Tag Archives: Haslemere

Haslemere family receive SCC Chairman’s Volunteer Awards

Last Thursday, 17th Sept, I attended the SCC Chairman’s Volunteer Awards evening where Sharon and Brian Short, and their children Clare and Jamie were recognised for their services to the community. The Short family are amazing- between them they have given 65 years of voluntary service to Scouting in Haslemere!

1st Haslemere Scout Group is one of the oldest scout groups in the country having been started SVV Volunteer Awardsin 1909 a year after Baden-Powell published Scouting for Boys. The scout group has around 100 children actively involved in the weekly meetings and other events. 1st Haslemere Scout Group is part of Haslemere District which encompasses the scout groups of Camelsdale, Chiddingfold, Churt, Fernhurst, Grayshott, Haslemere & Hindhead.

SVV Volunteer AwardsFor the past 20 years, 1st Haslemere Scout Group has been run by the Sharon and Brian Short; their two children, Clare and Jamie, are also actively involved in group. The whole Short family are also involved in Haslemere District Scout activities.

SVV Volunteer AwardsSharon and Brian Short have been in the scouting movement for over 25 years in the Haslemere area and since 1995 have led the scout group in Haslemere.

Sharon has recently stepped down from the group scout leader role which oversees all the arrangements for the different sections beavers, cubs and scouts. Brian runs the scouts section. Clare is a scout leader for Haslemere Network Scouts and also provides training for climbing for other groups in the district. Jamie is an explorer scout leader and runs activities for 30 young adult members from around the district.

During the year the Short family dedicate a large proportion of their spare time organising activities for the group and district including;

  • Camping trips, both weekends away and week long summer expeditions.
  • Organising fund raising events for the group. Providing training and activities for other scout groups in the district. Running weekly meetings for the scouts.
  • Each year a large number of children in the Haslemere area benefit greatly from the commitment and enthusiasm of the Short family. The Shorts foster interaction between children from different backgrounds and schools around the area which leads to relationships that would not normally be formed.

Improving Cycling in Haslemere

Do you have any ideas for schemes to improve cycling in Haslemere?

The Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group is meeting next week on September 17th to discuss the way forward for cycling in Haslemere and the surrounding villages, as part of the new Surrey County Council Cycle Strategy.

I am meeting with Surrey County Council officers on Monday, September 14th at Haslemere train station for a town cycle ride to identify ways in which the town could be made safer and more attractive for cyclists. If anyone would like to join us to share your ideas you would be most welcome. Please let me know your ideas and/or if you would like to meet via my Facebook page, Twitter, or e-mail on nikki.barton@surreycc.gov.uk.

Cycling Haslemere Barton


County Councillor Update

Here is an update of my recent meetings and some local highways issues.


  1. Haste Hill, recently resurfaced under Project Horizon as scheduled. Inexplicably, Blackdown Lane has not been resurfaced at the same time, despite being originally included as part of the Haste Hill Project Horizon scheme. The explanation from SCC is that the relatively recent naming of Blackdown Lane, (previously unnamed) has meant that only the Haste Hill section has been resurfaced. Understandably a number of residents have raised this anomaly with me, given the very poor state of Blackdown Lane, and the high volumes traffic using this route. I am pressing the SCC highways leadership to reconsider this decision.
  2. Lion Lane resurfacing, a local resident has complained that Lion Lane has been resurfaced again, despite not being in need of this work having been relatively recently treated. Unfortunately I inherited a list of roads to be resurfaced that became part of a fixed highways works program. I consider a number of these roads fail to meet the required “needs” criteria while other roads are in far greater need of attention, for example Wey Hill and Derby Road East were not included. I successfully lobbied for both these roads to be resurfaced in addition to the existing list.
  3. Railings replacement currently ongoing, High Street: a number of shop owners are frustrated that the works are taking so long, given the congestion and upheaval caused by the traffic lights. Of specific concern is the apparent short working day of the railing work crew. I have raised this with SCC highways management for their response as this is clearly an unacceptable situation.


