Tag Archives: Haslemere

New Covid-19 testing dates in Haslemere

A mobile testing facility for those with coronavirus symptoms will be in the Haslemere Leisure Centre Car Park, on Fri 26 and Sat 27 June.

Pre-book by 5pm the evening before •

Residents: government guidance here

Key workers: government guidance here


Emergency utility works on High Street, Haslemere

Dear Cllr,

Please be advised of emergency utility works on High Street, Haslemere.

The works are on behalf of Scottish and Southern Energy to repair a low voltage cable fault outside number 49.

They started these works on the 10th June, however our officer has instructed them to amend the traffic management to two-way signals due to safety issues with the previous set up. They currently have an estimated end date of the 26th June.

I trust you find this information useful.

Kind regards,

Please note, due to the current situation with the Corona Virus, I am working from home with limited access to a phone. If you’re unable to get hold of me via phone, please email me.

Network Coordination Team

Agenda for Tomorrow’s Waverley Local Committee

Here is the full agenda for tomorrow’s Waverley Local Committee meeting.

To receive any apologies for absence.

To approve the minutes of the previous meeting on 13th March 2020 as a correct record.

All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter (i) Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or (ii) Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct inrespect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting

Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest·
As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.

To receive any Chairman’s announcements. Agenda item only

To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68.  Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting. A petition has been received from Kate Hayes which contains 48 signatures and reads: 
“We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to make the roads in Waverley safe and keep them properly maintained.  Repair properly and maintain the roads of Waverley so that potholes and uneven road surfaces do not cause safety issues and damage to property.” 

To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69.  
Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.

To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.  The deadline for members’ questions is 12 noon four working days before the meeting.  Notice should be given by email to the Partnership Committee Officer.

To receive a report from the SCC Countryside Access Officer, to consider a map modification order. An application was received for a Map Modification Order (MMO) to add the width of 30’ to the Surrey County Council (SCC) Definitive Statement (DMS) for Public Bridleways 99(part of), 99a and 101 (part of) in the Parish of Thursley.

The report provides an overview to the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Point Trials, setting out the programme of delivery of on-street charge points in the next 12 months and seeks the approval of Waverley Local Committee to advertise the change in Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) required to deliver the charging infrastructure in 20 parking bays in Waverley Borough.

To appoint a County Council Member as the Local Committee representatives on the Community Safety Partnership (‘Safer Waverley Partnership’) during the current municipal year.

To review any outstanding Local Committee decisions. 

To note the proposed forward programme and consider any additional items for future discussion.

To be held on Friday 13th November 2020 at 10am.

More Haslemere Covid19 testing dates

Members of the Waverley Local Committee have been sent the message below about more dates for Covid19 testing in Haslemere:

Dear Waverley Local Committee,
In case you were not already aware, on Friday 12 June and Saturday 13 June there will be a Mobile Testing Unit (MTU) at:
Haslemere Leisure Centre,
Kings Road
GU27 2QT
It is open to anyone with symptoms of COVID-19.
Children under the age of 5 can be tested but there will need to be 2 parents or guardians in the vehicle – one driver plus one adult in the back to administer the test, as people are not allowed to leave their vehicle once on site. If only one parent is present, they should park away from the test centre and enter on foot, where they will be taken to a different area for testing.
You do not need a car to attend this testing centre, you can ‘walk-in’ but an appointment is still required and the MTU will turn away those who do not have a valid QR code/appointment.
In order to book an appointment, individuals should submit their details via one of the links below, and then choose the MTU site as their preferred test location:

Essential workers
General public
People without access to the internet can call 119.

Tribute from BBC Surrey for Community Ken

On Friday, Ken Griffiths, a BBC Surrey and BBC Sussex Community Hero (volunteer award) from 2018, celebrated a big birthday. Mark Carter of BBC Surrey surprised Ken with a tribute on his show last Friday.

Ken is involved in so many local organisations (Little Lumpy, gardening at Haslemere Museum, Haslewey, Wey Hill in Bloom, Haslemere Fringe, Haslemere Festival, Haslemere’s Community Rail Partnership to name just a few…).

In case you missed it, here is the interview in a video format put together by another Haslemere resident, Miles Weston.


Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Now, for our first Make A Difference update today, we’re going to head to Haslemere. We’ll find out what’s going on there with our Community Heroes Awards Winner, Ken Griffiths, otherwise known as Community Ken. He’s with me. Good morning to you, Ken.

Ken Griffiths: Good morning, Mark. Good to talk to you.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Now then. It’s very nice to speak to you. And I’d like to know please, just a brief summary, of just how life is going at the moment in terms of Haslemere and the help and support that’s available.

