Tag Archives: Haslemere

Councillor Update

Here’s my Councillor update from recent weeks.

1. Waverley Parking Review: parking proposals discussed at Local Area Committee Meeting December 13, 2013.  Necessary changes proposed based on safety, accessibility and efficiency of parking capacity. The statutory traffic order notices marking the start of the 28 day consultation period will be printed in the Haslemere Herald in the first week of March, 2014.  To speed up the decision and implementation process, a special parking meeting, open to the public, will be held on May 9th, 2014 (ahead of the July LAC), 1.30pm, Godalming Baptist Church.

2. Foster’s Bridge: To address the flooding problem, SCC Highways have recently installed six new gullies, and installed larger frames and lids on the six existing gullies to increase the catchment area for runoff. To reduce the debris that currently washes down into the gullies during heavy rains from the railway embankment, a retaining curb has been constructed. In the longer term SCC is carrying out an investigation into the issue and I have secured Local Area Committee funding to carry out any more significant works should they be identified as necessary.

3. Haslemere train station, Multi-Storey Car Park planning application:  Met with Jeremy Hunt to express my concerns about the current application. This letter sent to Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick McLoughlin outlines these issues.

4. David McNulty, Chief Executive Surrey County Council Haslemere visit 17th Jan, 2014 (find briefing note for the visit here). I wanted to show David McNulty that, while the perception of Haslemere held by many I meet up at County Hall that Haslemere is indeed one of great privilege, such a view fails to recognise that Haslemere is also a community facing many challenges including economic hardship and isolation. The aim was for a range of members of our community to be heard first hand by the Chief Executive so that any future strategic or operational discussions, relevant to Haslemere, at Cabinet and Executive level would be based on a more informed understanding.  Helen Bowcock, High Sheriff for Surrey joined the visit.  The feedback from the visit was extremely positive.

5. Members Allocation 2013/14:  Funds allocated to date:

  • £500 Skateboard event, August 2013
  • £500 Looked After Children Fund, contribution to personal savings scheme for children in SCC care
  • £200 contribution to new tree at the bottom of Shepherds Hill to replace badly split old tree
  • £400 Tennyson’s Sure Start Children’s Centre, wet weather clothing
  • £551.20 The Wave, hedge trimmer: the Wave, volunteer group providing free home and gardening help to the vulnerable and elderly
  • £765 Haslemere Scouts: new tents and mess tent
  • £2400 Crossways Counselling, start up costs for couples and family therapy provision

To be confirmed:

  • Approx £5000 bus shelter, Critchmere Ave and Border Road
  • £2000 Haslemere First Responders: 2 full medical kits including portable defibrillators for newly qualified First Responders
  • £TBC Haslemere Hockey Club: schools and disability program
  • £TBC Haslemere Football Club: exchange visit
  • £TBC Haslemere Pavillion Recreation Ground Association:  repairs

Funding the bus shelter may mean that funding for the Haste Hill railings work will not be possible this year from SCC members’ allocation.  To be discussed with HTC to understand if HTC Community Fund/Lengthsman Scheme funding could be used for this project.

6. Shepherds Hill/Lower Street Railings: Held lengthy discussions with SCC Highways. John Hilder, SCC Highways sent the following to residents to explain the SCC position.

I am writing to reiterate my decision, which remains as before, that incurring further public expense on replacing or materially altering the railings installed in Shepherds Hill last year is not justified, and that we will now proceed with completing outstanding works on these and the railings in Lower Street, as well as resurfacing the footway there.

To recap – the then SCC councillor, Steve Renshaw, sponsored the new railings in both roads using his member allocations accumulated over two years.  A consultative group intended to agree the style of the new railings and comprising borough, town and county councillors & officers was established but failed to meet, and the style was eventually selected by WBC planning/conservation officers. There have been complaints about the lack of consultation with residents, but Steve Renshaw, representing the residents of Haslemere, did not require such consultation and SCC Highways would not normally consult residents for this type of project, rather the relevant planning and conservation authorities.

I have agreement from SCC and WBC that if residents approve, planters will be provided for the railings on Lower Street.

6. Youth Task Group, Jan 20th, 2014: discussion of Local Prevention Framework, Services for Young People and the Individual Prevention Grants.

7. Local Area Committee, private meeting, Jan 29th, 2014:

Project Horizon, roads to be reconstructed as part of Program Year 1: Shepherd’s Hill, Courts Hill Road, Weysprings, Sandrock (dates advised as April 2014, but bad weather is causing delay).  It was agreed with the Project Horizon team that the junction area of Shepherd’s Hill and Lower Street will be repaired as part of the Shepherd’s Hill reconstruction.

Family, Friends and Community Support team, highlighted the role of Surrey Information Point- www.surreyinformationpoint.org.uk – for care, community and health information and support available locally.  Any local group providing community services is encouraged to include their details on the website.

Surrey Cycle Strategy, Local Area Committees have been given the responsibility of preparing local cycle plans by the end of 2015. I raised the issue of improving provision for cyclists within the road resurfacing project known as Project Horizon.  The SCC Highways team confirmed that Surrey’s cycling team will be involved when resurfacing is planned. It was agreed during the meeting that the Waverley Cycle Forum should be involved in both local cycle plan, and Project Horizon discussions.

8. Additional Highways Information:

VAS speed sign on Grayswood Road approach into Haslemere has been vandalised. Repairs will be carried out in the next 2 weeks.

A number of street lights are not working. Skanska will be repairing in the next two weeks.

Fallen trees are blocking the footpath that runs parallel to the railway line from St Bart’s Church to the back of High Lane. A ‘vegetation gang’ will be working next week to remove these and other fallen trees.

I am meeting with members of the SCC Strategy team to discuss commissioning a full transport/movement study for Haslemere, including some scenario visioning along the lines of the current Guildford City Council project.

7. Meeting with Haslemere Town Council on 30th January 2014: Presented a summary of the above items to the members present.