April 23, Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board, County Hall (formerly Environment and Transport Select Committee) County Hall, Kingston

11 May: Independent/ Residents Association meeting, County Hall, Kingston

11 May: Sustrans, SCC Place and Sustainability team to discuss possible station travel plan, County Hall, Kingston

15 May: Haslemere Visitor Information Centre, Haslemere Town Council to discuss Haslemere tourist information at train station at Haslemere Museum. Haslemere train station is the transport hub for the town, with thousands of people passing through as passengers and dropping off every day- the station has the highest passenger count of all stations in the SWT network, and there are a growing number of walkers arriving in Haslemere by train, particularly from London to explore the beautiful surrounding countryside.

17 May: Little Lumpy charity bike ride, The Edge, Haslemere

18 May: Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board, County Hall, Kingston

18 May: Visit to Stepping Stones School, Hindhead with Linda Keminey, Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning. Students gave excellent tour and provided an excellent tea. Also visited Undershaw to see progress of major works to renovate and restore author Conan Doyles house. Recent decision by Sec of State not to challenge the granted planning permission is excellent news. The expanded Stepping Stones in Undershaw will be provide an exceptional facility offering outstanding education for children with special learning needs, as well as enabling the local residents and the wider community of Sherlock Holmes fans the chance to visit the restored home of the infamous local writer.

19 May: Full Council, County Hall, Kingston

2 June: College Hill, meeting with residents and SCC Highways to discuss parking, potholes, speeding and overgrown vegetation

2 June: SCC Highways team meeting to discuss delayed highways projects, expressed my frustration at the delays which are linked to design team resources: SCC highways offices, Merrow

June 3: Attended Half Moon Estate Residents’ Association AGM and presented plans for a traffic calming initiative at the junction of Hill Road with Shepherds Hill. This came about as a result of a police speed check showing speeds of up to 59mph in a 30mph speed area.

June 5: SWT Stakeholder Manager and Haslemere Visitor Information Centre team to discuss promoting Haslemere as a tourist destination by providing visitor information at the train station. This was very positively received by SWT, with the agreement to provide a local events board and visitor information leaflet rack at the station. Discussed the recent East Hampshire Community Rail Partnership, a partnership initiative between E Hants CC and SWT to promote train based tourism between Liphook and Rowlands Castle, a map promoting each station town on the route has been produced. In addition there has been an investment in making each station in the scheme more attractive, with planting etc. It would be very positive for Haslemere to be included in this scheme – given all Haslemere and countryside has to offer, I am continuing to take this forward.

June 8: Brighter Futures course at Haslewey (funded by my members allocation 2014-15), met participants in the course aimed at helping the long term unemployed get back into work.

Here is a testimonial from an attendee:

When I started the ‘Brighter Futures’ course in mid May, I had been unemployed for five months and despite applying for roughly twenty to twenty-five jobs a week, I had only a couple of interview offers in that time. This was having a very negative effect on my confidence and self esteem. Since then I am amazed at how my confidence has risen dramatically, in just three to four weeks. And I have a much more positive outlook on life and searching for work too.
This is because I have used the course content to alter how I percieve people and hopefully change their perception of me too.

Week 1 – Lumina Spark with Anna Lewis
This sets out my personality traits, which outlines personal strengths and tries to pinpoint weaknessses interacting with other personality types in the workplace. Complimentary personalities work much better together than conflicting types.

Week 2 – CV – Anna Lewis
Guidelines on how to form a CV to appeal to employers.  And the importance of the covering letter in addition to the CV.

Week 3 – Volunteering and Interview Techniques
The focus of this week is the astounding amount of differing volunteer opportunities there are for everyone. I found that I was rather ignorant of the many different ways to volunteer. The positive impact it could have on my self confidence is good from a work search pespective too. And the possibility of adding new skills to enhance my CV.
Various techniques to impress employers and calm oneself down at interviews. It emphasised the importance of the job being right for both parties, not just the employer.

