Tag Archives: Haslemere

Longdene Road, Haslemere – Surface Dressing pre-patching (Road Closed)

Dear Cllr Barton

Please find attached the letter for the pre-patching work on Longdene Road, Haslemere. Letters have been delivered today.

Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions

The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.

Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.

We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit www.ourroads.today.

If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know. You can also find up to date details of the works on www.surreycc.gov.uk/roadworks. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on works.communication@surreycc.gov.uk.

Kind regards

Works Communication Officer

Works Communication Team

Surrey Highways

Road closure on Midhurst Road, Haslemere – Pre-patching for Surface Dressing

Please find attached the leaflet for the pre-patching works in preparation for surface dressing on Midhurst Road, Haslemere. The leaflets will be delivered to local residents and businesses tomorrow.

Road closure

30 November

9:30am – 3:30pm

For 3 days

Please see the attached leaflet for the extents of our work.

Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions

The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.

Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.

We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit www.ourroads.today.

Sometimes our plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.

You and your residents can also find up to date details and receive updates of the works on https://one.network/

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email works.communication@surreycc.gov.uk.

Kind regards

Works Communication Officer

Works Communication Team

Surrey Highways

Email: hannah.hayes@surreycc.gov.uk

For more information about what we do, please visit our Surrey Highways website.

We always try to provide excellent customer service; please let us know how we are doing.

You can follow us on Twitter @HighwaysSurrey and Instagram @Surrey_Highways.

Surrey Hills to South Downs CRP; Good news – Cycle back to health project funding

My email to our Community Rail Partners:

Dear Partners,

I am delighted to let you know that we have been successful in obtaining funding from the Community Rail Network to deliver a project that aims to encourage people to jump on their bikes either for the first time, or to return to cycling to improve both mental and physical health while also increasing the use of the valuable town centre station car park spaces.  We will be offering heavily subsidised cycle training in partnership with Surrey County Council, free bike doctor repair sessions and guided cycle rides for all abilities from our partner stations (Haslemere, Milford, Witley, Godalming and Farncombe).

 The project seeks to:

Make use of the station car parks at the stations within the Surrey Hills to South Downs Community Rail Partnership which are now often empty due to the reduction in commuter parking because of Covid restrictions – permission has been granted by SWR management to use station parking capacity within the Surrey Hills to South Downs CRP for both cycle training and bike doctor maintenance sessions.

Encourage station staff to get involved and use the training themselves. (This has been requested by the station manager, who fully endorses the idea of the project)

  • Re-acquaint people with their local stations
  • Create more community activity around rail stations, bringing more local people to the station
  • Promote the cycle facilities that are available at stations
  • Increase inbound tourism by bicycle
  • Encourage greater use of trains by people with bicycles.
  • Support more integrated travel planning – individual or group business and leisure users
  • We have linked up with Surrey Hills Cycle Hire who have agreed to map out some new rides to suit all abilities and rides that start and end at our stations

Surrey CC have agreed to deliver the training at a subsidised rate and are looking forward to working with us. They have already agreed that the bookings for the training can go through their website which is designed to take the bookings

East Hants Rail Partnership have also been successful in obtaining a grant so will work in partnership to promote this exciting project.

We plan to start the project in Spring 2021, depending on the Covid restrictions and look forward to engaging all partners in this exciting initiative.

Best wishes


Temporary traffic lights Lion Green/Wey Hill/Tesco access, Haslemere – Traffic light improvements

Please find attached the leaflet for the traffic light improvement works at the Lion Green/Wey Hill Tesco access junction in Haslemere. The leaflets will be delivered to local residents and businesses over the next few working days.

Lion Green/Wey Hill/Tesco access, Haslemere

Temporary traffic lights

23 November

For 3 weeks

Please see the attached leaflet for the extents of our work.

Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions

The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.

Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.

We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit www.ourroads.today.

Sometimes our plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.

You and your residents can also find up to date details and receive updates of the works on https://one.network/

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email works.communication@surreycc.gov.uk.

Kind regards,

Drew Buerger

Works Communication Officer

Works Communication Team

Surrey Highways

UPDATE 19th November 2020.

Traffic light works – Tesco/Lion Lane – I have a meeting with the project engineer on Monday Nov 23rd – start of works. I requested the works be delayed until after Christmas but have been told the traffic light posts are becoming structurally unsound and also that if the lights fail, the system is now obsolete meaning a repair will not be possible causing greater disruption so the works are urgently needed. SCC team have agreed to expedite works as rapidly as possible, and will provide manual lights for a minimum of 3 days after end of lockdown so they can keep traffic flowing and reduce tail backs.

Update 10th November 2020.

After concerns were raised by the local community regarding the impact these works may have on already struggling local businesses, the decision was made to postpone these works until early next year. The new date is yet to be confirmed and is subject to road space availability.

Mobile Covid-19 testing – Haslemere, 20th and 21st November

Dear Councillors and Clerks,

A mobile Coronavirus testing facility is being established in Weydown Road Car Park, Haslemere, from Friday 20 November to Saturday 21 November.