8. Update from Haslemere Library: National Libraries Day – Saturday 8 February 2014

National Libraries Day is a successful initiative for advocacy; on the day there will be events in libraries throughout the county resulting in media and social network interest. Haslemere Library will be promoting what they do and why it is valuable during their event. Follow Haslemere Library on Twitter, @HaslemereLib.

9: Traffic bulletin: Hindhead Tunnel closures cancelled, Surrey: HIGHWAYS AGENCY News Release issued 31 January 2014 http://www.highways.gov.uk/news/press-releases/traffic-bulletin-hindhead-tunnel-closures-cancelled-surrey/

Road users were advised that the planned full closure of the A3 Hindhead Tunnel in Surrey for Friday 31 January and Saturday 1 February were cancelled due to poor weather conditions.

Forecast weather of strong winds and heavy rainfall meant that it would be unsafe to carry out the work and operate a full closure of the tunnel. The closures are required for systems maintenance to be carried out, both inside and outside the tunnel, and these will now be rescheduled.

10: Surrey Uncovered: all the facts at your fingertips

Visit Surrey-i, http://www.surreyi.gov.uk/MainMenu.aspx type “Surrey Uncovered” into the search box, Google style, and have a look at the wealth of insight we have made publicly available.

11. Wey Hill Fairground Public Inquiry: I very much welcome the decision of the Planning Inspectorate to change the venue of the Fairground car park public inquiry from Godalming to Haslemere. GIven the strength of public feeling about the Waverley’s planning application that has resulted in this public inquiry being called, it would be an extraordinary decision to choose a venue outside Haslemere. While I support the inquiry as part of a democratic process via which the community will be given the opportunity to express their views about the resurfacing an area of common land and the installation of lighting columns and pay and display meters, I am most concerned that WBC have set aside £30,000 of tax payers money to fund this inquiry, (initially £20,000 was set aside with, I understand, a further £10,000 recently agreed).

Given the current financial cut backs facing local government services, and the strength of public opposition to Waverley’s plans for the site, I would suggest that a far better use of £30,000 of tax  payers money would be to resurface the site and let it remain as a valuable source of free parking for both commuters and all those that use the short stay parking to visit the public library, shops and businesses in Wey Hill.

I urge everyone to attend the public meeting on April 8th, 9th and 10th to express their views. It will be held at The Royal School, in Haslemere.

Foster’s Bridge Update

The SCC Highways team has begun work on trying to improve the drainage under Foster’s Bridge which has repeatedly flooded during the extreme, heavy rainfalls we have recently been experiencing.

To increase the catchment area for the runoff water, six new gullies are being created and larger frames and lids will be put on the six existing gullies. To reduce the debris that currently washes down into the gullies during heavy rains from the railway embankment, a retaining curb is being constructed on the approach to the bridge.

It is hoped these measures will go some way to prevent the flooding.

In the longer term, SCC is carrying out an investigation into the issue and I have secured Local Area Committee funding to carry out any more significant works should they be identified as necessary.

Agenda LAC (Waverley) Dec 2013. Parking Review. Surrey Cycling Strategy. Next Full Council. Local Items

Cycle strategy meeting on 28th November 2013

Attended this meeting. View webcast here:

Item 13 of the LAC December 2013 meeting (see below) will consider the outcome of the recent consultation.

You may be interested to read the Draft Consultation, Surrey Transport Plan – Cycling Strategy 2014 – 2026 here.


LAC Waverley meeting 13th December 2013

A review of the Phase 1 changes to the on-street parking arrangements in Haslemere that were introduced earlier this year (including residents-only parking and some yellow lining) is currently being carried out by the SCC parking team.  The review recommendations will be discussed at the Local Area Committee meeting being held in Godalming at 1.30pm on Friday December 13th, 2013.  The Committee can agree with the recommendations or adjust them, following which final recommendations will be published in the Haslemere Herald and in the Library for a period of public consultation.

All feedback will be taken into consideration and the recommendations with or without amendments will be taken to the Local Area Committee meeting in March 2014 for decision.

I have worked with the parking team to assess the impacts of Phase 1 with reference to 3 key criteria: Safety, Access and Efficiency. In my view, any refinement, enhancement or modification of the current Phase 1 arrangements will need to be based on these criteria alone.  This means that we can expect a relatively modest number of recommendations to come out of this regular parking review.  The full SCC parking review report and maps, are included in the committee papers, including the agenda.

The annual review of on-street parking in Waverley-wide car parking review is item 8 (pages 9-112), Waverley-wide review here.

If you only wish to read the Haslemere Review and see the maps, click here.

Environment & Transport Select Committee

Here is the agenda for the meeting of the Environment & Transport Select Committee to be held on 12 December 2013.

Items include:

  • Surrey Highways Customer Service & Resident Satisfaction
  • Community Recycling Centre Service Update
  • Tree Maintenance
  • Gully Cleaning Update

Next Full Council meeting

The agenda for the meeting of the COUNTY COUNCIL on 10 December 2013 is available here.

The meeting will be held in the Council Chamber and available to watch live on the Council’s website (http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/webcasts).  There is public seating in the gallery for approximately 50 people.


Wey Hill Re-surfacing

I am delighted that following extensive discussions with SCC highways Wey Hill has now been fully resurfaced.  In my November uopdate, I mentioned that there had been interim repairs. It was surprising to discover that Wey Hill was not included in the Project Horizon road repair program. I am grateful to John Hilder and his team at SCC for agreeing that the extremely poor condition of the road warranted a full repair.

Members’ Allocation

All SCC County Councillors receive a members’ allocation, £12,826 to be spent in their local communities.  I encourage any groups that would like to apply for some funding for their charity or community projects to contact me at nikki.barton@surreycc.gov.uk.  The deadline for applications for the 2013/14 is mid February, so I do urge anyone interested to apply.

Councillor Surgery

I look forward to receiving any input from people in Haslemere and Grayswood, and will host a surgery from 9.30-11.00am on Monday 9th December at Haslewey. See here for more information.