What’s changed for me?
1. Due to the changes made to the CV I am receiving a lot more interview offers.
2. Feel a lot better about myself, especially getting interviews. Don’t feel like an invisible unemployable old man now.
3. My Lumina Spark report stated I could be introverted. (I already knew this) Seeing it in black and white made me consider how I interact with others, and as a result I am very comfortable expressing myself more in a group than I would of in the past.
4. The group itself is easy going and light-hearted, we all appear to get along. I work better in an informal group, also improving social skills as a bonus.
5. I recently had an interview, where I used aspects of all three weeks of the course. The new improved CV got me the interview. I thought about if i had a rapport with the interviewer, and tried to engage him on a more personal level when I felt I did not see eye to eye. I got very nervous, as usual, but used the experience of the previous weeks interview role-play to calm myself down and have a relatively stress free interview. I am convinced this would not have happened a month ago.
6. Have a ‘can do attitude’, we just have to know anything is possible, set goals and have the will to achieve them.

I really want to thank you for giving me hope for the future, when I started I was at a very low point. Brighter Futures could not be better titled in my opinion.

June 9: SCC Place and Sustainability team to discuss station travel plan/street audit, County Hall, Kingston

June 10: Haslemere Town Council and SCC local highways officer to provide highways update

June 10: Waverley Youth Task Group private meeting to discuss future youth services provision, there challenging times ahead with cuts planned in local provision. The Burys, Godalming

June 10: Haslemere Conservation Area Appraisal update meeting, Haslemere town hall

June 11: Economic Prosperity, Environment and Transport Board, County Hall, Kingston

June 12: SCC Waste Group, Haslemere Town Council to discuss public information strategy in preparation for withdrawal of Saturday morning dustcart service in Wey Hill carpark. Service to be discontinued autumn 2015. The service currently costs £30,000 per year. The mix of waste put in the dust cart has been analysed, finding that a high % of this waste could be recycled, but instead ends up in costly and environmentally damaging landfill. Discussed the need to ensure WBC recycling bins at Wey Hill regularly emptied and confirmed that residents can leave additional recycling on kerbside for collection. Additional blue wheelie bins can be ordered from WBC free of charge by phone and on WBC website. CCTV surveillance will monitor any potential fly tipping at Wey Hill car park.

June 12: Waverley Local Area Committee, private meeting. Godalming

June 15: Magna Carta celebration, Runnymede. Fantastic event organised by SCC and the National Trust, held on the meadow in Runnymede next to the River Thames to commemorate 800 years since the signing of Magna Carta, the foundation of British democracy. Here are some pictures from the event, including artwork, St Catherine’s winning flag ad the new Magna Carta brown tourist sign.

Magna Carta Artwork Magna Carta Panel Boat Nikki - Magna Carta 8 Centuries Magna Carta St Catherine's FlagEach school in England invited to enter flag design competition, winning flag for Surrey was designed by St Catherine’s School.

June 17: SCC highways design team site visit to discuss highways projects for Haslemere. I have secured Waverley Local Area Committee funding for highways improvements schemes that aim at improving road safety by focussing on speed reduction at the main “gateways” into the town.

Works to replace the railings on the corner opposite the town hall started on June 29th, after a very frustrating delay of over a year. The other “gateway” schemes will follow on from this. I have also asked that the works include the long overdue snagging of the Shepherds Hill and Lower Street railings. This was a project implemented prior to my election, and cost the tax payer £46,000.

June 17: Haslemere Vision steering group meeting, provided update on travel plan proposal, which will involve partnership working between Haslemere Vision, SWT and SCC.

June 22: SCC highways cycling officers and Waverley Cycle Forum members site visit Haslemere to look at possibilities for cycle improvement schemes in Haslemere. SCC has agreed a Surrey Cycling Strategy, with local communities encouraged to identify local cycle priorities.

June 22: SCC highways meeting to discuss additional schemes, agreed to fund additional 2 weeks of vegetation gang, general signage de-cluttering and rationalisation.

June 22: Grayswood School, site visit with school head, Grayswood Traffic Liaison Group representatives and SCC highways officer to look improving pedestrian crossing safety outside the school. Agreement on new drop kerbs, new parking restrictions are needed – agreed we would request these additional lines to be raised for approval at the June 26, Local Area Committee.

June 23: Scotland Lane residents to discuss concerns about overhanging trees and traffic speeds, agreed to request SCC highways officers for tree assessment.

