Tag Archives: Surrey County Council

Agenda: Next Environment & Transport Select Committee

The agenda for Environment & Transport Select Committee, Thursday, 23 April 2015, 10.30 am has been published.

To see the publicly available information, follow the link: Agenda details on public web site

The following items are included in the agenda:

No. Item

March 2015 Waverley Local Area Committee

The next Waverley Local Area Committee meeting will be held in Haslemere Hall on Friday, 20 March 2015 1.30 pm

The agenda for this meeting is now published online at: http://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=195&MId=3555&Ver=4

Please submit the text of formal questions andstatements by 12.00 on 16 March to:

Surrey News – NHS Health Checks and Support for Carers


Free NHS Health Checks available in Surrey 

Nationally, the NHS Health Check is expected to save 650 lives, prevent 1,600 heart attacks and strokes and stop 4,000 people developing diabetes. Residents aged 40-74 who have not had a stroke or been diagnosed with heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes could be eligible for a check at participating venues throughout Surrey. It will help them identify the warning signs of these conditions and their risk of developing them. This means early action can be taken to prevent them. The check is quick, easy and free. Residents are encouraged to visit www.healthysurrey.org.uk/healthchecks to find out if you’re eligible and where you can have an NHS Health Check.

Are you looking after someone but juggling too much?

Across Surrey there are people who spend much of their time juggling a career and running their home, whilst carrying out caring duties. Often referred to as a sandwich carer, they provide unpaid care mainly for an older or frail parent or relative, whilst helping care for other family members; grandchildren for instance. For the next fortnight we’re encouraging residents who look after someone else to visit the Surrey Information Point website, where they can find out what support and information is available. Surrey County Council will also be encouraging these unpaid carers to tell their GP about their caring role.

County Council Update from Nikki Barton for Haslemere

Please see my latest update of activities in the community since the New Year.


Haslemere Youth Campus

Attended Haslemere Town Council (HTC) meeting (15th January) where a large number of representatives from user groups of the Youth Campus in Wey Hill, including many brownies and scouts, staged a demonstration asking for HTC’s support to remain at the site and to be given a long lease so that they can invest in improvements. Local scout leader Paul Buckler then gave a short presentation outlining their plans. This is the open letter and annexe that were sent to Waverley Borough Councillors by the youth campus stakeholders.

Haslemere Train Station

Very positive meeting with SWT and SCC passenger transport (19th January) the long-term outcome of which will hopefully work towards a more integrated transport strategy.

Issues discussed included SWT/SCC plans for Haslemere train station forecourt reconfiguration to prioritise buses, pedestrian and cycle access- I raised my concerns that the planned changes must be integrated with associated highways improvements on Lower Street, that adequate public information must be given before the works are carried out as they will impact on the current parking in the station forecourt and that although a positive step to promote buses, the current SCC passenger transport review may in fact modify local bus services.

It was agreed that a station travel plan is needed in order to develop a more holistic transport strategy going forward. SCC is currently working in partnership with SWT to draw up a package of travel plans for a number of Surrey train stations – I have requested that Haslemere is prioritised.

The request that Haslemere Visitor Information Centre should have a greater presence at the station was positively received by SWT – I am currently following up on this. The general need for improved signage at the station, including real time bus information, was discussed and should be introduced as part of the forecourt reconfiguration.  A bid has been made for funding for a ‘Cycle hub’ for 100 bikes at the station – news on this later in March.

SWT: an additional 18 cycle parking spaces at the station are currently being installed.

Cycle improvements - Haslemere Station

Haslemere Conservation Area

Attended Haslemere Conservation Area Review meeting (on 29th January) at Haslemere Town Council. See here for more information about Haslemere’s town centre conservation area.

Haslemere Vision

Attended Haslemere Vision housing workshop (31st January). Once written up, the minutes will be here.

Undershaw/Stepping Stones School

Attended Undershaw planning meeting (4th February) and gave strong support for the planning application on education grounds (my letter to The Herald is here). Very pleased it was approved by Waverley Southern Planning Committee, the final decision is currently with the Secretary of State.

