Notifying residents of roadworks happening in Haslemere this month.

From: Surrey Streetworks Team
Sent: 10 March 2021 12:51
To: Nikki Barton <>
Subject: Emergency utility works on Wey Hill, Haslemere
Dear Councillor,
For your information can I advise you of emergency works being carried out on Wey Hill, Haslemere (Outside property number 22).
SGN need to repair a gas escape. The traffic management that is placed is Two-Way Signals and the estimated end date is the 12/03/2021.
We have requested manual control between 06:30-09:30 & 16:00-18:30 to minimise disruption as much as possible.
I hope you find this information useful.
Kind Regards,
Network Coordinator – Waverley
Streetworks Team
Network and Asset Management Group Surrey Highways
Please find attached the leaflet for the traffic light refurbishment works on Lion Green/Wey Hill/Tesco access, Haslemere. The leaflets will be delivered to local residents and businesses over the next few working days.
Lion Green/Wey Hill/Tesco access, Haslemere
Temporary traffic lights
8 February
For 4 weeks
Please see the attached leaflet for the extents of our work.
Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions
The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.
Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.
We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit Roadworks and maintenance during the coronavirus outbreak – Surrey County Council (
Sometimes our plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.
You and your residents can also find up to date details and receive updates of the works on
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email
Kind regards,
Works Communication Officer
Works Communication Team
Surrey Highways
Please find attached the leaflet for the traffic light improvement works at the Lion Green/Wey Hill Tesco access junction in Haslemere. The leaflets will be delivered to local residents and businesses over the next few working days.
Lion Green/Wey Hill/Tesco access, Haslemere
Temporary traffic lights
23 November
For 3 weeks
Please see the attached leaflet for the extents of our work.
Roadworks during the coronavirus restrictions
The government and Department for Transport have asked the Highway Sector Council to make every effort to deliver essential highways projects on all local authority highway networks, whilst abiding by the COVID-19 safe working practices. We are therefore carrying out these works in line with central government and COVID-19 safe working practises and in accordance with the CLC Site Operating Procedures, endorsed by Public Health England.
Our sub-contractor will have appropriate procedures in place to ensure their staff can comply with government advice. We would ask that you please respect these workers as they deliver these highways services.
We will continue to keep Surrey moving and all key routes will remain open and safe for key workers. For more information visit
Sometimes our plans have to change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.
You and your residents can also find up to date details and receive updates of the works on
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 200 1003 or email
Kind regards,
Drew Buerger
Works Communication Officer
Works Communication Team
Surrey Highways
UPDATE 19th November 2020.
Traffic light works – Tesco/Lion Lane – I have a meeting with the project engineer on Monday Nov 23rd – start of works. I requested the works be delayed until after Christmas but have been told the traffic light posts are becoming structurally unsound and also that if the lights fail, the system is now obsolete meaning a repair will not be possible causing greater disruption so the works are urgently needed. SCC team have agreed to expedite works as rapidly as possible, and will provide manual lights for a minimum of 3 days after end of lockdown so they can keep traffic flowing and reduce tail backs.
Update 10th November 2020.
After concerns were raised by the local community regarding the impact these works may have on already struggling local businesses, the decision was made to postpone these works until early next year. The new date is yet to be confirmed and is subject to road space availability.
Subject: Emergency utility works on Wey Hill, Haslemere
Dear Councillor,
For your information can I advise you of emergency works being carried out on Wey Hill, Haslemere (Outside Majestic Wine Warehouse).
Thames Water need to repair a valve in the carriageway. The traffic management that is placed is Multi-Way Signals and the estimated end date is the 08/07/2020.
We have requested manual control between 06:30-09:30 & 16:00-18:30 to minimise disruption as much as possible.
I hope you find this information useful.
Kind Regards,J
Network Coordinator – Waverley
Streetworks Team
Network and Asset Management Group
Surrey Highways
I’ve had several emails about problems with phasing of traffic lights by Tesco’s. The current problems with the timings of the TESCO traffic lights are due to 2 faults:
UPDATE on 6th April 2017 regarding repair:
Repairs have been carried out on the faulty TESCO lights- The MOVA unit was installed last week and Surrey County Council (SCC) attended yesterday (5th April) and uploaded the dataset, enabling MOVA. The faulty detector was repaired on Friday (31at March).