June 25: Stepping Stones governor meeting, attended as a guest

June 26: Waverley Local Area Committee, Upper Hale, Farnham

June 29: Theatre Monkey’s end of term show, another fantastic production by local children in Haslemere Hall


Appointed to new role for the Waverley Local Area Committee: Family, Friends and Communities Champion






I received information recently about a new and exciting initiative in Haslemere called Haslemere Hub for local small business owners. Their meetings are every Tuesday at 11am at Haslewey. Every week there will be an interesting and insightful workshop/presentation followed by a chance to meet fellow local independent businesses. Their meetings finish at 1pm so little time away from your projects. On twitter: @HaslemereHub. On Facebook here.


Transition Haslemere’s summer activities are all listed here.

Woolmer Hill Road – Emergency Carriageway Patching Repairs

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL IN EXERCISE OF ITS POWERS UNDER SECTION 14 (2) OF THE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“The Act”) and all other enabling powers hereby gives notice that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in that length of (D5508) Woolmer Hill Road, between its junctions with Sandy Lane and Hatchetts Drive, Haslemere. The works will be completed in 2 phases to allow for access to the Leisure Centre from at least one end of the closure at all times. The first section will be:

Woolmer Hill Road, from its junction with Sandy Lane south-eastwards for a distance of 50 metres and the second section will be from Woolmer Hill Technology College to its junction with Hatchetts Drive.

Access will be maintained for pedestrians and emergency services vehicles only.

The prohibition referred to above will not apply in respect of anything done –

  1. a) with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform
  1. b) in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Police

The prohibition specified above is required to allow emergency carriageway patching repairs. This will commence on 27 May 2015 for a period of 1 day, but this period may be extended by the County Council up to a maximum of 5 days if required.

Traffic will be diverted via Critchmere Hill, Hindhead Road, Portsmouth Road, Upper Hammer Lane, Woolmer Hill Road, or vice versa.

Notice of SSE works in Bunch Lane


ON 20TH MAY 2015 SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL MADE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“The Act”), the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of Bunch Lane (D5514), Haslemere that extends from the northern highway boundary of the property known as “Enderby” to the southern highway boundary of the property known as “Cedar House”.
The Order is required to enable Scottish and Southern Energy to carry out excavations and lay cables. These works are anticipated to be carried out between the hours of 07.00 and 17.00 within two weeks of the three month period of operation of the Temporary Order, which commences on 26th May 2015. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed.

Access will be maintained for pedestrians at all times. Access will be maintained for residents, businesses and emergency vehicles via the signed diversion route however in the event that it is necessary to restrict any access at any time under Section 3 of the Act, the road can only be closed for a maximum of 8 hours in any 24-hour period. Vehicular traffic will be diverted via Bunch Lane, St Christopher’s Green, Wey Hill, Inval Hill and Bunch Lane.

R Bolton, Local Highway Services Group Manager
Any Enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to:
Traffic Regulation Orders Team
Surrey County Council – Highways
Hazel House
Merrow Lane
Surrey GU4 7BQ
Tel: 0300 200 1003

Haslemere County Councillor Update, March to May 2015

Here is an update of some of my activities and Surrey County Council officers’ work for Haslemere over the past two months.


College Hill, safe pedestrian passageway behind Lloyds Bank, has been blocked by a local businessman who owns a ‘ransom strip’ between the highway and the Lloyds Bank car park.

Liaised with SCC Highways legal team and Haslemere Society members to prepare the required evidence for the passageway to be recognised as a definitive right of way. Many affidavits have been collected from Haslemere residents testifying a constant use of the path for 20 years. SCC Highways have recognised the health and safety issues of pedestrians walking up and down the hill. The case will be brought to the September Local Area Committee meeting for decision by Committee to proceed.

Damaged Railings outside Clayton Fine Jewellery – SCC Highways confirmed this delayed scheme of wall reconstruction and new railing replacement, week commencing June 29th. The temporary railings are being checked daily. Several site visits have taken place.

Additional anti-skid surface Grayswood agreed with SCC Highways, to be installed this month.

Woolmer Hill tree trunks on roadside, concerns have been raised over safety. Our Local Highways Officer is following up with contractor.