Testing is available to all those with COVID-19 symptoms, but must be pre-booked online. Booking is open from 5pm the evening before and on the day.

Residents should book on the national testing portal: visiting www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or call the NHS on 119

Key workers should book on the government portal: https://www.gov.uk/apply-coronavirus-test-essential-workers

Those without an appointment will be turned away.

Children under the age of 5 can be tested but there will need to be 2 parents or guardians in the vehicle – one driver plus one adult in the back to administer the test (you must not  leave your vehicle once on site). If only one parent is present, you must park away from the test centre and enter on foot, where you will be taken to a different area for testing.

Those without transport can walk into the testing centre, but will also need a pre-booked appointment.

Please feel free to share with your networks.

Kind regards,

Communications and Engagement Officer

Waverley Borough Council

The Avenue (D5512) Haslemere Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2020


The Surrey County Council The Avenue (D5512) Haslemere Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2020

Surrey County Council (“The Council”) Propose to make the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit all vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of The Avenue (D5512) Haslemere as extends from a point in line with the south eastern boundary of No.38 The Avenue to a point in line with the north western boundary of No.38 The Avenue.

The Order is required to allow critical repair and/or maintenance works to be carried out by, or on behalf of Morrison Utility Services within the length of road described in this notice. These works are anticipated to be carried out between the hours of 8am and 5pm within 3 days of the 12 month period of operation of this Order, which commences on 10 December 2020.

Advanced warning signs will be displayed, and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. There is no applicable diversion route and access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained at all times. There will be no vehicular access for residents, however road plates will be used should emergency access be required.

The Council are satisfied that, in accordance with Section 3(2)(a) and 3(2)(b) of The Act, vehicular access to and from premises within the length of road above, or accessible only therefrom may be restricted in order to avoid danger to persons or other traffic using the road and/or preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising

Local Highway Services Group Manager
Enquiries to:- Traffic Regulation Orders Team, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7BQ
Telephone: 0300 200 1003

Coronavirus business grants

Dear Councillors and Clerks,

You will be aware from the press release that was issued last night, that our application process for the Local Restrictions Support Grant is now live.

I have promoted this on social media and placed a news story on our website – please feel free to share the links below with your local networks.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaverleyBC/status/1326465309201608705

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaverleyBC/photos/a.555104671248028/3776078022483994

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:share:6732230994432196608

Web: https://www.waverley.gov.uk/news/article/669/applications_open_for_local_restrictions_support_grants

We are also working to identify which types of businesses will be prioritised for the Additional Restrictions Grant and hope to have an application process in place within the next two weeks. In order to be notified as soon as the application process goes live, we are encouraging business owners to subscribe to our business e-newsletter via our business support website: https://www.businesswaverley.co.uk/en-GB.

Kind regards,

Communications and Engagement Officer

Waverley Borough Council

Emergency utility works on Lower Street, Haslemere

Dear Councillor,

For your information can I advise you of emergency works being carried out on Lower Street, Haslemere (Jct with Tanners Lane).

BT need to renew the cabling to restore customers’ service. This section of cable serves 1200 customers. The traffic management that is placed is Multi-Way Signals and the estimated end date is the 28/10/2020.

We have requested manual control between 06:30-09:30 & 16:00-18:30 to minimise disruption as much as possible.

Kind Regards,

Network Coordinator – Waverley

Streetworks Team

Update – Haste Hill and Woolmer Hill Tree Removal

Woolmer Hill Road remains closed as four dangerous trees have not yet been removed. The removal of the large ancient oak at the bottom of Haste Hill continues today. The position of the tree is endangering nearby homes and I have paid a site visit. 

I have raised my concerns with the Highways team and SCC leadership about the lack of resources to cope with two major tree incidents in Haslemere at the same time.  

Following the removal of the large fallen branch on Friday in Haste Hill that blocked the road, a large crack throughout the main trunk was discovered resulting in the need to fell the whole tree to prevent it falling on nearby homes. 

The contractor explained that the recent heavy rains, following a long exceptionally dry period creates additional top heavy stress on the trees that are still weighed down by leaves and acorns. The roadside banks are also more fragile after these climatic conditions of drought followed by intense rain.

The lack of a second available tree surgeon team to work on both the Haste Hill and Woolmer Hill emergency has created the totally unacceptable situation whereby the Woolmer Hill trees were not felled over the weekend as I had expected, and the Woolmer Hill road remains closed. 

Any such serious incidents reported are passed directly to the Surrey CC contractors Kier who then sub-contract out to tree specialists in this case having inspected the site. 

The Woolmer Hill incident report initially related to one dangerous tree over the highway, this was dealt with last week but a further 4 trees on the steep embankment were identified as being dangerous, resulting in the continued road closure.  

Over the weekend, the tree contractors visited the Woolmer Hill site and discovered that the situation had changed with the bank at risk of slipping. This changed the equipment required, with an additional larger cherry picker needed. The contractor has had to hire in this equipment that is rarely required.

Works are expected to start on the Woolmer Hill trees tomorrow once the Haste Hill situation has been made safe.

I’ve have been in touch with Woolmer Hill School who will be writing to parents/guardians.