It does seem to be running pretty well so far, but I’d be grateful for any resident feedback following the repairs for me to pass on to SCC highways.
SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL IN EXERCISE OF ITS POWERS UNDER SECTION 14 (2) OF The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other enabling powers hereby gives notice that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in that length of Wey Hill (B2131), Haslemere that extends from its junction with Farnham Lane (D134) and its western junction with St Christopher’s Road (D5521) and/or any part and/or parts therein.
This Notice is required to enable highway maintenance, improvement and/or resurfacing works to be carried out on behalf of Surrey County Council. The Notice will come into effect on 11th July 2016 for a period of 5 days however these works are anticipated to be carried out between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00 within 2 nights of this period. The prohibition will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed and to the extent indicated by those traffic signs.
The prohibition referred to above will not apply in respect of anything done:
a) with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform;
b) in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Police.
Access for emergency vehicles, residences and businesses will be maintained at all times.
All eastbound vehicular traffic except buses and HGVs over 12’ height will be diverted via Wey Hill, Lion Green, Junction Place, Liphook Road, Sturt Road, Bell Road, Midhurst Road, Shepherd’s Hill, Lower Street and Wey Hill.
All westbound vehicular traffic except buses and HGVs over 12’ height will be diverted via Wey Hill, Lower Street (eastbound), Lower Street (westbound), (to follow gyratory due to the prohibited right turn at Shepherd’s Hill) Shepherd’s Hill, Midhurst Road, Bell Road, Sturt Road, Liphook Road, Junction Place, Lion Green and Wey Hill.
Buses and HGVs over 12’ height will be escorted through works by banksmen.
On Monday, work will begin for a pedestrian crossing in Wey Hill, located by Shahanaz. The work will take place between 9.30am and 4pm. This may cause delays to your journey.
Wey Hill Safety Improvements Notice
A belated Happy New Year to readers of my blog. Here is an update of some of my county councillor activities from the past couple of months.
Attended the following Surrey County Council meetings
Other work related to Haslemere
Station Travel Plan (STP). Secured funding for a STP. This is in partnership with Haslemere Vision. The first stage of background research has been completed. Happening now and for the next few days, there will be a travel survey and Haslemere Vision is looking for volunteers. Please click here to see how you could help Haslemere Vision for one or two hours.
Haslemere train station forecourt and additional deck car park. I met with representatives from South West Trains/Network Rail/Surrey County Council to finalise plans before key stakeholder consultation.
Highways schemes. Gateway schemes underway and some of you may have seen SCC notices in town. Work is going to start in the next two weeks. Shepherds Hill railings and Midhurst Road scheme still to be snagged/finished- lighting/electricity supply problems.
Road markings to improve pedestrian safety outside Grayswood School have been installed. Funded this highways scheme outside Grayswood Primary school to improve the safety of children, parents and staff walking to school.
The 30mph speed limit, Grayswood Road, town end. The 30mph limit on the approach to Haslemere High Street has been extended towards Grayswood. New signage has been installed.
Fosters Bridge: Arranged replacement of missing railing under the bridge.
Wey Hill crossing: Plans finalised for pedestrian crossing opposite Shahanaz. Installation date TBC.
Youth service: SCC paid provision has been re-allocated to Farnham following SCC Youth Services Needs Assessment agreed in Sept 2015. I raised my concerns for Haslemere. Success in lobbying for additional youth work resources at the Wey Centre – external funding has been secured to provide a paid member of staff to work one day per week to support young people. The CCard Scheme, 1-2-1 and ‘Early Help’ support for young people will continue to be provided in Haslemere through the SCC Community Youth Work Service.