Potholes repairs include Lower Street, Polecat, Fir Tree Ave, Liphook Road traffic lights, Border Road, Critchmere Lane, Lion Mead, Farnham lane, Beech road, Three Gates Lane, High Pitfold – to name but a few roads!

A parking sign in West street that was hit by a lorry has been repaired.

Items left by a resident around verge in Timbermill Court to deter parking have been removed at the request of the Community Highways Officer.

Officers advised a resident of a cost effective way of giving her wheelchair bound father better access to property on a private road (Chilcroft Road).

Japanese Knotweed in Scotland lane – this has been passed to Waverley Borough Council to deal with.

Several vegetation jobs around Haslemere will begin 1 June 2015.

Several residential roads were visited by a gully cleaning gang in early May.

A Surrey County Council drainage investigation team visited a property in Weysprings.

A number of highways projects (which are all aiming to improve pedestrian safety) have been delayed until the summer, due to resource constraints within the County Highways Design Team.


Visited Stepping Stones with Cllr Linda Kemeny, Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement. Received a warm welcome from the students. Also, had a tour of Undershaw to see how work is progressing on site. You can read about our visit here on the Stepping Stones’ website.

Undershaw Building Works

Undershaw Building Works

South West Trains Student Fare Card scheme in response to requests from residents, successfully lobbied to extend the Student Fare Card for 16-18 year old students travelling by train from Haslemere to Liss, Liphook and Petersfield. This new concession will start in Sept 2015. Here is a letter from a resident regarding the concession: SFC resident letter to press.

Herons Skate Park, March 11, 2015 – attended the opening of the newly refurbished skate park, now a fantastic facility for young people in Haslemere and the surrounding community. Supported the successful bid for SCC Community Improvement funding for the project. Also, funding was provided by Waverley Borough Council.

Opening of Haslemere Skate Park

Opening of Haslemere Skate Park

Woolmer Hill Orchestra Day and Young Musician of the Year, March 19 2015 – funded event with Member’s Allocation. Woolmer Hill pupils and staff played host to over 50 local primary school children to work on 2 pieces of music before giving a mass concert, followed by the finals of the Young Musician of the Year contest – highly talented local musicians.

Woolmer Hill Orchestra Day

Woolmer Hill Orchestra Day

Haslemere Library Kids Book Group, March 7 2015, (haslemerekidsbookclub@hotmail.com), met local children’s author Kelly McKain, children fascinated understanding how Kelly writes and illustrates her books. The event was supported by the library Art and Craft Fund to which I have awarded two grants from my Member’s Allocation.

Attended Haslemere Town Council’s Annual Awards Ceremony. It was gratifying that a few Award Winners had been recipients of my Surrey County Council member allowance.

Public meeting to discuss proposed housing development at the top of Lion Lane, Haslewey, 11 May 2015.

Cheered cyclists over the finishing line at Little Lumpy, 17 May 2015.

Cllr Nikki Barton with Ken Griffiths, Organiser of Little Lumpy

Cllr Nikki Barton with Ken Griffiths, Organiser of Little Lumpy

Local bus services review. I am pleased to report the good news that, following a full bus service review by Surrey County Council, bus services aren’t going to be cut locally.


Waverley Local Area Committee pre-meeting, March 2 2015

Waverley Local Area Committee Cycle Strategy meeting, March 9 2015

Environment and Transport Select Committee, March and April meetings – minutes of the March meeting and draft minutes of the April meeting are online here. (Next meeting is 11 June 2015 – Agenda here.)

Full Council, March 17 2015 – agenda and minutes here.

Waverley Local Area Committee March 20 2015 – draft minutes are now online here. (Next Waverley LAC meeting is 26th June, 1.30pm. Agenda here.)

Full Council May 19, 2015 – agenda here.


South West Trains Stakeholder Conference, Woking, March 19, 2015.

SCC Place and Sustainability Team and Sustrans (www.sustrans.org) March 11, 2015 to discuss commissioning a travel plan for Haslemere train station. SWT will be providing a new bike hub for 100 bikes, the forecourt is to be reconfigured and additional station parking may be provided. In the light of these changes I believe an integrated travel plan is needed, to improve linkages for all transport modes between the station and the surrounding town.


