Temporary Closure of Public Bridleway 48 (Haslemere)

From: Countryside Access Assistant
Sent: 25 November 2019 11:24:51
To: Nikki Barton <Nikki.Barton@surreycc.gov.uk>
Subject: Temporary Closure of Public Bridleway 48 (Haslemere)

Dear Interested parties,

The Surrey County Council Public Bridleway 48 (Haslemere)

Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2019

Please see attachments relating to the temporary closure of a public bridleway located to the east of Prestwick Lane, Grayswood – Public Brideway 48 (Haslemere).

The closure is necessary on the grounds of public safety, due to a damaged bridleway bridge. An emergency closure has been in place since 4 October 2019.

The closure Order will be in place from 3 December 2019 until 12 May 2020, or until the completion of any remedial works, if earlier. The Secretary of State for Transport may extend the closure if necessary.

The replacement timber has been ordered by the County Council, and repair works will take place once the timber has been received and a contractor appointed.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Tom Jenkins
Countryside Access Assistant
01737 737675

Surrey County Council
Whitebeam Lodge
Merrow Depot
Merrow Lane
Surrey GU4 7BQ

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