Local Highways Issues

Road safety continues to be an issue in several areas, meetings with residents and SCC highways:

  • Three Gates Lane/Church Road/A286 junction to discuss potential safety measures on A286 approach to Haslemere, including providing a permanent electricity supply to the VAS (currently solar powered), adding a small VAS speed sign opposite the Museum and moving the 30 limit signage
  • Grayswood to discuss improving safety for pupils in response to school expansion. Agreed to fund dropped kerb outside the school and gateway signage into village.  Local residents, the school, and the Village Traffic Liaison Group requested an extension of double solid centre white lines further north on the A286 to improve pedestrian safety. I supported this request, and asked SCC highways and the police to consider this.  The request has been rejected on technical grounds.
  • Critchmere Lane/Liphook Road junction to discuss pedestrian safety issues, unfortunately the lack of road width backed by the high railway bank precludes adding a pavement, SCC highways agreed to look at additional road markings
  • Woolmer Hill School to discuss pupil road safety with SCC schools road safety officer, agreed that best option is manned crossing patrol.
  • Shottermill Infant School to discuss pupil safety.
  • I have also requested that SCC highways respond to residents’ pedestrian safety concerns at the Sturt Road- Sun Brow/Kings Road junctions and along Scotland Lane.

Parking issues:

  • Lining outside St Bartholomew’s School have been reinstated following resurfacing. Other lining agreements from the Parking Review 2014 will be carried out soon. The lining team is running behind because of the volume of lining in Farnham. Have requested Haslemere is first on the list in the next parking review.
  • Lloyds Bank car park – access to the car park has been blocked causing knock-on effects to parking up College Hill and in Hill Road.  The landowner has now installed a railing, blocking pedestrian access down the side of the car park into the High Street. I have been in touch with the Surrey Legal Team regarding the possibility of formally designating this a right of way based on history of use. Have also arranged to meet Waverley’s Fire Safety Officer to assess access.

Other local works:

  • Met Vicarage Lane residents about potholes. The road has been included in Project Horizon (Surrey-wide highways improvement program) and is due for repair soon.
  • Lion Green footpath confirmed for repair
  • Vegetation work at Trout Road roundabout
  • Review of other locations raised by WBC and HTC at Manor Close, Oak Tree Lane/Sunvale
  • Residents of Sunbrow/Sickle Road continue to face highways issues linked to the the narrow width of the highway and the erosion of the bank below the WBC recreation area.
  • Installation of width restriction sign on Woolmer Hill.
  • Maintenance of street lights on Town Hall
  • Trying to help address issues of overflowing safety at Nutcombe Lane, Meadway

Waverley Local Area Committee funded Highways Improvement Schemes

  • Railings outside Clayton jewellery shop: a replacement model agreed with WBC conservation officer and HTC, date for installation tbc
  • Gateway/junction safety improvements at Courts Hill Road/Hill Road: design complete, installation date tbc
  • Pedestrian crossing safety improvements Shepherds Hill/Lower Street junction: design complete, installation date tbc
  • Gateway/traffic calming A287 and hopefully A286 approaches to Haslemere: in design stage

Other local matters

Attended a meeting with Haslemere Town Council and Surrey Waste Management to discuss the planned removal of the Saturday waste removal service. (Haslemere Dustcart Briefing Note)

Continuing to attend social service/education review meetings for a family with adopted children who are not currently getting the help they need.

To continue to put Haslemere First, always looking to improve the way local councillors work together. Made request to Haslemere Town Council suggesting ways of working more cooperatively and collaboratively by increasing councillor use of social media, joint councillor surgeries and posting recordings of meetings.

Community Pride Fund 2014-15

I have used these funds to provide a new grit bin for Scotlands Close, bike racks at Haslewey and to fund a week of a SCC vegetation gang.