Junction Place

The yellow lines have been finally removed from Junction Place slip lane and this means there is space for more parking for shoppers here now.

Camelsdale Admissions Consultations

I wrote about this last week. Please read here.

Waitrose Local Producers Shopping Event

Waitrose are hosting a Christmas Shopping Evening between 4-8pm on Thursday 12th December. There are several local producers such as Langhams Brewery (Surrey), Wickham Vineyard (Fareham), More Food Cakes (Chichester), Farmhouse Cookery (West Sussex) which will offer tastings of their products, all stocked by Waitrose.

Councillor Surgery on Monday 9th December 2013, 9.30 – 11.00am

I will be holding a Councillor surgery on Monday 9th December 2013, 9.30 – 11.00am.

This will be at the Haslewey Community Centre.

This will be an open session where you can get information and advice, inquire about services that Surrey County Council provides, or speak with me about a council issue that you may wish to raise.

I look forward to meeting with you.

Proposed Changes for Admission to Camelsdale Primary School.

This was brought to the attention of Surrey County Councillors and Surrey’s Borough and District Councillors today by Claire Potier, Principal Manager Admissions and Transport (Strategy), SCC.

This is an extract of the communication but please read this document here for more information.

Dear Colleague

Surrey County Council is consulting on the proposed changes to admission arrangements for some community and voluntary controlled schools from September 2015. Full details of the consultation and the changes being proposed are available at www.surreysays.co.uk.

Changes to the schools which will be considered to admit local children when assessing nearest school for community and voluntary controlled schools:

Camelsdale Primary School in West Sussex to be added to the list of out of County schools which will not be considered to admit local children.

The consultation on the proposed changes will run until Monday 20 January 2014. I would encourage you to read the paperwork and if you wish to submit your views please complete an online response form. Alternatively if you would prefer to respond on a paper form, please telephone the Surrey Schools and Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004 to request a copy. Please note that only response forms which are fully completed with the respondents name and address will be accepted.

After the closing date, responses will be collated and presented to Surrey County Council’s decision making Cabinet on 25 February 2014. Its decision will then need to be ratified by the full County Council on 18 March 2014.

Once determined the final admission arrangements will be placed on Surrey’s website at www.surreycc.gov.uk/admissions.

I look forward to receiving your comments.

All the best

Claire Potier

Principal Manager Admissions and Transport (Strategy)

Tel: 01483 517689

Wey Hill Resurfacing, Surrey County Council notice

Notice below for full Wey Hill resurfacing. Please note this is not for patched pothole repairs.




(B2131) Wey Hill Haslemere


SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL IN EXERCISE OF ITS POWERS UNDER SECTION 14 (2) OF THE Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers hereby gives notice that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or exit (B2131) Wey Hill Haslemere between its junction with St Christopher’s Green and its junction with Vicarage Lane, a distance of 850 metres.

The restriction will not apply to emergency services, residents or businesses.

The prohibition referred to above will not apply in respect of anything done –

a)  with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform

b)  in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Surrey Police

The restriction specified above is required to allow Surrey County Council to carry out winter damage repairs.

The closure will commence on 25th November 2013 for a period of four nights between the hours of 8pm to 6am. This period may be extended by the County Council if required.

Traffic will be diverted via Lower Street, Wey Hill, Hindhead Road, Portsmouth Road, A3 Portsmouth Road/Milford By-Pass, Guildford and Godalming By-Pass Road, Portsmouth Road, Cherry Tree Road, Haslemere Road, Grayswood Road and High Street or this route in reverse order.



Richard Bolton

Local Highway Service Group

Hazel House

Merrow Lane





For further information please call 0300 200 1003

Next LAC Meeting, Parking Review, Wey Hill Repairs, Fosters Bridge, Fairground Public Inquiry, Members Allocations, Remembrance Service, Project Wenceslas and more

The next Local Area Committee (Waverley)

The next meeting will be on Friday 13th December 2013.

The meeting will include discussion of:

  • Review of on-street parking in Waverley
  • Highways improvement programme 2014-15
  • The work of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey: Kevin Hurley to attend

Download more information here.

SCC Parking Review

LAC Review: SCC Highways parking team are evaluating and reviewing the changes to on street parking introduced earlier this year, including the residents only parking scheme and lengths of yellow lining.

There is no intention to revoke the ROP scheme, and I have discussed this with the parking team, assessing the measures in terms of access, safety and efficiency.   In some areas of the scheme the on street parking capacity is not being used efficiently. There have been some displacement effects.

The parking team will supply me with a map of any alterations proposed which I will circulate before the LAC.  All changes will be taken to the Local Area Committee for discussion on December 13, 2013.  Any alterations approved by the committee will then be advertised in the Haslemere Herald for public consultation.  The parking team will collate all feedback and any changes to the on street parking provision will be voted on at the March, 2014 LAC meeting.

Weydown Road: Double parking at the bottom of Weydown Road is a cause for concern as identified by the residents’ association and Waverley police. I discussed the possibility of pushing through the parking proposals for Weydown Road (a series of parking bays on alternate sides of the road) as an emergency measure with the parking team and the chair of the LAC.  It was considered that the proposals should follow the due process, and be taken to the LAC in December.  I have agreement from both parties that the proposals will be implemented as a matter of priority following the March LAC meeting.  An interim measure of some additional white lining to improve access for one property has been agreed.

The issue of speeding cars has also been identified as an issue on Weydown Road. I requested to PC Canon that some action should be taken.  He has confirmed that Weydown Road will be placed on the Waverley Borough Council Speed Management Plan which will ensure it gets an appropriate level of enforcement/police activity.

Junction Place: SCC parking team has agreed to remove the double yellow lines on the slip road and restore the situation as it was before.  Currently cars are cutting through the slip road at very high speeds.

Project Horizon

The recent bad weather has resulted in delays to some Project Horizon repairs.