Ken Griffiths: Well, Haslemere has actually rallied round as Haslemere would and the good people of Haslemere are helping in many many ways. There’s Haslemere Help, which has actually been set up, which is helping local people in getting drugs from the pharmacy, shopping, etc. It’s talking to and helping people who are in isolation. The Community Meals Service is up and running from Haslewey and I know you know Haslewey because you actually broadcast from there before. Just recently, The Haslemere Community Store has just opened offering free food to those who actually need it. So, Haslemere has responded in a great way as I would expect it to.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Very good news. Now let’s remind people if they haven’t come across you before Ken, this is a little bit of the story behind Ken and our brilliant Community Heroes Awards Winner. Let’s just have a listen:

Mark Carter plays a clip of past BBC Surrey interview with Ken Griffiths in 2018 from BBC Surrey BBC Sussex Community Heroes Awards Event.

Ken Griffiths: Welcome to Haslemere Museum on a very autumnal day. The leaves are now fallen. We can actually hear them under our feet. And, here we are, in the grounds of the museum. And, we’re actually restoring them to what they once were in their Georgian heyday.

Music plays

Ken Griffiths: Well for my sins, I seem to volunteer for one or two projects that take place in Haslemere. You know what it’s like. You put your hand up once and they come back again.

Haslemere Volunteer One: He really is inspiring to all of us really. He’s showed the way. And, I’ve been involved with Ken I think for I don’t know how many years on Haslemere initiatives and others and he is always upfront. He’s a bit of a devil for engaging people and it’s a job to say no to him.

Haslemere Volunteer Two: He was instrumental in arranging a new Post Office when the main post office was being closed and shows us really the way to go.

Haslemere Volunteer Three: Since Ken joined us a couple of years ago, we’ve done so much more work. He’s been an inspiration to all of us. His drive and motivation are quite incredible. And, without him, I don’t think we would have done anywhere near as much as we have done.

Awards’ Host: Well, what a brilliant category. The winner of the BBC Sussex and BBC Surrey Community Heroes Award in the category of Volunteer is Ken Griffiths.

Ken Griffiths: (accepting his award): For me to win this award, it’s humbling. It really is. I’m only one of many and there are many people around Haslemere who also volunteer and this award is not only just for me, it’s for them as well.

Audience claps. Clip ends. Main interview resumes.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: You might have guessed by now that I had an alternative motive for getting you on today … because … let’s have a listen to this particular message.

Recording of Haslemere Town Crier, Christian Ashdown: Bell rings. Oyez. Oyez. Oyez. Good people of Haslemere, please join me your Town Crier in wishing Community Ken Griffiths a happy 70th birthday. And wish him all the best tomorrow morning as he plants up the Wey Hill in Bloom hanging baskets. God Save the Queen.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Ken, Happy 70th birthday!

Ken Griffiths: Thank you. That’s very, very kind of you. I’m a little bit overwhelmed now.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Well, yes, I’ve had a few people working behind the scenes for this little surprise for you this morning, including Áine Hall who got in touch with me saying it’s his birthday and, due to lockdown, all his family plans have been postponed. Lots of surprises had been planned, but do you think Mark you could give Ken a shout out on his birthday and wish him a happy birthday from everyone in the community. And … I’ve also got somebody else on the line. Good morning, Councillor Nikki Barton.

Councillor Nikki Barton: Good morning. Happy birthday Ken.

Ken Griffiths: Thank you, Nikki. That’s very kind of you and thank you for what you did this morning. You might like to tell Mark about that. I don’t know.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: What were you up to earlier then?

Councillor Nikki Barton: Oh, well, just a little bit of garden decoration to celebrate the birthday so that, when Ken woke up, he looked out of his window to see, yes, suitable birthday decorations

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: How wonderful and Nikki, just tell us a little bit in your view of what makes Ken such a special man.

Councillor Nikki Barton: Gosh. I don’t know where to start really. I think it’s just Ken’s energy and vision and he’s just tireless and he’s just willing to give anything a go. Ken’s been a really close partner on the Community Rail Partnership at Haslemere and recently we’ve gone up the line to Surrey Hills and the South Downs and, you know, I can always count on Ken. He’s just tireless and fantastic and positive. And he’s a real community champion. We’re so lucky to have Ken in our town.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: And Nikki, you have some good news. Just … was it yesterday?

Councillor Nikki Barton: Yes, absolutely, the Surrey Hills to the South Downs Community Rail Partnership, which includes all the train stations from Haslemere up to Farncombe, has just been awarded accreditation by the Department for Transport as a Gold Star organisation. We’re all about promoting our towns and sustainable transport in the visitor economy and encouraging people to use the train to explore the countryside.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Oh, how wonderful. And, this has come in as well, Ken, from Councillor John Robini, Haslemere’s Town Mayor. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to congratulate Ken on his 70th birthday. I’ve known Ken for many years. He’s an inspiration to the town as he leads many voluntary groups, not only to raise money, but leading by example: the flowers at Wey Hill and the Little Lumpy cycle ride are just two of the things that he does. When he’s out and with others watering those boxes to bring colour to enhance the area. On behalf of the town. I would like to thank you for your many years of volunteering, Ken, and I hope many more to come. And finally, if you wish to find him, try his allotment where he spends many hours tending to his plants.