Haslewey Bike Rack OpeningNew bike racks at Haslewey

County Councillor Members’ Allocation 2014-2015

Here is a summary of my members’ allocation awards: Logs4Labour

Logs for Labour scheme

  • Logs4Labour, £300
  • Haslemere Library, Children’s Arts & Craft Fund, £150
  • Woolmer Hill School, Orchestra Day & Young Musician Of The Year, £600
  • 1st Haslemere Scout Group, Camping & Outdoor Event Equipment, £1081
  • Haslemere Citizen’s Advive Bureau, New Boiler, £1,836
  • Crossways Counselling, Training for Counsellors, £1,800
  • Haslemere Vision, £3,000
  • St Johns Ambulance, First Aid Equipment, £962
  • Haslewey, Brighter Futures Project, £3,000

Haslewey Brighter FuturesSurrey Meetings

Environment and Transport Select Committee

Attended E & T Select Committee meeting (agenda here) (on 22nd January). Raised a question concerning the large number of highways projects where matched funding is required, concerned that this will negatively impact on Local Area Committee funding; however, Cabinet Member John Furey assured me it would not.

Met Cabinet Member for Transport and Surrey Communications Strategy team (22nd January) to discuss what lessons could be learned from the recent A286 example of poor communication.  Very useful, resulted in the planned development of a county wide protocol including the use of social media, local radio and the Member for Transport. Used social media (Facebook and Twitter) to share daily updates for the A286 roadworks and thanks to everyone who shared the information.

SCC Highways

Organised a meeting (26th January) with Living Streets, representatives from Haslemere Vision and SCC Highways Sustainability team. We discussed the options for a street audit to help create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets in the town.  I’ll write a separate update about this in the coming weeks.

Residents Association/Independent Group

Attended Independent Group meeting (3rd February) to discuss the council’s budget, which due to a further reduction in central Govt grant will result in cuts to local services. Despite this, SCC cabinet members have recently been awarded significant pay increases.  One of the Independents told the BBC here:

Councillor Eber Kington, from the Residents’ Association, said: “This council will not look at ways of saving money on the cost of running itself.”

Meetings of Waverley Youth Task Group (9th & 11th February) awarding contracts for Youth  Local Prevention Framework (1 to 1, and community outreach contracts). The priority of the framework is to build the resilience of young people and to remove identified barriers to their future employability as part of Surrey’s early help arrangements. For more information on youth services on offer in Waverley: www.new.surreycc.gov.uk- search: “young surrey”.

Waverley Local Area Committee

Last Minutes from LAC meeting here. Next meeting will be on 20th March in Haslemere Hall and you can view the agenda here once it is ready. Please note the Waverley Local Area Committee is on Twitter, @WaverleyLC.


Surrey PCC Kevin Hurley commissioned YouGov plc to carry out independent research of Surrey people over a series of months to understand public sentiment towards the referendum. The questions asked and the corresponding results are here.

Notice of Surrey Community Action Funders’ Fair on 17th March – Funding Fair Invitation

“Are you looking after someone but juggling too much? The council is launching a fortnight long campaign, on Monday 2nd March to signpost people whose lives are squeezed by caring duties to information and support. It will also encourage them to talk to their GP about their caring role. Across Surrey there are people who spend much of their time juggling a career and running their home, while carrying out caring duties. Often referred to as “sandwich carers”, they will be providing unpaid care, mainly for an older or frail parent or relative, while also helping care for other family members, such as grandchildren. Such a caring commitment can put people under considerable stress, affecting their health and wellbeing.” Also see Hidden Carers here.

The Care Act is the biggest change to English adult social care law in over 60 years. Surrey County Council has a page here intended to help you understand the Act and how the council is responding in Surrey. 

YHA Hindhead ceases to be a youth hostel on 31st March this year as the lease has expired and it is going back to the National Trust. YHA Tanners Hatch is also available for Exclusive Hire, group bookings and individual/family bookings. The Youth Hostel is in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty close to Dorking. For further details please see  http://www.yha.org.uk/hostel/tanners-hatch and http://exclusive-hire.yha.org.uk/properties/england/yha-tanners-hatch

Utility works in Wey Hill

For information, I advise of some impending utility works on Wey Hill, Haslemere. The works will be at the junction of St Christopher’s Road. The works are using two way temporary signals.

