I will be hosting a Facebook Q&A on my Facebook page tomorrow evening between 8pm and 9pm.

I will be hosting a Facebook Q&A on my Facebook page tomorrow evening between 8pm and 9pm.
Two weeks today, on the Thursday 2nd May, Haslemere residents will be voting in the local County Council elections.
I would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped with the Haslemere First campaign by delivering campaign leaflets to houses in Haslemere, by asking local shopkeepers to put posters in their shops and leaflets by the tills, by helping with marketing and social media and by spreading the word about an Independent candidate for Haslemere amongst your friends and neighbours.
INVITATION: COME AND MEET NIKKI BARTON – INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE Meet Nikki and hear why I am standing as an Independent candidate. I want to bring a new perspective and voice in representing our town. Share what you see are the issues and opportunities for Haslemere.
WHEN: Monday 29th April TIME: 9am -11am WHERE: High Lane Community Centre I look forward to meeting you |
In addition I will be holding an online meeting on Facebook on 30th April.
COME AND MEET NIKKI BARTON – INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE Meet Nikki and hear why I am standing as an Independent candidate. I want to bring a new perspective and voice in representing our town. Share what you see are the issues and opportunities for Haslemere.
WHEN: Tuesday 30th April TIME: 8.30pm – 9.30pm WHERE: online on Nikki’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/HaslemereFirst I look forward to meeting you online |
THANKS very much for helping the campaign.
Please continue to discuss the elections amongst your friends and colleagues.
For those who like social media, any engagement on Twitter (RTs and Replies) and on Facebook (likes, comments, shares) will help spread the Haslemere First word.
Thank you from Nikki.
Meet Nikki on the Nikki Barton – Haslemere First Facebook page
Meet Nikki Barton on Twitter. Click @VoteNikkiBarton