Wey Hill interim repairs

These took place on 19th November.

Fosters Bridge

LAC funds have been allocated for a feasibility study to understand why the road under Fosters Bridge floods.  Local residents with expert knowledge suggest improved drain clearance would greatly help the problem.  I have included a bid to the LAC for any structural improvements identified in the report, for example, an additional culvert to divert run off during periods of intense rainfall.

Wey Hill Fairground Car Park Public Inquiry

Received confirmation that the public inquiry into the planned refurbishment by Waverley Borough Council of the Wey Hill Fairground site would be held in April 2014.  The venue for the inquiry is located in Godalming.  Given the importance of this site, and the strength of public concern about its future I believe the meeting should be held in Haslemere. I made contact with the PINS case officer to understand who had made this choice. He confirmed that the responsibility for venue choice lies with the applicant, in this case WBC. PINS sets certain criteria for venue selection.  Haslemere Hall was the obvious choice, but is unavailable over the 3 days set for the inquiry.  I understand that discussions are being held with WBC to see if an alternative venue in Haslemere can be found.

Visits to Local Schools to meet Headteachers

Met Headteachers at Shottermill Infant and Junior Schools to understand how I might support them.

Remembrance Service

Represented SCC at the Haslemere Remembrance Service on Sunday 10th November.

Remembrance Service November 2013 Haslemere

Thanks to the Year 11 pupil at Woolmer Hill school who sent me this photograph, which is part of his portfolio for an application to Guildford College.

Woolmer Hill Year Eleven Memorial

Waverley Borough Council’s Haslemere Conservation Area Appraisal

Agreed to join steering group for Waverley Borough Council’s Haslemere Conservation Area Appraisal. A 6 week consultation period will begin in March 2014. The steering group will feed into the consultation.

Meeting with Town Mayor

Agreed the tree at the junction of Lower Street and Shepherds Hill will be removed and a substitute will be re-planted once funding has been agreed.

Haslemere Town Council’s November Full Council Meeting

Attended this evening and presented my County Councillor report (contents contained in this blog update).

Members’ Allocation

Each Surrey County Councillor receives a members’ allocation of £12,876 per year which must be allocated by the end of February, 2014.  Funding applications must meet the following criteria:

  • projects must benefit the community and be inclusive and accessible to all
  • meet the Council’s agreed policies or priorities
  • one off projects
  • supported by the local County Councillor

Excluded or restricted projects:

  • political organisations
  • delivery of the national curriculum
  • on going revenue costs
  • statutory obligations of other authorities
  • retrospective bids are discouraged

Each Local Committee also has £35,000 of Capital Funding allocated for 2013/14.

Please contact me if you would be interested in applying for funding for a community project at nikki.barton@surreycc.gov.uk.  The application process has been simplified and is now a straightforward process.  Once an application has been agreed, funding is transferred to the applicant within 2 weeks.


Surrey Superfast Broadband project

  • Fibre based infrastructure to over 84,000 Surrey homes and businesses, of this over 15,900 in Waverley.

On-street parking enforcement: role of Local Committee

  • Guildford Borough Council’s parking team run on street parking in Waverley as well as running both on and off street parking in Guildford and the park and ride sites.
  • Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) normally work between 7:30am and 18:15pm Monday to Saturday. Targeted patrols are also arranged outside of working hours to deal with problems that occur outside of the normal working day.
  • The three CEOs are split between the 4 main centres and surrounding areas in a ratio of Farnham (1), Godalming (1), Haslemere (0.5) and Cranleigh (0.5).
  • It has been agreed that surplus generated on the borough or district parking account will be split: 60% to local committee, 20% to the enforcement authority (district council) and 20% to the county council.
  • Regular reviews are needed in order to help improve road safety, increase access for emergency services, improve access to shops, ease traffic congestion and better regulate parking.

Adult Social Care in Waverley

  • In March 2013 Dementia Friendly Surrey launched countywide. For more information please visit www.dementiafriendlysurrey.org.uk.  A Recognition Scheme has been launched, recently Cranleigh held a meeting with local partners to discuss how the village could become more dementia-friendly – could we look at doing the same in Haslemere?

  • The Local Government Association’s Ageing Well programme in Surrey is a collaborative programme of work between the voluntary sector, public health, social care and wider partners to ensure that people are able to live healthy, independent lives, where older people are at the centre of decision making about services and designing new ways of working.  For more information: www.surreyinformationpoint.org.uk.

Sure Start Children’s Centre Report

  • Sure Start brings together services for young children from birth to 5 years and their families in a multi-professional way.
  • Core purpose: child development and school readiness, parenting skills and child and family health and life chances.
  • In Haslemere, the Tennyson’s Sure Start Centre, at St Bartholomew’s Primary provides an invaluable resource for families.


Surrey’s Telecare service

We all value our independence. And there will be times when we will need some support to maintain it. Our Telecare service is one of the ways we help residents remain in their own homes. Telecare provides people with sensors, such as a falls detector or smoke alarm, which are linked to a 24 hour monitoring centre. If there is an emergency, then our residents are not alone even if they live by themselves. And their loved ones can have reassurance from the service too. In 2011, 17% of Surrey’s population was aged 65 years or older. By 2035 it’s predicted that will increase to 24% (figures from Surrey-i). So demand for services like Telecare will increase. Please share information with neighbours who may have use of this service. (http://www.surreytelecare.com/)

Street Works

Communication from John Furey, Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment. Street Works is changing.  On the 11 November this year a new Permit Scheme was introduced to control works being carried out on Surrey’s roads. This replaces the current system known as Noticing.

Further details on the scheme can be found on the website:


Stronger council powers to cut roadworks misery – Road users plagued by roadworks will benefit from a new congestion crackdown launched this week by Surrey County Council. For years, the law has allowed different companies to dig up the same roads at different times, costing the local economy millions a year and causing misery to road users. Now the council is taking control of who digs where, when and with whom by introducing a permit scheme. If companies fail to plan enough to limit their impact on traffic, they will be refused permission to do the work. It is estimated this permit scheme means there will be up to 2,400 fewer roadworks in the county every year, will reduce congestion and save Surrey’s economy around £6.5 million a year.