Utility works on Tilford Road, Hindhead, (near junction Portsmouth Rd/London Rd) from Tues 26th May 2015 for 4 working days. 2 way temp signals.

Haste Hill resurfacing delayed until 9th June as Thames Water need to carry out work on a pressure valve. This work is part of the Project Horizon scheme.

County Council Update from Nikki Barton for Haslemere

Please see my latest update of activities in the community since the New Year.


Haslemere Youth Campus

Attended Haslemere Town Council (HTC) meeting (15th January) where a large number of representatives from user groups of the Youth Campus in Wey Hill, including many brownies and scouts, staged a demonstration asking for HTC’s support to remain at the site and to be given a long lease so that they can invest in improvements. Local scout leader Paul Buckler then gave a short presentation outlining their plans. This is the open letter and annexe that were sent to Waverley Borough Councillors by the youth campus stakeholders.

Haslemere Train Station

Very positive meeting with SWT and SCC passenger transport (19th January) the long-term outcome of which will hopefully work towards a more integrated transport strategy.

Issues discussed included SWT/SCC plans for Haslemere train station forecourt reconfiguration to prioritise buses, pedestrian and cycle access- I raised my concerns that the planned changes must be integrated with associated highways improvements on Lower Street, that adequate public information must be given before the works are carried out as they will impact on the current parking in the station forecourt and that although a positive step to promote buses, the current SCC passenger transport review may in fact modify local bus services.

It was agreed that a station travel plan is needed in order to develop a more holistic transport strategy going forward. SCC is currently working in partnership with SWT to draw up a package of travel plans for a number of Surrey train stations – I have requested that Haslemere is prioritised.

The request that Haslemere Visitor Information Centre should have a greater presence at the station was positively received by SWT – I am currently following up on this. The general need for improved signage at the station, including real time bus information, was discussed and should be introduced as part of the forecourt reconfiguration.  A bid has been made for funding for a ‘Cycle hub’ for 100 bikes at the station – news on this later in March.

SWT: an additional 18 cycle parking spaces at the station are currently being installed.

Cycle improvements - Haslemere Station

Haslemere Conservation Area

Attended Haslemere Conservation Area Review meeting (on 29th January) at Haslemere Town Council. See here for more information about Haslemere’s town centre conservation area.

Haslemere Vision

Attended Haslemere Vision housing workshop (31st January). Once written up, the minutes will be here.

Undershaw/Stepping Stones School

Attended Undershaw planning meeting (4th February) and gave strong support for the planning application on education grounds (my letter to The Herald is here). Very pleased it was approved by Waverley Southern Planning Committee, the final decision is currently with the Secretary of State.

Local Highways Issues

Road safety continues to be an issue in several areas, meetings with residents and SCC highways:

  • Three Gates Lane/Church Road/A286 junction to discuss potential safety measures on A286 approach to Haslemere, including providing a permanent electricity supply to the VAS (currently solar powered), adding a small VAS speed sign opposite the Museum and moving the 30 limit signage
  • Grayswood to discuss improving safety for pupils in response to school expansion. Agreed to fund dropped kerb outside the school and gateway signage into village.  Local residents, the school, and the Village Traffic Liaison Group requested an extension of double solid centre white lines further north on the A286 to improve pedestrian safety. I supported this request, and asked SCC highways and the police to consider this.  The request has been rejected on technical grounds.
  • Critchmere Lane/Liphook Road junction to discuss pedestrian safety issues, unfortunately the lack of road width backed by the high railway bank precludes adding a pavement, SCC highways agreed to look at additional road markings
  • Woolmer Hill School to discuss pupil road safety with SCC schools road safety officer, agreed that best option is manned crossing patrol.
  • Shottermill Infant School to discuss pupil safety.
  • I have also requested that SCC highways respond to residents’ pedestrian safety concerns at the Sturt Road- Sun Brow/Kings Road junctions and along Scotland Lane.

Parking issues:

  • Lining outside St Bartholomew’s School have been reinstated following resurfacing. Other lining agreements from the Parking Review 2014 will be carried out soon. The lining team is running behind because of the volume of lining in Farnham. Have requested Haslemere is first on the list in the next parking review.
  • Lloyds Bank car park – access to the car park has been blocked causing knock-on effects to parking up College Hill and in Hill Road.  The landowner has now installed a railing, blocking pedestrian access down the side of the car park into the High Street. I have been in touch with the Surrey Legal Team regarding the possibility of formally designating this a right of way based on history of use. Have also arranged to meet Waverley’s Fire Safety Officer to assess access.

