Message from Surrey Police:
Over thirteen days in late May and early June Surrey’s roads policing officers took part in the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Fatal Four National Speed Campaign.

Whilst speed enforcement is part of the daily job for officers, dedicated patrols were sent out in support of the campaign.
Between Monday 25 May and Saturday 6 June officers spoke to 496 drivers on Surrey’s roads. Of these, 377 were men and 369 were over 25 years-old.
During this period, 518 road offences were identified, some drivers had committed multiple offences, of these 449 involved cars, 21 involved motorcycles, 27 involved vans, and 21 involved lorries.
The majority of the 475 speeding offences related to 30 mph zones (344) followed by 70 mph zones (83).
Officers issued 208 traffic offence reports during this period, 22 people were reported for summons, and 248 people were given a verbal warning.
Drive SMART – The Surrey Safer Roads Partnership, supported the campaign, as they continue work to combat the high speeds taking place on the county’s roads. Drive SMART is also running a county-wide awareness campaign to raise awareness of speed enforcement with fewer motorists on the county’s roads due to government restrictions that are in place.
Matt Furniss, Chairman of the Drive SMART partnership board and Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, said:
“While there have been fewer cars on the roads during the lockdown, we have seen more people walking and cycling. There are multiple benefits to this for health and the environment, as well as reducing congestion, so we’re currently working to put in measures across the county to encourage residents to travel by foot or bike.
“Roads aren’t just for drivers, so it’s vital that we keep them safe for everyone who uses them. At the county council we’re pleased to be working with the police and other Drive SMART partners to bring speeds down on our roads and make them safer for all.”
Following the NPCC speed enforcement campaign Chief Inspector Michael Hodder who is in charge of roads policing in Surrey and Sussex said:
“Over the past month we’ve carried out work to engage with all road users to improve road safety for everyone. This has included Operation Close Pass and responding to issues identified to us by our communities across the county.
“The NPCC campaign focused specifically on vehicles travelling at excessive speed, not just on motorways and A roads, but also quieter more rural roads. The results of the campaign show that the vast majority of speeding offences we observed on Surrey’s roads were in 30mph zones.
“This re-enforces the view that emptier roads have led to temptation for irresponsible drivers who do not foresee the consequences of their actions. It only takes a split second for something catastrophic to happen. We must share the roads responsibly, it is imperative we continue to work together to reduce the pressure on the NHS and emergency services, so they can focus their efforts on saving lives and caring for our communities”.
Message Sent By
Jim Pusey (Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Surrey Police)