Hi-tech glue revolutionises road repairs – A high-tech glue has revolutionised Surrey’s road repairs and is set to save taxpayers millions by recycling old roads and making them new. Instead of ripping up old roads and laying new ones, Surrey County Council is now mixing a super-flexible glue with recycled tarmac to transform it into a brand new surface.

Gritters swing into action – Surrey County Council’s winter operation has swung into action. The council’s fleet of gritting lorries was out this week for the first time this winter after road surface temperatures dipped. Ahead of winter, Surrey stockpiled 16,000 tonnes of salt, prepared 39 hi-tech gritters and signed up an army of farmers equipped with spreaders and ploughs. In addition, more than 1,800 roadside grit bins were filled. Roads were gritted extensively over night 19th-20th November.

Surrey’s Home to School Transport Policy

Communication from Claire Potier, Principal Manager Admissions and Transport (Strategy). Surrey County Council is consulting on its home to school transport policy for 2015. Details of the consultation and a link to the online response form are available online at www.surreycc.gov.uk/schooltransportconsultation.

In the current economic climate, Surrey County Council is not proposing any change to its home to school transport policy for 2015. With the cost of transport increasing, Surrey is working hard to ensure that its expenditure under existing policy remains within budget. Any proposal to extend or vary policy would lead to an increase in expenditure on home to school transport and any increase in expenditure would be likely to impact on other services that the Council offers as Surrey would need to consider making savings elsewhere to fund that increase.

However, whilst the County Council has not proposed any changes to its policy, it is interested to hear:

  • the views of Surrey residents and schools on the equity of the existing policy
  • details of any home to school transport difficulties that Surrey parents might currently face; and
  • details of any suggestions for change (recognising that any additional expenditure on home to school transport would mean that Surrey would need to make savings elsewhere).

Details of this consultation have been sent to all Surrey schools and early years providers along with a form of wording that they might use on their websites, in newsletters or on notice boards. However in order to reach a wider audience I am sharing with readers here.


For travel information on the move including Winter gritting information follow www.twitter.com/surreytravel

For seasonal highways information, www.surreycc.gov.uk/highwaysinfoonline

Project Wenceslas

Lions Club of Farnham are promoting an initiative called ‘Project Wenceslas’ which invites people to donate their winter fuel payment if they are not in need of it, which will then be directed to those that are in real need of this assistance.

Please note that you don’t have to be receiving a winter fuel payment to make a donation, this can be done directly by logging on to their justgiving website.

Haslemere Christmas Market – Sunday 1st December 2013, Haslemere Town Centre, 10am to 4pm

Haslewey Christmas Market – 14th December 2013, 10am to 4pm

Free Parking on 7th December – all day

  • WBC Executive, following a letter from government, has agreed to give one free day car parking on the Saturday at the start of December across the Borough.


Local Road Safety Index (via Evening Standard) After months of planning and development, Road Safety Analysis – who independently collated and analysed more than 200,000 pieces of data from the Department for Transport and AXA  – have launched the ‘Local Road Safety Index’.

  • In the past 6 years more than half a million collisions took place on local roads within a 500m   radius of British schools, 85,814 children have been killed or seriously and slightly injured.
  • 67% of parents feel that road safety is an important factor in choosing a school.
  • The index examines all road related incidents within a 500m radius of schools, parents can enter their post codes and see how safe the roads around their schools are.
  • The sponsors AXA are asking volunteers across the UK to complete a survey assessing speed limits, road markings and crossings.
  • Data from the surveys is to be assessed alongside data of the number of incidents in that area to identify what works.
  • Aim of helping to bring down the number of casualties down to 1,500 by 2020, a 40% reduction from 2011.

To find out more about the overall road safety nearest your local school visit this page.

Councillor Update: September/ October

SCC Cycle Strategy Survey

SCC’s Cycle strategy survey – www.surreycc.gov.uk/cyclingstrategy – closes on November 1st, 2013. The survey only takes 5 minutes to complete. Please do take part if you’re an individual or you’re part of a cycling club/organisation and you are interested in making our town a safer place to cycle.

I am motivated by the fact our children and young people cannot cycle safely around Haslemere.  Unlike children in towns and cities across northern Europe, most of our children are ferried to school and their activities by car.  Children enjoy less personal freedom and independence, get less exercise, the cars they are driven in pollute and cause congestion, the time consuming taxi service provided by parents and carers creates stress for all and petrol prices continue to rise.

Cycling Haslemere Barton

Clearly the geography of Haslemere, built on hills with many narrow roads presents considerable a considerable challenge to cyclists, but I believe we can improve the situation. Safer crossings, and reducing traffic speeds are a first step to making cyclists and pedestrians feel more confident about leaving their cars behind.

You may interested to listen to Surrey’s cycling debate hosted by BBC last week. Click here for audio.

A new petition calling for a 20mph speed limit in Haslemere town centre has been launched by a resident of Haslemere: http://petitions.surreycc.gov.uk/20mphzone/

Making Haslemere a better place for cyclists can also bring economic benefits from cycle tourism. Haslemere train station has been identified as a ‘gateway’ to the South Downs National Park within the Two Parks Project (New Forest National Park, and South Downs National Park). Department for Transport Local Sustainable Transport Funds of £150,000 have been awarded to Haslemere as part of the Two Parks Project for initiatives to reduce the impact of traffic on the two parks.  In Haslemere, funds are being used to upgrade a section of the Serpent Way bridle path, improve signage on the route and at the train station, and to support a summer Sunday bus service between Midhurst and Haslemere.

Local Highways Issues

Junction Place:  Met with local businesses and residents concerned about dangers of rat running through the slip road occurring since new double yellow lining has removed parked cars.  The white lining in response has not prevented the rat running.  The loss of valuable on street parking spaces by double lining has also been identified as an issue.