These works are being carried out by Thames Water and are to install new water services.

Due to the significance of this location, we have requested the works to take place in the school half term between  Monday 16th February 2015 to Friday 20th February 2015.

Happy Christmas

Here is an update of a few activities from recent weeks. I will write a more formal summary of my Surrey County Councillor update for the Haslemere Town Council full council meeting on January 15th 2015.

I attended the unveiling of the WW1 commemoration mural on Wey Hill organised by Ken Griffiths and displaying artwork from Woolmer Hill, Bohunt and Rodborough Schools.

Wey Hill Mural WW1 Centenary

I also attended the centenary party for St John Ambulance, Haslemere. We are so fortunate in Haslemere to have these amazing volunteers serving our community.

Placed a Surrey County Council wreath in honour of those who lost their lives in the wars during Haslemere’s Remembrance Service. SCC Wreath Wording

Nikki Barton laying wreath for SCC

Attended the town Christmas carol service at the fire station.

Embedded image permalinkPicture from the Haslemere Town Crier’s Twitter page

A few other items:

Sculptor Jon Edgar is involved in a proposal to build a community sculpture for Haslemere in Wey Hill. Please take a look at Jon’s website to read more about it and to have your say: https://haslemeresculpture.wordpress.com/about/

My Surrey County Councillor representation to Waverley Borough Council regarding the Undershaw planning application is here: Cllr Barton response to WA20141655 for Undershaw at Hindhead.

Letter from  Police Commissioner re lack of fudning for local police funding- Letter from Surrey PCC.

In my last blog post of 2014, may I wish you all a festive and peaceful Christmas. I will be with my family in Haslemere.

Woolmer Hill Tree outside Haslewey

Woolmer Hill’s Christmas tree outside Haslewey

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in 2014 and I look forward to working together for Haslemere in 2015.

This Week’s Committee Meetings

I have a lot of papers to read this week:

The agenda for the meeting of Surrey County Council on 9 December 2014 is available via this link http://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=121&MId=3682&Ver=4 …

The agenda for the Waverley Local Area Committee meeting on Friday, 12 December 2014 1.30 pm is here: http://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=195&MId=3554&Ver=4 … The meeting includes a petition from a Haslemere resident:

On 24 January 2014 a speed check was carried out by Surrey Police in Shepherds Hill, Haslemere, Surrey.  According to data collected over 70% of vehicles were speeding, with some speeds reaching 59mph.  We, the residents of Haslemere, petition Surrey County Council to look at introducing Siemen SafeZone in Haslemere to promote safer roads and reduce casualties in Haslemere.  SafeZone combines Siemens’ new Sicore Automatic License Plate Recognition camera.  The systems reduce serious accidents by 77% on average. There is a high level of driver compliance (99.4%).  The camera has a compact design to reduce street impact.  A single camera is used for two lane bi-directional traffic which reduces the project cost.  The branding and technology enable a community-based approach to enforcement.  Siemen SafeZone is a scheme whereby the goal is to construct an individual and ideally self-financing solution based upon locally retained funds arising from Driver Awareness course participation.

Temporary Road Closure – Sturt Road (A287) – begins 3rd Nov 2014





SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order (“this Order”) under Section 14(1) to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”), the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in that length of (A287) Sturt Road, Haslemere, between its junction with (B2131) Liphook Road and its junction with the access road used to enter The Herons Swimming and Fitness Centre, a distance of 175 metres.

This Order is required to enable Network Rail to replace damaged warning chevrons at the railway bridge. These works are anticipated to be carried out over three nights between the hours of 21.30hrs and 05.30hrs from the 3rd November 2014 within the two-week period of operation of this Order that commences on 3rd November 2014. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access will be maintained for pedestrians. No access to any property will be affected. Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles via the signed diversion route.