Other local works:

  • Met Vicarage Lane residents about potholes. The road has been included in Project Horizon (Surrey-wide highways improvement program) and is due for repair soon.
  • Lion Green footpath confirmed for repair
  • Vegetation work at Trout Road roundabout
  • Review of other locations raised by WBC and HTC at Manor Close, Oak Tree Lane/Sunvale
  • Residents of Sunbrow/Sickle Road continue to face highways issues linked to the the narrow width of the highway and the erosion of the bank below the WBC recreation area.
  • Installation of width restriction sign on Woolmer Hill.
  • Maintenance of street lights on Town Hall
  • Trying to help address issues of overflowing safety at Nutcombe Lane, Meadway

Waverley Local Area Committee funded Highways Improvement Schemes

  • Railings outside Clayton jewellery shop: a replacement model agreed with WBC conservation officer and HTC, date for installation tbc
  • Gateway/junction safety improvements at Courts Hill Road/Hill Road: design complete, installation date tbc
  • Pedestrian crossing safety improvements Shepherds Hill/Lower Street junction: design complete, installation date tbc
  • Gateway/traffic calming A287 and hopefully A286 approaches to Haslemere: in design stage

Other local matters

Attended a meeting with Haslemere Town Council and Surrey Waste Management to discuss the planned removal of the Saturday waste removal service. (Haslemere Dustcart Briefing Note)

Continuing to attend social service/education review meetings for a family with adopted children who are not currently getting the help they need.

To continue to put Haslemere First, always looking to improve the way local councillors work together. Made request to Haslemere Town Council suggesting ways of working more cooperatively and collaboratively by increasing councillor use of social media, joint councillor surgeries and posting recordings of meetings.

Community Pride Fund 2014-15

I have used these funds to provide a new grit bin for Scotlands Close, bike racks at Haslewey and to fund a week of a SCC vegetation gang.

Haslewey Bike Rack OpeningNew bike racks at Haslewey

County Councillor Members’ Allocation 2014-2015

Here is a summary of my members’ allocation awards: Logs4Labour

Logs for Labour scheme

  • Logs4Labour, £300
  • Haslemere Library, Children’s Arts & Craft Fund, £150
  • Woolmer Hill School, Orchestra Day & Young Musician Of The Year, £600
  • 1st Haslemere Scout Group, Camping & Outdoor Event Equipment, £1081
  • Haslemere Citizen’s Advive Bureau, New Boiler, £1,836
  • Crossways Counselling, Training for Counsellors, £1,800
  • Haslemere Vision, £3,000
  • St Johns Ambulance, First Aid Equipment, £962
  • Haslewey, Brighter Futures Project, £3,000

Haslewey Brighter FuturesSurrey Meetings

Environment and Transport Select Committee

Attended E & T Select Committee meeting (agenda here) (on 22nd January). Raised a question concerning the large number of highways projects where matched funding is required, concerned that this will negatively impact on Local Area Committee funding; however, Cabinet Member John Furey assured me it would not.

Met Cabinet Member for Transport and Surrey Communications Strategy team (22nd January) to discuss what lessons could be learned from the recent A286 example of poor communication.  Very useful, resulted in the planned development of a county wide protocol including the use of social media, local radio and the Member for Transport. Used social media (Facebook and Twitter) to share daily updates for the A286 roadworks and thanks to everyone who shared the information.

SCC Highways

Organised a meeting (26th January) with Living Streets, representatives from Haslemere Vision and SCC Highways Sustainability team. We discussed the options for a street audit to help create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets in the town.  I’ll write a separate update about this in the coming weeks.

Residents Association/Independent Group

Attended Independent Group meeting (3rd February) to discuss the council’s budget, which due to a further reduction in central Govt grant will result in cuts to local services. Despite this, SCC cabinet members have recently been awarded significant pay increases.  One of the Independents told the BBC here:

Councillor Eber Kington, from the Residents’ Association, said: “This council will not look at ways of saving money on the cost of running itself.”