Haslemere Station Community Partnership, town promotion: Attended start up meeting – using members’ allocation to fund start up with involvement from National Trust, South Downs National Park Authority, Haslemere Visitor Info Centre, Haslemere Museum, SWT, HTC, SCC, Haslemere Events. Vacant shop at station to be used as pop up to promote community events and visitor information.
Sandrock lighting. Pedestrian lighting should be installed in the next few weeks.
College Hill right of way: SCC has now submitted a map modification order for the right of way access for the pathway leading from the Petworth Road to College Hill. The process will be delayed as the developer who installed the railings and blocked the access has lodged an appeal. This is now going to be a lengthy process. More here and Haslemere Herald article here.
Press release from the SCC Independents’ Group of Councillors regarding the Central Government’s decision to cut the Rate Support Grant. Read our statement in full here. The Residents’ Association and Independent Group is the largest opposition group within Surrey County Council. It currently has nine members, representing divisions from across Surrey. The group leader is Cllr Nick Harrison and it has members represented on all the committees of the council.
IMPORTANT. Bus Consultation affecting Haslemere. Consultation closes March 16th. Here is a link: and a summary of routes affected.
Spend of my annual Members’ Allocation
“We are so grateful for the grant money provided by Surrey County Council via councillor Nikki Barton. We have already bought two match balls as per our funding application, which have been used in a recent match (see photo below). We’re looking into the best deals for the rest of the equipment and kit we require, and hope to have completed purchases and orders by the end of January.”
to learn how the Hockey Club has spent the funds for youth coaching.
PLEASE NOTE there is still time to apply for funding for your local organization. Here are my contact details.
Other Items
Lion Green Post Office campaign. Please note the Facebook campaign page to try to keep the Post Office following M&S’ acquisition of the Co-operative site in Lion Lane.
Stepping Stones. High Court Appeal won. More here in the Haslemere Herald.
Haslemere Hub. The HaslemereHub meets at the Georgian Hotel & Spa every Tuesday (from 2nd February) from 9am for coffee with workshops for all local independent businesses. The purpose is to collaborate, share and grow! Your first visit is FREE!. Here is their Facebook page.
Are you a business owner in Hindhead or Beacon Hill? Meet the Mayor – Hindhead and Beacon Hill businesses
Waverley Ensemble. March 5 was due to be the first Waverley Ensemble Concert of 2016, but the concert has been moved to Saturday April 16 at St Christopher’s Church Haslemere at 7.30pm. Program: Arias sung by Amanda O’Brien and Telemann Flute, Violin and Cello Concerto with Susan Milan and Andrew Taylor. For more information please go to:
South Downs National Park Authority volunteering map. South Downs NPA website has a volunteering opportunities map – which enables organisations with volunteer opportunities to promote these opportunities to a wider audience. Link here to their website and map.
Here is an update of a few activities from recent weeks. I will write a more formal summary of my Surrey County Councillor update for the Haslemere Town Council full council meeting on January 15th 2015.
I attended the unveiling of the WW1 commemoration mural on Wey Hill organised by Ken Griffiths and displaying artwork from Woolmer Hill, Bohunt and Rodborough Schools.
I also attended the centenary party for St John Ambulance, Haslemere. We are so fortunate in Haslemere to have these amazing volunteers serving our community.
Placed a Surrey County Council wreath in honour of those who lost their lives in the wars during Haslemere’s Remembrance Service.
Attended the town Christmas carol service at the fire station.
Picture from the Haslemere Town Crier’s Twitter page
A few other items:
Sculptor Jon Edgar is involved in a proposal to build a community sculpture for Haslemere in Wey Hill. Please take a look at Jon’s website to read more about it and to have your say:
My Surrey County Councillor representation to Waverley Borough Council regarding the Undershaw planning application is here: Cllr Barton response to WA20141655 for Undershaw at Hindhead.
Letter from Police Commissioner re lack of fudning for local police funding- Letter from Surrey PCC.
In my last blog post of 2014, may I wish you all a festive and peaceful Christmas. I will be with my family in Haslemere.
Woolmer Hill’s Christmas tree outside Haslewey
Thank you to everyone who has supported me in 2014 and I look forward to working together for Haslemere in 2015.