Vehicular traffic will be diverted via Sturt Road, Midhurst Road, Shepherds Hill, Lower Street, Wey Hill, Lion Green, Junction Place and Liphook Road.

Authorising Officer: R Bolton

Local Highway Services Group Manager

Any Enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to:

Traffic Regulation Orders Team

Surrey County Council – Highways

Hazel House

Merrow Lane


Surrey GU4 7BQ

Tel: 0300 200 1003


Councillor Update for Haslemere October 2014

Here’s an update of some of my activities from the past few weeks.


1. A286 Gasden Lane to Beech Road currently being resurfaced. Road closures and diversions are in operation between 9.30am and 4.30pm.  Drivers have access to A286 before 9.30am even when road appears closed due to signage. Residents’ letter here.

Businesses in Haslemere, Grayswood and Brook are all still open.  I have raised my concerns over the impact of closures on local businesses and issues with communication with SCC Highways.  Businesses can claim for losses via SCC website. The council would need to compare income records for the last three years to establish a case for a claim, which SCC will consider.

2. A286 Hindhead Road, ( from Polecat Lane junction to Lion Green Tesco lights) resurfaced under winter maintenance program, work to start mid Oct 2014: Major roadwork delays.

3. Critchmere Hill triangle to be resurfaced Oct/November 2014 under winter maintenance program.

4. Deepdene Embankment – major maintenance new retaining wall – Oct- Dec, 2014

5. Derby Road East, St Bartholomew’s School due for repair during Oct half term.

5. Passenger Transport Review:

SCC is carrying out review of local transport services in the county, with the aim of making significant savings in this area over the next three years. The views of residents and partners will from a key part the review, and we have therefore launched a consultation. I would welcome your support in letting as many residents know about the consultation and encouraging them to give us their views via the online survey. https://www.surreysays.co.uk/e-i-directorate-programme-group/local-transport-review

The aim of the review is to make savings while maintaining the services that residents rely on most, such as services that get people to work, hospitals and schools. To help achieve this, we have launched a public consultation, running from now until 14 January 2015. Plans will only be drawn up after residents, partners, bus-user groups and other stakeholders have had their say.

Alongside consulting with residents and other stakeholders, the review will also include development in the following areas:

·  Better procurement of local bus contracts

·  Better use of developer contributions to support services

·  Joint marketing with bus operators to increase the viability of Surrey’s bus market.

To take part in the consultation residents and stakeholders can complete the online survey, which will be widely promoted via our website and other digital channels. Here is the survey again: https://www.surreysays.co.uk/e-i-directorate-programme-group/local-transport-review

Surrey Says logo

6. Haslemere Vision consultation results are now available: Results here.

6. Haslemere Town Council, Oct 15 2014 formal agreement to support a 20mph pilot scheme. I will now take this to the next Haslemere and Western Villages Task Group (HWVTG) on Nov 3, 2014 to take forward.

7. Waverley Borough Council Local Plan. The consultation closed on Friday. I am concerned that the 4 options being presented as possible scenarios include Dunsfold, as, until the transport infrastructure issues with that option are resolved, it is not actually a viable option.  The Youth Campus in Wey Hill is identified as a key site for housing but the huts are a key community asset, l am concerned that an equal or better provision for all the groups that use the site  is found before houses are built.


Waverley Local Area Committee Funded Highways Improvement Schemes 2013/14 and 2014/15

Fosters Bridge flooding: improvements feasibility study 12 months late, to be delivered Oct 2014, actions to be discussed at Haslemere and Western Villages TG Nov 3 2014.

Shepherds Hill/Courts Hill Road crossing pedestrian safety improvement: feasibility study delivered to November 3 2014 HWVTG.

Crtichmere Hill/Hindhead Road junction safety improvements: feasibility study delivered to HWVTG Nov 3 2014.

High Street Railings, outside Clayton’s- currently in dilapidated state.  Highways agreed to replace by Christmas, 2014.