Meetings of Waverley Youth Task Group (9th & 11th February) awarding contracts for Youth  Local Prevention Framework (1 to 1, and community outreach contracts). The priority of the framework is to build the resilience of young people and to remove identified barriers to their future employability as part of Surrey’s early help arrangements. For more information on youth services on offer in Waverley: www.new.surreycc.gov.uk- search: “young surrey”.

Waverley Local Area Committee

Last Minutes from LAC meeting here. Next meeting will be on 20th March in Haslemere Hall and you can view the agenda here once it is ready. Please note the Waverley Local Area Committee is on Twitter, @WaverleyLC.


Surrey PCC Kevin Hurley commissioned YouGov plc to carry out independent research of Surrey people over a series of months to understand public sentiment towards the referendum. The questions asked and the corresponding results are here.

Notice of Surrey Community Action Funders’ Fair on 17th March – Funding Fair Invitation

“Are you looking after someone but juggling too much? The council is launching a fortnight long campaign, on Monday 2nd March to signpost people whose lives are squeezed by caring duties to information and support. It will also encourage them to talk to their GP about their caring role. Across Surrey there are people who spend much of their time juggling a career and running their home, while carrying out caring duties. Often referred to as “sandwich carers”, they will be providing unpaid care, mainly for an older or frail parent or relative, while also helping care for other family members, such as grandchildren. Such a caring commitment can put people under considerable stress, affecting their health and wellbeing.” Also see Hidden Carers here.

The Care Act is the biggest change to English adult social care law in over 60 years. Surrey County Council has a page here intended to help you understand the Act and how the council is responding in Surrey. 

YHA Hindhead ceases to be a youth hostel on 31st March this year as the lease has expired and it is going back to the National Trust. YHA Tanners Hatch is also available for Exclusive Hire, group bookings and individual/family bookings. The Youth Hostel is in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty close to Dorking. For further details please see  http://www.yha.org.uk/hostel/tanners-hatch and http://exclusive-hire.yha.org.uk/properties/england/yha-tanners-hatch

Utility works in Wey Hill

For information, I advise of some impending utility works on Wey Hill, Haslemere. The works will be at the junction of St Christopher’s Road. The works are using two way temporary signals.

These works are being carried out by Thames Water and are to install new water services.

Due to the significance of this location, we have requested the works to take place in the school half term between  Monday 16th February 2015 to Friday 20th February 2015.

Highways Roadworks Update

Two important updates relating to road repairs.

A286 Road Re-Surfacing

Further to the ongoing Project 400 carriageway resurfacing scheme at the A286 Haslemere /Grayswood Road, please be advised that major issues with the existing surface water drainage and gully cleansing maintenance progress have meant slow progress during the recent heavy rains. This repair scheme has now overrun and as such will now continue for at least another week up to the 21st November 2014.

A287 Hindhead Road Re-Surfacing

The scheme is due to commence on the 17th November and completion is projected as 4th December, weather permitting. Working hours are 20.00 to 06.00 except 4th Dec when a revised start time of 21.00hrs will be in place (to help with the Haslemere shopping night – click on poster below and please help to support all our local businesses).

Chamber Shopping Haslemere

Limits are the junction of Polecat Hill in the North (including the section across the junction) and the Jn Lion Lane. The works teams will isolate the section across the junction with Polecat Hill so that it can be worked on and then the closure can be moved forwards, which will allow the junction to be re-opened.

There will be ‘Gatemen’ stationed at either end of the closure. Armed with ‘Walkie Talkies’ they will be in direct contact with each other and the workforce and will be able to direct any residents living off of the closed section of road so that they can be informed as to whether they can access their residence through the works at that point or if they need to follow the diversion round (or any other suitable way they may know) and gain access via the other end of the closure. VMS signs are in place and signs and letter drops have taken place.

And finally

Derby Road East outside St Bartholomew’s Primary School has now been repaired. The council has appreciated the e-mails and tweets with thanks from The Headteacher at St. Bartholomew’s, the Derby Road and Weydown Road Residents’ Association and town residents.