Ken Griffiths and Mark Carter laugh

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Isn’t that lovely? You’re so well thought of, Ken, and that’s a lovely little tribute I hope for you this morning of all the amazing work that you do

Ken Griffiths: That is a lovely tribute indeed. And I have one or tears in my eyes at this moment in time.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Well deserved. Are you having cake later?

Ken Griffiths: I don’t know what’s happening later. I’ve been told to be here, there and wherever. Things are happening, but I just do not know what they are.

Mark Carter, BBC Surrey: Well, happy birthday from me and, Nikki, thank you for joining us.

Councillor Nikki Barton: Happy Birthday, Ken. Enjoy your day.

Ken Griffiths: Thank you, Nikki. Thank you, Mark. It’s great to be talking to you again.

Thames Water update for Haslemere today

As you are aware, many houses in Haslemere are without water or are experiencing low water pressure.

I discussed this in an interview on BBC Surrey:

Below is a councillor update from Thames Water’s Local Government Liaison :

Dear Councillors,

I am writing to update you on ongoing water supply issues to properties in and around the Haslemere area.

Since we updated you yesterday evening, our engineers have been working hard to keep supply disruption to a minimum through the use of tanker infusions, with only some pockets of residents seeing a complete loss of supply earlier this morning.

To give you some sense of the scale of this operation, yesterday we infused our network with 215,000 litres of water and, though I cannot yet confirm today’s figure, we have more than doubled our tankering presence in the area.

This work together with reducing demand means that only a very limited number of residents are likely to be noticing any problems with their supply at this stage, though this is subject to some degree of caution as demand increases into this evening.

To offer an indication of those residents most likely to be affected, I have attached here a map of the impacted area which visualises each property we supply with a dot. The properties in red are on the highest ground, which lose water pressure first and are therefore most likely to be affected should interruptions continue. Conversely, the green properties sit on the lowest ground and will be affected last.

As our reservoir levels gradually replenishes itself, our engineers will continue to mitigate impact to residents as far as possible, while are customer team delivers bottled water to those most in need.  We are also continuing to operate our drive-through bottled water station Grayswood Village Hall, Grayswood Road, Haslemere GU27 2DJ, which will close at 21:00 this evening and reopen in the morning, should these interruptions resurface.

Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these issues and please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any queries or concerns. We will continue to update you and your colleagues as these issues progress, and should your residents need to report a new interruption to their supply or need direct support, please direct them to our 24-hour line on 0800 316 9800.

Kind regards,

Local Government Liaison

Thames Water shortage in Haslemere – update

Mayor John Robini has been leading the Town Council and Waverley BC response to lack of water supply in Haslemere in the past 48 hours. Cllr Robini is arranging a meeting with Thames Water, the chief executive of Waverley and others to try and look at the long term solution, as this has been going on for several years.

Today, I met contractors on site. Half of Haslemere continues to be without water while Thames Water ferries tankers (capacity 19,000 litres) from Godalming to top up the reservoir in order to restore supplies to our homes.  They are also topping up water supplies (yesterday in Tennysons Lane and today in Scotland Lane) by pumping water directly into the water supply.

Haslemere Town Councillor, Cllr Ellis wrote:

Haslemere Town Councillor, Cllr Weldon confirmed emergencies supplies are being delivered to priority households and collection points are being arranged:


This is not the first time Haslemere has run out water, and is a wake-up call that key infrastructure issues – like the supply of water – must be addressed (not just in Haslemere but also across the Thames Basin) where towns are mandated to take hundreds of new houses imposed by central government.  Clearly significant investment is going to be required. Central government must take the lead and utility companies must legally be required to fulfil their obligations. 

Climate change, with more frequent extreme weather events will exacerbate the fragility of our water supply- action must be taken as a matter of urgency.

Councillors have received the update below from Thames Water’s Local Government Liaison Officer:

Dear Councillors,

I am writing to update you on ongoing water supply issues to properties in and around the Haslemere area.

From earlier this morning, supplies in our reservoir that serves properties to the south west of Haslemere were outstripped by record demand, which had gradually depleted these supplies over the past few days.

During this time, our engineers were able to employ tankers to manage these levels, but demand has now exceeded this supply and so we have begun to see reports of no water from residents stretching into this afternoon. These reports are likely to continue through the remainder of the day as demand drops and our reservoir is able to replenish itself.

We wholly recognise the disruption this interruption will cause to residents, and our teams are working to set up bottled water stations in the area, the locations of which I will share with you as soon as I can. These stations will work on a drive-through basis to allow residents to collect water in line with current government guidance on social distancing.