Cycle/pedestrian network for Haslemere: feasibility study delayed, will not be delivered to Nov 3 2014 HWVTG.  Met with local members of Waverley Cycle Forum and local cyclists to discuss priorities for Haslemere cycle/walking network to input to feasibility study.

“Gateways” on approaches in Haslemere: location design and to be discussed at Nov 3 2014 TG, and then discussed with partners, HTC and WBC.


Haslemere High Street, requested police speed radar check to be installed.

Grayswood Infant School, met with Traffic Liaison Group – highly effective local stakeholder group working to reduce the impact of increased traffic/parking resulting from school expansion to full primary. Initiatives include walking bus, kiss and drop and staggered school start. Met with SCC Highways to request road safety improvements including additional anti-skid on A286/Lower Street junction during current resurfacing, and new drop curbs opposite school.

Shottermill Infant School, discussions with leadership team on how improve Lion Lane crossing safety. Zebra crossing option to be taken to Nov HWVTG.

Weydown Road community speed watch: joined members of the team. Initiative to reduce traffic speeds.

Weydown Road Speedwatch

Gullies: discussed at Environment and Transport Select Committee, Sept 10, 2014.  New Conway contract to survey 180,000 gullies in Surrey measuring silt levels and ranking each as high, medium and low flooding risk.  High risk will be jetted on 6 month cycle, medium risk on 12 month cycle and low risk on 28 month cycle.  At the committee I raised my concerns that residents reporting blocked gullies via SCC website often received an unsatisfactory response, with poor, if any, follow up.

Haslemere Train Station, Local Sustainable Transport Funded Two Parks Project in partnership with SWT and SCC passenger transport plans to reconfigure the train station forecourt to make it safer for bus, pedestrian and cycle access.  Met with SCC project leader to discuss the planned changes to raise my concerns that the scheme must be more integrated into a wider traffic management scheme for Lower Street, and that public engagement is vital if the scheme is to be a success.

Lengthsman scheme funding, liaising with HTC to use this local fund to resolve local gully and vegetation issues, particularly urgent problems that can take time for SCC to address.

A3 Tunnel/Critchmere Road – Traffic impact report still waiting to be supplied by highways.


In my September update, I wrote about the Skatepark Summer Event which was supported with grant from my Members Allocation. I have also supported application for SCC Community Grants, delighted park has been awarded £30,000 grant for park reburbishment.

Haslemere Food Bank, in my September update I forgot to mention the Haslemere Food Bank and my attendance at the first annual meeting in July 2014. Significant increase in demand over the first year of operation. First 6 months of operation July-Dec 2013, 129 people receiving food parcels (60 adults/47 children receiving repeat packs). Jan- June 2014, (240 people received food packs, 81 adults and 85 children receiving repeat packs.)

Divisional Visit by SCC Director of Environment and Transport, a pleasure to welcome the Director to Haslemere and raise a number of local issues which he has agreed to follow up.

Haslemere Sports Awards Evening, Oct 14, 2014 Georgian House Hotel, delighted to present an award, so impressed by our young talented sportsmen and women, and the dedication of volunteer coaches and parents.

Haslemere Library summer reading challenge, prize giving.  I presented Jacob Brewer and Xabi Hawkins with the prize of a free DVD voucher which they won in the prize draw after completing the Mythical Maze Summer Reading Challenge treasure hunt.Haslemere Library runs a weekly children’s book club, and half term circus skills workshop (see website).

Reading Prize Haslemere Library

Attended very enjoyable relaunch – “A New Chapter” – of Haslemere Bookshop. Their re-launch raised £200 for The Alzheimers Society

Embedded image permalink

Undershaw, Hindhead Planning Application for change of use to accommodate an extension of the existing Stepping Stones, an innovative and highly successful school for children with learning and physical difficulties. I have given this application my full support (more here).

SCC/LAC Meetings Attended

Local Area Committee Private Meeting: Waverley Borough Council Local Plan: housing consultation

Surrey CC Full Councilsee here for information.

Local Area Committee – see here for Committee papers.