SCC Highways planned to install a bollard at the junction of the slip road with Hindhead Road, which on speaking with local businesses, I understand would impede their client parking and business vehicle access.

I have agreed with SCC Highways that the yellow lining should be removed and the previous situation restored.  The situation will be monitored to assess if a bollard is necessary in the future.

Weyhill Road/Hindhead Road: confusingly not included in Project Horizon, SCC road refurbishment program.  I have agreed with SCC Highways that a full repair of all potholes will be carried out in November, with a micro-asphalt top layer running from St Christopher’s Green to the ESSO garage to be laid in the spring.

Derby Road, St Bartholomew’s School section: Ongoing discussions with SCC Highways and Education departments to find a way to fund repair of increasingly deep and hazardous potholes. Invited Linda Kemeney, Cabinet member for Schools and Education to St Bartholomew’s School.  Very productive discussion on both the school expansion plans, and the state of the road.

Pavements: Several stretches of pavement in the High Street are damaged. Haslemere currently has no funding available from SCC for replacement paving slabs, repairs are being made with tarmac.

Local Area Committee: Funded highways schemes 2013/14

Fosters Bridge: Local area committee funds currently committed for investigation into flooding problem, I will be submitting a bid for additional LAC funding (2014/15) to action any solutions identified.

Critchmere/Hindhead Road junction: feasibility study into traffic management improvements.  In addition SCC highways planning to prohibit left hand turn from right hand spur onto Hindhead Road to improve safety.

Coomers Triangle: feasibility study into one-way system. I have requested that this study be expanded to investigate how to improve safety for cyclists, pedestrians and drivers at Courts Hill Road/Hill Road junction with Shepherds Hill/Midhurst Road. I will be submitting a bid for LAC funding (2014/15) to implement any recommendations.

December Parking Review Issues For Consideration

Weydown Road: issue of dangers caused by double-parked commuter cars raised by residents.  Discussing possible solutions with residents, police and SCC highways.

Residents permit scheme bays: in some locations question over efficiency of use of limited on street parking capacity with resulting negative displacement impacts.

Courts Hill Road west: commuter parking creating access issues for residents.

Junction Place: single yellow lining outside Methodist Church and small row of shops removed valuable customer parking, one hour parking restrictions on Lion’s Mead as church events often exceed one hour.

Bridge Road: displaced cars now double sided parking causing an obstruction, police notices put on fencing to reduce hazard risk.

Kings Road: Yellow lines by The Herons were filled in.

Meetings Attended

Two Parks Sustainable Transport Stakeholder Conference: Brockenhurst, New Forest. Attended in my role as SCC ‘champion’ for Haslemere within the Two Parks Project. A very interesting event looking at the future of sustainable transport in the New Forest and South Downs National Parks, while celebrating what has already been achieved.  Brighton’s Fun Way to the Beach, Beach Bus, and the New Forest bus, cycle and Twizy (one man electric cars) tours,  www.brandnewforest.com, demonstrated what can be done. Richard Hammond, Chief Executive of Greentraveller, illustrated the power of social media campaigns in promoting sustainable tourism. His message was that selling ‘an experience’, rather than a destination is the most powerful marketing tool.  I believe Haslemere could be marketed using his approach, an idea I discussed with Richard and intend to follow up. You may be interested to view this BBC item, New Forest and South Downs National Parks discuss green transport.

One Team Working Together Workshop, County Hall, Kingston: bringing together members of Local Committee’s and Community Partnership teams aimed at building relations between officers and members, and looking at how stronger links can benefit the residents of Surrey.

Waverley Local Area Committee, Cranleigh. Sept 20th.  Click here for meeting agenda, decisions and draft minutes. Requested that the Surrey Cycling Strategy be given proper consideration on next year’s agenda. The next Waverley Local Area Committee meeting will be on 15th December 2013, in Godalming Baptist Hall.

Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group meeting, Churt Pavillion, Churt: Discussion with SCC Highways and Waverley Borough and Town Council representatives for Haslemere setting priorities for Local Area Committee highways improvements budget 2014/15.  The budget available to the Waverley LAC for highways improvements will not be specified until March 2014 at the earliest, however last year £800,000 was allocated to the LAC to be shared among Farnham, Godalming, Cranleigh and Haslemere and Western Villages. The agenda I have set for Haslemere (some listed above under Funded Highways schemes) includes: improvements to resolve recurring flooding at Fosters Bridge, ‘gateways’ on the approaches to the town, feasibility studies to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety at the Hill Road/Courts Mount Road crossing, the Lower Street/Shepherds HIll junction, and to consider a green way for cyclists/pedestrians avoiding Fosters Bridge in conjunction with a signed network of cycle, walking routes, an additional pedestrian crossing at Weyhill, replacement of the broken railings outside Claytons Jewellers in the High Street, and decluttering to remove redundant signage in the town. I also requested that a refurbishment of the red safety banding on the A286 entering Grayswood should also be included in the priority list, however I understand that this will be carried out during the Project Horizon road resurfacing planned for 2014/5.

Sturt Farm Development, Pre-Planning Application Consultation, Haslewey, Haslemere: Raised my concerns with planning consultants about additional pressure of the 150 planned homes on primary school places, Haslemere primary schools are currently close to maximum capacity, and on traffic flows on Sturt Road.  The lack of an adequate pedestrian path/crossing from Sturt Road to Kings Road in the plan at present is of concern.

Haslemere Vision, 2nd Visioning Workshop, Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Haslemere: community engagement event. Please take the time to fill in their Engagement Survey.

Various meetings with SCC highways, parking, sustainable transport and transport policy teams at SCC Highways offices in Merrow and in Haslemere

Service for the Judiciary, Holy Trinity Church, Guildford, at the invitation of the High Sheriff of Surrey, Dr Helen Bowcock.  An annual service is held to celebrate the start of the new legal term and to offer support to those responsible for keeping the law of the land. During the service the High Sheriff read an Affirmation of the Shrieval Promise, a tradition that dates back hundreds of years.

