War Memorial team

I have been asked to share this update from the Haslemere War Memorial team:

Please note that tomorrow Friday 16th March, will be the last day of poppy pinning as the two nets for St Christopher’s are complete. However, there are still poppies to use for decoration, so we fully intend to continue preparing the remaining poppies for other nets and we will announce when we start doing this in due course, but we have decided to have a breather for the time being and take stock. 

A huge thank you to all the volunteers who contributed to completing the task in about half the time we expected. Many volunteers have taken boxes of poppies home with them to prepare them for pinning with drilling and threading. Many of the poppies have been stiffened up with backing material in order to brave the elements more readily. 

On the 24th March (Saturday week) between 10.00 am and 1 pm we will be starting the next part of the project, sowing the poppy seeds into trays and distibuting them around the community for nurturing in various greenhouses around Haslemere. The sowing will take place at St Christopher’s and on St Christopher’s Green – weather permitting. Volunteers all welcome.

Poppy update from the Haslemere War Memorial Team

I have been asked to share this update from the Haslemere War Memorial Team about this community project:

We are now starting the process of pinning the 12,000 poppies made by the local schoolchildren on to the netting that will then cascade down the tower of St Christopher’s Church. See the attached illustration of how it will look.

The work to pin the poppies on to the netting will be done from inside St Christopher’s Church and will take place from either a standing or sitting position off the church floor. The poppies will be pinned on with a combination of twisted wire or cable ties through the central button of the poppy and the ideal number of people required to form a production team would be 8 – 10 people. There will always be a member of the Commemoration Committee in attendance and to be fully inclusive, we will open the Church on specific times during the day, evenings and at weekends to enable this part of the project to be completed.

The current times that the Church will be open for this work to take place is 2:30 – 5:00pm Monday to Friday and then 10:00 – 12:00 noon on Saturdays.

Therefore if you are able to join us on any of these days / times, we would be glad to see you.


A Place To Be hosts Dylan’s Ice Cream in Haslemere – 16th March 2018

I’ve received this Open Invitation from Daisy Owen, Youth Leader at A Place To Be (AP2B)

This is an exciting evening where the A Place to be Youth Group will be running their own ice cream parlour with some interesting ice cream flavours at Dylan’s Ice Cream.

Daisy and AP2B look forward to seeing you all there, for ice cream and fun!

Keeping safe when coming to or leaving school/college

Today, I received this e-mail from the Headteacher at St Bartholomew’s School in Haslemere.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have been notified by our colleagues at The Petersfield School that last Thursday morning there was an attempt to pull a student walking to school into a dark coloured car with heavily tinted windows near the bottom of Bell Hill in Petersfield.

Police have been informed and are investigating.

We have advised all students on keeping safe when coming to and leaving school – walk with friends, avoid dark lonely areas, and if you find yourself in any sort of uncomfortable situation, draw as much attention to yourself as you can and leave as quickly as possible to a public place and alert a trusted adult.

Please reiterate this with your child.

Yours faithfully

Charles Beckerson

Car Damage in the Waitrose Car Park, Haslemere

Last night, November 18th at (estimated) 6.30pm*, a blue BMW drove at speed the wrong way through the Waitrose car park, lost control and skidded into a Mazda saloon before hitting the centre upright of the Waitrose glass trolley park causing extensive damage.

The car then drove off leaving behind numerous mangled trollies and a broken glass covered area.

Waitrose reported the incident to the police and Waverley Borough Council last night and the damaged area was cordoned off overnight.

A clean up operation has been carried out this morning.

Clean Up Operation in Waitrose Car Park

Clean Up Operation in Waitrose Car Park

Clean Up Operation in Waitrose Car Park

If you saw anything please contact Surrey Police with information.

*Please note time change from 7.30pm to 6.30pm. A shopper got in touch and wrote: “I was in Waitrose at 18:50 and the accident had already happened. I think the time should read 18:30?”