We are also reviewing our Priority Services Register (PSR) to deliver bottled water directly to those who most need it, which residents can sign on to using this link: https://www.thames-psr.org/.

It may be helpful to explain that record dry weather is combining with current lockdown restrictions to cause unprecedented demand on our network, as residents stay home in exceptional numbers. To offer some sense of the scale, on Bank Holiday Monday alone we pumped an extra 63 Olympic swimming pools’ worth of water in the Thames Valley – around a third more than normal.

As such, we are asking residents to help reduce demand by using water sparingly, either by switching off hoses and sprinklers, avoiding washing cars or taking only short showers, and I would be very grateful for any support your teams can lend in driving these messages, especially at peak draw hours.

We will continue to update residents through the day, and we will provide a further update to you and your colleagues as these issues progress.

Kind regards,

Local Government Liaison

COVID 19 Testing at Haslemere Leisure Centre car park – 3 & 4 June

Dear councillors and town and parish clerks,

Please be aware that a mobile coronavirus testing facility is being established in the Haslemere Leisure Centre car park on Wednesday 3 June and Thursday 4 June.

Permission to use the car park has been given by the council, in support of the government’s COVID19 testing programme.

Testing via the programme is available to all those with COVID 19 symptoms, but must be pre-booked online via one of the following websites:

·        Residents should book on the national testing portal: www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-getting-tested.

·        Key workers should book on the Surrey Testing Hub: https://surrey.trustwide.live/swabbing/

Those who attend without an appointment will not be able to be tested and will be asked to book online and return on another occasion. Children can be tested however those under the age of five must have two parents or guardians with them.

Those without transport can walk into the testing centre, but the same rules apply on having a pre-booked appointment.

The above information will be available on the council’s website and also shared via our social media channels.

Kind regards,

Communications and Engagement Officer

Waverley Borough Council

Tel: 01483 523130


Haslemere dementia charity raises concerns of increase in symptoms during lockdown

PRESS RELEASE on behalf The Hunter Centre

A dementia charity – The Hunter Centre – based out of Haslemere has raised concerns that more elderly people might be experiencing dementia symptoms during lockdown.

The Hunter Centre has said that without the stimulation of seeing people face-to-face, more elderly people could be susceptible to suffering from the illness.

One of many activities at The Hunter Centre

Laura Palmer from the charity explained:

“Loneliness and a lack of social interaction, paired with a change of routine is always a worry for elderly people.

“The TV is of course no replacement for meeting friends and family where normal friendly banter uses memory and language.

“If you normally go to the garden centre every Wednesday for lunch and now you can’t, it breaks the normal.

“Our concern is also for the carer, whether it’s the husband, wife, son or daughter, where they experience in their loved one a sudden decline and can’t understand why there is a personality change.”

Laure also has shared information about the main symptoms to look for:

“You should be concerned if you see the following: difficulty in performing familiar tasks; problems with words as opposed to forgetting; disorientation with time or place – for example if you ate your lunch a couple of hours ago and ask when it’s lunch time.

“Constantly misplacing things and noticeable changes in mood and behaviour, so someone who is naturally easy to be with getting angry frequently.

“All of these can be helped, but not always cured.”

Laura had this final message for those with concerns:

“We’re here to support you during lockdown, so please call our helpline on 07482464322 or visit us online.”

You can find a link to The Hunter Centre website by clicking here.

Follow The Hunter Centre on Instagram.

Follow The Hunter Centre on Facebook.

Read The Hunter Centre’s FAQs here.

Kings Road Closure in Haslemere – Diversions will be in place


SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above-mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) and (7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of which is to temporarily prohibit all vehicles from entering or proceeding along that length of Kings Road (D5520) Haslemere, as extends from its junction with Sturt Road to the eastern property boundary of No. 123 Kings Road.

The Order is required to facilitate gas main replacement works on behalf of Southern Gas Networks. These works are anticipated to be carried out within 2 weeks, during the 12-month period of operation of this Order, which commences on 16 June 2020.

The closure will stay in force at all times whilst the work is in progress and will not be lifted. Advanced warning signs will be displayed, and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed (during which time, The Surrey County Council Kings Road (D5520) Haslemere Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2020 will be suspended to the extent that it relates to any length of Kings Road specified herein).

Access for pedestrians will be maintained at all times as will vehicular access for residents.

All other vehicles will use the alternative route, namely via Sturt Road, Midhurst Road and Shepherds Hill (eastbound), or Lower Street, High Street, Shepherds Hill, Midhurst Road and Sturt Road (westbound).

Date: 21 May 2020

R Bolton – Local Highway Services Group Manager

Enquiries to: Traffic Regulation Orders Team, Hazel House, Merrow Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7BQ, Tel: 0300 200 1003