Judiciary 2 Judiciary 1

Read press coverage and see more pictures of the Service for the Judiciary here.

Waverley Local Area Committee Private Briefing:  Wey and Arun Canal, proposals for Compasses Bridge, Surrey cycling strategy, and Surrey schools briefing.

Full Council meeting, Kingston, October 15th.: Click here for agenda and reports pack. spoke to support Lib Dem motion promoting openness and transparency in decision making.

St Bartholomew’s School, Safer Travel Workshop: Presentation by St Bart’s travel coordinator outlining the issues of travel safety, inconsiderate parking and congestion around the school. Parents, staff and local residents discussed ideas including more walking buses, car sharing, increasing scootering and cycling as possible solutions going forward.

Haslemere30 Food Festival: Introduced local schools cookery competition.

Residents Association/Independent Group, County Hall, Kingston:  Finance briefing outlining significant financial pressure on SCC budget combined with a high level of uncertainty as central government funding to local authorities is cut back further (2013, 10% real terms cut in total local govt funding) . Meanwhile demand on education, most notably the need to provide additional primary school places, and social care provisions grows.  Surrey residents receive the lowest Formula Grant support of any county area in England and the third lowest of all English upper tier areas.  Budgets in all SCC departments will need to make significant savings 2013-18.

Rex Cinema Memorial Service, Junction Place. and unveiling of memorial stone at Junction Place. Local resident Mick Bradford has worked tirelessly to research the crash of an RAC fighter plane into the Rex Cinema in 1942 in which 3 young airmen died.

Airmen Memorial Mack Buckler, a local pupil at The Haslemere Preparatory School has made a national award winning short film about Haslemere in the Second World War. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdRNUUXaPzg

This weekend, the Met Office has issued an Amber WIND Alert which covers all of London & SE England to cover the potential impacts from a low pressure system.  This warning also mentions the potential impacts from the rain. The Met Office warning can be viewed on Hazard Manager. Hazard Manager also has some graphics under the ‘Events’ triangle showing possible tracks of the system.

Gritting: Salt stocks are ready for winter – Surrey County Council’s barns have been filled up with 16,000 tonnes of salt ready for ice and snow this winter. Surrey will also be able to call on more than 40 specialist gritting vehicles and a small army of farmers with tractors and ploughs to clear roads across the county. Haslemere’s salting routes are outlined here. If you are a twitter user, please also follow @surreytravel for up to date information on gritting and weather, as well as other travel alerts for Surrey.

Lion Lane Post Office. I received a letter from the Post Office saying the Post Office branch in The Co-operative on Lion Lane is going to be modernised. This is part of a three year investment and support programme. The new look Post Office is scheduled to open at The Co-operative, Lion Lane on Monday 11th November 2013 at 13.00. It will need to close for refurbishment on Monday 4th November at 17:30.

Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group Meets Today

The Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group meets today. The meetings are held in private but I’ll happily share things I’m thinking about that I hope to bring to the meeting. Clearly this is not in priority order. Many items have been discussed with SCC Highways. These topics have been collated through Haslemere Vision feedback. Bear in mind each item has a different price tag and funds are very limited. Some items will not be taken forward. Other items may be added.

  • Gateways on the 4 main approaches to the town: Aimed at enhancing sense of place and influencing driver behaviour/speeds.
  • Feasibility study: Safety improvements at Shepherds Hill j/w Courts Hill Road: Aimed at assisting pedestrian/cycle movement across the A286.
  • Ornate railings at Claytons Jewellers: To match Lower Street/Shepherds Hill.
  • Pedestrian crossing at the museum: Pelican (signal crossing) rather than zebra at this location due to speeds/width.
  • Feasibility study: Pedestrian crossing Shepherds Hill: Crossing at j/w Lower Street.
  • Feasibility study for Haslemere/Weyhill cycle/pedestrian  network: To include looking at off-road link using Network Rail land by Jewsons.
  • De-clutter town centre and Wey Hill parade: Rationalise signs/railings etc.
  • Lighting upgrade Wey Hill parade: Conservation lighting columns to match High Street.
  • Pedestrian crossing Wey Hill at St Christopher’s Green: Probably Zebra as speeds thought to be low.
  • A286 Grayswood Road pedestrian crossing.
  • A286 Grayswood: Refurbish traffic calming by renewing red banding.

Wey Hill, High Street, Critchmere, Cycling Strategy, Kings Road, Crossrail, Sturt Farm. Fracking, Funding, Shepherds Hill, Derby Road, Lower Street, Stoptober

A summary of items I’ve been dealing with in the past couple of months.

Wey Hill: Confirmation from Mark Borland, SCC Highways, that significant patching of Wey Hill will take place on 11th November, 2013 removing all visible defects and potholes. In May/June 2014, the road will be ‘surface dressed’ providing a protective coating over the patching work delivered in November to deliver an overall new road surface.

Unfortunately the surfacing material cannot be laid when temperatures are low, hence the delay until spring/summer next year to complete the scheme.I have requested that Highways consider using this resurfacing opportunity to improve pedestrian safety in Wey Hill and instate a crossing using the existing build out and drop curb at the top of Wey Hill/St Christopher’s Green.  This is an issue that will be brought to the Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group for discussion.

Shepherds Hill lime tree: Agreed with John Hilder, SCC Highways, to wait for Haslemere Town Council decision on way forward. SCC will contribute to the tree. Haslemere Society has also expressed interest in contributing to a replacement tree.

Critchmere traffic survey: John Hilder, SCC Highways, is to chase up on post Hindhead tunnel opening/impact of traffic calming survey in Critchmere.

High Street railings outside Clayton Fine Jewellery: Railings semi repaired by SCC work gang, but apparently work stopped when May Gurney work gang arrived on site. I have asked Highways for clarification, and for any possible funding, to replace the railings.