Community Volunteering at Haslemere Station

Big thanks to the community volunteers who helped this morning clearing the bedding on the platforms at Haslemere station. We’ve more to do and will send a call-out after half term.

Here’s a before and after picture from today:

Station Platform Bedding Before

Station Platform Bedding After

And, a picture of the community volunteers. Thanks!

Haslemere Community Volunteers

Haslemere will be open during gasworks starting in January

This is a post written yesterday, shared from the Haslemere & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce. The Chamber aims to foster economic growth in and around Haslemere by supporting its members through an expanding range of activities. Here is the application form to join. You can follow them here on Twitter –  @HaslemereChmbr.


Utility companies are lining up for fresh projects involving roadworks around Haslemere – but this time they are taking note of concerns voiced by residents and local business.

Early next year, Southern Gas Networks (SGN) plans to start upgrading 11.5km of gas mains in and around the town. Later in the year, Scottish and Southern Electricity (SSE) is planning a vital cable renewal.

This morning, town councillors, the chamber president and an emergency services representative met with SGN and SSE for an outline of the proposed works and plans to minimise any impact on households, businesses and services.

With still-fresh memories of road closures and business disruption during – and after – previous gas main upgrades and road improvements, council and chamber stressed the importance of demonstrating that Haslemere is open for business.

SGN’s preliminary plans show a total of eight separate projects where gas mains need upgrading to meet modern standards of safety and reliability. Wherever possible, this will be done by inserting plastic liners into the existing pipes – a technique that is less disruptive for customers and road users.

Work on some of these projects is expected to start in January, with all scheduled for completion by August. Final details of the projects and their timings are expected to announced soon.

SSE, meanwhile, plans to close Lower Street in the summer to replace a major electricity supply cable.

Chamber President David Goddin says: “The good news for local business is that most of the SGN proposals do not directly affect the retail and commercial areas. However, the need for temporary traffic lights and diversions may cause delays on some routes.

“With the town council we have asked for informative signage to help avoid perceptions that Haslemere is difficult to visit. In the months ahead, council, chamber and individual businesses will need to work together to send out a strong message that the town is still open. This can be achieved through a combination of joint promotions and publicity via businesses’ websites and social media channels.

“I would welcome comments from chamber members and any other local businesses who have concerns about the impact of proposed works – or who have suggestions for promoting the town in the year ahead.

“SGN has assured us that all the proposed work is essential, and is part of the Health and Safety Executive’s drive to have all cast iron gas pipes within 30 metres of properties replaced by 2032. Some of the pipes, we are told, date from the early years of the last century.

“It is clear that SGN has learnt a lot since its last visit to Haslemere and it is now placing much more emphasis on engagement with all stakeholders. The company is planning a major campaign to communicate with residents beforehand and to check that their installations are safe after reconnection. Customers can expect to be without gas supplies for an average of 4.5 hours.

“Turning to Lower Street, we are told this has to be closed to through traffic for the duration because the road is too narrow to accommodate a working site and a carriageway. It is most unfortunate that the cable  was not replaced at the same time as the closure for gas main replacement. This is a key thoroughfare and closing it for any length of time could have serious repercussions.”

Haslemere Community Rail Partnership – call for volunteers this Thursday

ACoRP – the Association of Community Rail Partnerships – is the membership body for almost 50 community rail partnerships, representing over 80 community rail lines across the UK, as well as more than 1,000 station adoption groups.

The Haslemere Community Rail Partnership was established in October 2015 with the purpose of promoting Haslemere and its surrounding countryside, to promote rail travel to the town as a more sustainable travel mode and to improve the station and forecourt environment. You can read more about it here in this town council document and here in a past update on this blog.

In Haslemere today, I spent a few hours weeding and tidying the flower beds on the platform. There is more work to be done!

If you are free for an hour or two on Thursday morning from 9am, please do come along with gardening gloves for some gentle weeding. I’ll bring a flask of tea for us to share.