National Trust notice board to promote Swan Barn and other activities: permission given by SCC Highways to situate outside Boots in the High Street subject to agreement on design by WBC conservation officers and with the understanding that SCC does not take responsibility for maintenance. Awaiting confirmation from SCC Highways on responsibility for installation.

Rex Cinema plaque, Wey Hill: Permission granted by SCC Highways for installation of memorial stone and the memorial service will take place on September 22nd.

Derby Road, St Bartholomew’s School: Made a request to David Hodge that a solution should be found to make the currently unadopted, potholed section of Derby Road in front of St Bart’s school safe for children, staff and parent access. John Furey, Cabinet member for Transport, was asked to report on all schools across Surrey sited on unadopted roads. There are currently 10.  The initial report suggests resurfacing 85 meters of Derby Road to a standard that would last 10 years at a cost of £17,000. I am waiting for a response to my question on how this repair would be funded.

Two Parks Project: Met with Paul Fishwick, project coordinator to discuss Haslemere as a gateway to the South Downs National Park, including cycle signage, upgrading of sections of the Serpent Trail, the Sunday Midhurst bus service that will start next summer and the potential for improved signage at the station for visitors.  Discussed the possibilities of improving facilities for commuters accessing the station by bicycle on the back of the Two Parks project station upgrade, and ensuring that new signage includes Devils Punch Bowl and wider tourist information. Attended the National Parks sustainable transport stakeholder conference, Sept 12 in Brockenhurst in my role as champion for Haslemere within the South Downs National Park.
Draft Cycling Strategy: Surrey County Council’s draft cycling strategy is now out for public consultation. The strategy has been developed with input from borough and district councilors and sets out SCC’s aims and objectives to increase the numbers of Surrey residents cycling safely whether for travelling to work or school or for leisure and health. It also sets out what is proposed to manage less positive aspects of cycling such as cycle casualties and large numbers of cycling event in some parts of the county.

The consultation runs until 1st November. All the documents are available on the County Council website: www.surreycc.gov.uk/cyclingstrategy.

Comments may also be sent to cyclingstrategy@surreycc.gov.uk

I plan to work with Lesley Harding, SCC ‘Sustainability Group Manager’, to develop a Local Cycle Plan for Haslemere during 2014. Safer cycling and walking access for all ages has been identified as a key issue in the Haslemere Vision public consultation to date. It is very positive that SCC is developing a countywide strategy. Haslemere is well placed to benefit from synergies arising from improving cycle/walking provision for local residents, commuters and tourists.

You may be interested to watch this YouTube video which was sent to all councillors by a Mytchett resident, How the Dutch got their Cycle Paths

Surrey set to lobby for Crossrail 2 and new stations: The county council will argue the case for Crossrail 2 to come into Surrey, as well as for the possibility of new stations at Park Barn and Merrow in Guildford. Article here.

Kings Road exit: no left turn: have requested that signage be reorientated, at present it has twisted round and is not fully visible from the junction.

High Street cobbles: SCC Highways to assess if cobbles need to be re laid to improve pedestrian safety.

Town Hall grass triangle: awaiting response from SCC Highways regarding refurbishment/paving of triangle grass border which is permanently damaged.

Fernhurst Fracking: SCC Highways input to the Waverley Borough response to West Sussex consultation for a scoping opinion: requesting thorough analysis of: potential traffic implications on Haslemere, noise, dust, odour of traffic and operations, impact on drainage and water supplies in the area, impact on landscape and impact on biodiversity in the area.
Sturt Farm development: SCC Highways are not aware at present of this planned application.

I understand the next public consultation by the developer will be 23rd Sept 4-8pm in Hasleway, Lion Green. If there is a formal application, it will be submitted to Waverley Borough Council. List of Waverley Councillors representing Haslemere here.
Outstanding Funded Actions remain from 2012/13 Local Area Committee: Funding allocated for feasibility studies addressing the issues of:

  • Flooding at Fosters railway bridge
  • Traffic management at the Critchmere triangle
  • Traffic management at the Coombers triangle: I have questioned the need for this and feel the funds (approx. £2000) could be better spent elsewhere in Haslemere. As the funds have already been allocated by the LAC it may have to go ahead.

Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group will meet in Oct/Nov, 2013. I will be sending through a provisional list of items for discussion for feedback.

Haslemere Vision: I spoke at a session of Haslemere Vision on Saturday 14th September. This session was a briefing and workshop on what can be in a neighbourhood plan, the process of plan preparation and the planning context behind neighbourhood planning. I’d like to draw your attention to an event relating to Haslemere Vision on Saturday September 28th.  A “visioning” workshop at which the groups will start on the process of developing a shared overarching vision for Haslemere and the Villages in 15 or 20 years time. It will run from 2:00pm till 4:30pm at the Church Hall of Our Lady of Lourdes Church on Derby Road.

Also, please consider taking the time to have your say in Haslemere Vision’s engagement survey.

Next Local Area Committee meeting will be on 20th September 2013 at Cranleigh Village Hall. These are the documents relating to this meeting.

Town Council Update: Presented the above to Haslemere Town Council on 11th September.

In addition…

Lower Street Temporary Traffic Order.The Temporary Traffic Order is required to enable the laying of a new water supply on behalf of Thames Water. The works are anticipated to take place on Sunday 29th September and Sunday 6th October 2013 between the hours of 09:00 hrs and 16:00 hrs within the one month order which commences on the 29th September 2013. View Lower Street – Diversion Diagram.

Stoptober is back and people around the country will take the 28 day challenge to stop smoking during October. Last year over 160,000 people successfully quit smoking for Stoptober, thanks to the wide range of quitting support available. Surrey Stop Smoking Service is supporting the event and will be offering free help and advice to those who want to quit. By stopping for 28 days, people are five times more likely to stay smoke free. Residents who want to give up smoking may visit www.surreycc.gov.uk/stoptober or call 0845 602 3608 to find out more information.